
The expansive armory

The old man knew that the boy was different. In fact he knew he was destined to be a mighty warrior who would save the earth. How the man came by this knowledge is unknown but in preparation for the child's growth into adulthood he started developing his armory. So as to provide weapons and armor for the child. The armory was exceedingly large. There were spears running vertically along the walls each one sharp some more ornate and strong each handcrafted and delicately made. Crosswise were swords two swords handing 90 degrees off from each spear forming an star-like shape. Unstrung bows hung from the ceiling some of hard wood others had metal coils for durability and for increased range. Under the spears lay 3 quivers each one filled with 24 arrows 48 arrows 24 arrows. All of these arrows were of different hardness and of different sizes some were barbed some were meant for armor penetration some for distruction of the target. Some even had explosives or heads that would release little bits of shrapnel on contact. Shields and matching sets of hard armor all of them strong and perfectly formed with different colors and varying sizes and styles. Each armor set was in between two spears for every armor set. Other assorted weapons were hanging on the northern and southern walls such as war hammers, axes, and other various weapons. The old man's forge had its own tool rack including over 50 hammars and hundreds of minor tools and items. The amount of material bars were incredibly different in consistency some were almost bronze while some were steel or even almost the hardness of titanium. There was a strange rock in the corner the only thing out of order was that rock and a peculiar hilt which had no blade attached.