
The Summoning.... Part 2

After the traumatic loss of her beloved grandparents in an awful plane crash, Valentina's whole life began to really go downhill. the chief cause of the problems was her uncle whom her grandparents had distanced themselves from years ago.

When Valentina's deceased mother had gotten pregnant out of wedlock in college, her parents supported her while her older brother treated her like a shameful disgrace. he beleived that his sister had wasted her time in college and was nothing more than a disgrace for getting pregnant so he purposefully antagonized her during pregnancy due his chauvinistic ideals. Valentina's uncle harrassed his sister so much due his jealousy from his parents supporting her that she developed complications during the last two months of her pregnancy. He also had constantly argued with his parents about how Valentina should have been put up for adoption instead of being raised by her loving parents.

Valentina's grandparents were so appalled by their son's callous and cruel attitude towards his niece, that they had all but disowned him but they still tried to keep in touch for the sake of their other grandchildren, his two sons and his wife who was sympathetic to Valentina's situation as a family counselor. Her older cousin shared his father's dislike of Valentina and he often was rude to her whenever he saw her but her younger cousin was friendly with her and they occasionally played online games together.

After the funeral for her grandparents, a distraught Valentina met her grandparents lawyer who informed her that until she turned eighteen, her inheritance which was most of her grandparent's assets including their house, would be under control of her closest relative which was unfortunately her uncle. Valentina's uncle was already angry about the fact that her grandparents had purposely left him out of their will but when he was informed that he was to be Valentina's guardian until she turned eighteen, he was absolutely furious until he realized something. As long as Valentina was under his authority, he would be in charge of her inheritance so the first action that he took as her guardian was to force her to switch from her high class partial scholarship-fund school which was well known for producing several outstanding graduates to a boarding school with overly strict rules. Her uncle then turned her scholarship over to his own sons without any shame whatsoever.

The worst thing that her uncle did was sell his deceased parent's house which was supposed to given to Valentina when she turned eighteen so that she could have someplace to live while she attended college and he pocketed the money through a legal loophole. He then used the same loophole transfer money that Valentina could use for her school tuition to his his and his son's account. His wife soon discovered his actions and she quickly informed both a lawyer and her poor niece.

The moment Valentina had found about about her uncle basically robbing her inheritance, she accused him of committing fraud and that she was going to go to the authorities, the selfish monster grabbed the poor girl by the arm and then he slapped her hard and the he threw her out of the house and told that if she kept challenging his authority, she shouldn't even bother to come home.

Valentina started crying her eyes out as she ran off in a random direction and soon she got lost which was a perfect opportunity for three mysterious figures.