
A Brand New World.... Part 2

As Valentina gotten a decent look at the creature that had scurried past her and later had shot a silky web-like substance at her, she grew very concerned because the creature did not look like anything that the girl had seen on Earth.

At first glance, the creature appeared to resemble a silvery white puff ball that had recent been playing in the dirt and was about the size of a grapefruit, but a closer inspection revealed that the creature had eight dark blue eyes, a pair of silvery mandibles, eight little legs, and a furry tail with stinger on it. It also was also rather dizzy from being shaken by Valentina's flailing about, soon detached itself from the webby thread and landed on one of the startled young girl's legs with a small pitiful chirp.

Valentina heard the the small creature make a few more chirps and then she slowly and carefully reached her hand to give the furry insect a tiny poke. The creature tensed up a little bit at Valentina's touch but the fuzzball soon began to inspect her hand for a minute or two, and then it began to nuzzle her hand afterwards.

"Aww. You're a friendly little fuzzball, I'm sorry for freaking out before, you just startled me a bit."

Valentina then picked up the fuzzy insect-like creature and she began to pet it while it chirped happily with its tail moving back and forth. Valentina then stood up and then she carried the fuzzy arachnid over to the berry bush where Valentina picked a few berries and then she offered them to the fuzzball who began to chirp with joy and it began to eat the berries.

Valentina smiled at the small fuzzy insect and then it began to slowly scurry up the girl's arm until it was sitting up on her shoulder emitting happy little chirps and nuzzling her cheek.

"You are certainly one weird bug but you're the first friendly face I've seen here....Where is here, anyway"

Wherever she was, Valentina was absolutely sure that the wasn't in the city park or even in her own country but at least she away from the problems caused by her awful uncle.

While Valentina furrowed her eyebrows in a slight frown while thinking about how to get out of the strange but beautiful forest she was in, more bugs began to sound and the sky began to turn from a pale and clear blue to a yellowing orange, the girl and the bug began to notice that the sun was setting and that it would not be ideal to be lost in the woods at night. Valentina picked another handful of berries and she wrapped them in a handkerchief and carefully placed them in her brightly colored but still rather damp magenta colored hoodie and the new friends began to search around the clearing to look for any sign of a trail that could lead out of the forest.

Eventually, Valentina and her new little buggy friend found what they though was a trail and began their decent into the forest and unknowingly towards a new destiny.