
Chapter 6: Donghai City

Aither and Wu Changkong stared at each other for a few minutes, and finally, Wu Changkong relented. He put on a forced smile, trying to coax Aither like one would with a child. "You've had enough fun, it's time to go home..."

Aither's big eyes spun around. If he agreed to go home so readily, wouldn't it be a bit out of character for a little troublemaker like himself?

"I'm not going back. I want to stay with Na'er." Aither held Na'er's hand and gave Wu Changkong a playful sway.

Wu Changkong then noticed the equally delicate and absurdly cute girl standing next to Aither. Despite Na'er being covered in dirt, her cuteness still shone through her dirty little face.

"Who is this child?" Na'er's face turned red, too shy to speak, only peeking out from behind Aither, showing only a small head while observing Wu Changkong.

Aither snorted. "This is Na'er, the foster daughter I found!"

Wu Changkong instantly suppressed the words he was about to say. What the heck? Found a foster daughter?

Wu Changkong felt like scolding Aither, but he didn't know how to put it. His previously cold and aloof demeanor now appeared bewildered and aggrieved.

"Na'er's parents are also gone, I want to stay with her!" Aither didn't back down. After all the effort he put in to snatch this foster daughter, how could he just give her away to someone else? Impossible!!!

Hearing this, Wu Changkong softened a bit at the news of another orphan. His heart, which had been like a stone, softened instantly. "Well... forget it, just take her with you, okay?"

Aither nodded his little head, feeling satisfied.

"Hmph!" Wu Changkong coldly snorted, and his aloof demeanor returned. He turned and walked away, paying no attention to whether Aither and Na'er followed him or not.

Although Wu Changkong didn't look back, he still kept them locked in his spiritual sense.

Aither was well aware of Wu Changkong's somewhat tsundere nature. He trotted over, holding Na'er's hand, and naturally grabbed Wu Changkong's large palm!

This action wasn't an attempt to please Wu Changkong but rather because of that blue light curtain!

[Congratulations to the host for unlocking: Template Unlock Rate: 1%]

As Aither's hand grasped Wu Changkong's large palm, Wu Changkong's steps paused for a moment, then he naturally held Aither's small hand.

With Na'er in tow, Aither boarded a soul-guided train bound for Donghai City, the second-largest city on the Donghai coast in the Sun-Moon Federation, with a permanent population of three million.

Just as they stepped off the train, the ordinary check-in system decided to join in the fun.

Aither vaguely remembered that Donghai City seemed to be the place where Tang Wulin and Xie Xie first met...

Even a small place like this offers a check-in opportunity!

So, why not check in? You never know, it might unlock a template rate of one percent!

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining: Skill · Musical Proficiency!]

[Musical Proficiency: Includes enhanced vocal cords, enhanced musical sense, enhanced rhythm sense, composition, lyrics writing, and various other aspects of musical mastery!]

Wow, now I can debut right here!

Although it was just a useless item obtained from the check-in, it helped Aither understand the routine of the ordinary check-in system. It seemed that people and objects closely related to the protagonist would bring good things. For now, the good thing was the template unlock rate. Places like the soul-guided train station mostly offered lifestyle-related skills...

"Where are we going?" Aither tugged at Wu Changkong's hand and asked.

Wu Changkong didn't even turn his head. "We're going home! But, to prevent you from sneaking away again, from now on, I'll be living with you!"

"Okay." Aither didn't show any dissatisfaction. He muttered to himself, "It's not bad to have someone to cook for me..."

Although Aither's muttering couldn't escape Wu Changkong's ears, he pretended not to hear, fearing he would be irritated to death by this brat. But... the child he lured back seemed quite docile...

Seeing Wu Changkong ignoring him, Aither turned around and started teasing Na'er instead.

The home arranged for Aither by the system was located in the high-tech development zone near the train station, to put it simply, it was near the Tang Sect! After all, Aither's nominal parents were small executives of the Tang Sect.

With the memories implanted by the system, Aither led Na'er into the house with ease. Once inside, Wu Changkong sat cross-legged on the sofa and began to cultivate.

Aither raised his eyebrows, turned to Na'er, and said in a voice loud enough for Wu Changkong to hear, "Some people just don't know how to be considerate. They come to someone else's house and don't even cook for the kids. Do they expect the kids to cook for them? That's just..."

Before Aither could finish, Wu Changkong coldly snorted and stood up, walking out of the room.

"Hey, where are you going?" Aither asked.

Wu Changkong coldly replied, "To buy ingredients!"

Although there were still ingredients at home, Wu Changkong felt... if he stayed in the house any longer, he might be driven crazy by this brat!

Aither chuckled and rubbed Na'er's little head. "Na'er, don't worry, that big brother will be back soon..."

Na'er hesitantly said, "I-I'm not hungry..."

Just as she finished speaking, a rumbling sound echoed...

A smirk formed on Aither's lips. "Hmm, Na'er might not be hungry, but I am... Is it okay?"

"Um..." Na'er lowered her head, feeling embarrassed to look Aither in the eye...

"Before he comes back, Na'er needs to take a bath!"

After bathing, since there were no girls' clothes at home, Aither found a set of his own clothes for Na'er to wear. After putting on the new clothes, Na'er looked like a shining little elf, cute like a little princess.

Aither couldn't help but cover his heart. Wow! My inner fangirl is screaming!

I can't resist it anymore! Aither leaned in and gave Na'er a kiss on the cheek.

"Wow... Na'er is so cute..."