
Chapter 16: The Most Famous Bard

The second person to introduce himself was Tang Wulin. Aither was quite interested in Tang Wulin's strength, wondering if... his little butterfly would cause a butterfly effect...

"Tang Wulin, martial soul Blue Silver Grass, level twelve. My goal is..." Tang Wulin paused for a moment, "I don't have a goal yet."

Damn! Level twelve!

Aither chuckled.

Hearing this familiar laughter, Wu Zhangkong felt a chill down his spine.

Tang Wulin turned to look at Aither, who responded with a friendly smile. Tang Wulin didn't sense any mockery in Aither's smile, so he returned it with a smile of his own.

As self-introductions continued, since Aither chose a seat towards the back, it wasn't until the last few people that it was his turn.

"Is it my turn?" Aither stood up. "Hello, everyone! My name is Aither. I won't tell you my martial soul or soul power level, but I can tell you that I'm an auxiliary-type soul master who likes cute and lovely girls and dislikes unreasonable people..."

Keeping his martial soul and soul power level secret?

Aither's unconventional self-introduction instantly captured everyone's attention. After all, Aither was one of the brightest stars in the class, but he didn't seem to care about that.

Wu Zhangkong glanced at Aither. Can your martial soul also be called an auxiliary-type soul master? While the first two soul skills indeed had an auxiliary aspect, strictly speaking, those two soul skills could be considered self-enhancement types. You little rascal, quite cunning!

"Starting from tomorrow, classes officially begin. My teaching method will be somewhat different from other teachers'. If you're afraid of hardship, fatigue, or pain, consider transferring or changing classes as soon as possible. Those who stay, be prepared mentally. Class dismissed."

As soon as class ended, Aither instantly transformed into a gentle breeze, brushing over the faces of all the students in the classroom. Unfortunately, only three students in the class had names, besides Tang Wulin's dormitory, leaving just three people. But... getting three sign-ins for free still satisfied Aither.

[Congratulations, Host! You have gained proficiency in Purple demon Eyes.]

[Congratulations, Host! You have gained proficiency in ranged weapons.]

[Congratulations, Host! You have gained proficiency in Two-handed Sword.]

"Damn it." The voice came from the wind. "The most famous bard of the Douluo Continent will perform on the playground today. I hope everyone will come and show support..."

Wu Zhangkong furrowed his brow. He didn't want to deal with Aither's antics and promptly left the classroom.

The students in the classroom exchanged glances. "Did you guys hear that just now?"

"The bard! I heard about the bard!"

"What's a bard?"

"Not sure, but claiming to be the most famous bard of the Douluo Continent? That's quite a bold claim. Why not go and see?"

"Yeah, let's go. It's just the beginning of the school year, and we don't have any classes. It'll be a learning experience."

Excited chatter filled the classroom as everyone headed towards the playground.

Tang Wulin felt conflicted. He also wanted to see the most famous bard of the Douluo Continent, but... he glanced at Xie Xie and swallowed the idea.

Because he had made a deal with Xie Xie to fight for Federal Coins...

"What are you looking at?" Xie Xie scoffed, giving Tang Wulin a disdainful look. "Let's forget about fighting for now. We can settle it later. Let's go see the bard first!"

Though Xie Xie was curious about the bard, his curiosity wasn't as intense...

The main reason was that he saw Aither disappear from his seat in an instant. Initially, he thought Aither, being an auxiliary-type soul master, didn't need to be concerned about, but... now he understood. This auxiliary-type soul master was quite extraordinary!

Regardless of whether it was for observing competitors in advance or planning his team in advance, he couldn't miss this opportunity!

"Great!" Tang Wulin smiled. "Uh, about the money... I won't be able to pay it back..."

"Look at you!" Xie Xie sneered. "I, your buddy, don't need that little money!"

When Tang Wulin and Xie Xie arrived at the playground, their classmates had already surrounded Aither, and the number of spectators continued to increase. Tang Wulin and Xie Xie squeezed their way to the inner circle with their strong physical abilities.

Just then, a gentle breeze carried a beautiful melody throughout the entire playground.

"Welcome, dear audience, to witness the birth of the most famous bard and the most popular song god of the Douluo Continent!"

"First, let's warm up with a song!"

The melody began, and in the current Douluo Continent, the entertainment industry was just beginning to emerge. Although there had been musical performances before, they were official and high-class performances. While equally pleasant to listen to, they lacked... something.

Music was never meant to be worshipped...

The music Aither brought from Earth, when played in the Douluo Continent, was already a transcendence!

"The name of this song is 'Winds Rise'!" Aither raised his hands, and a green wind began to swirl around the entire playground, creating a joyful atmosphere and narrating a story...

"Winds Rise" was the first song Aither chose for his debut after much consideration!

"Winds Rise"... his journey as the Wind God had officially begun in the Douluo Continent, and the butterfly had begun to flap its wings. Aither smiled slightly, believing that from now on... the whole world would change because of him!

"On this journey, we walk and stop, following the traces of youth."

"At the moment of leaving the station, there's a hint of hesitation..."

"Inevitably, we laugh at our own reluctance to leave the familiar..."

"But the sky in the long night remains warm, and the wind stirs up the past..."

As the song played, everyone on the playground was lost in memories, and the spiritual force carried by the wind painted a vivid picture, providing an immersive experience. Everyone shared their stories through the wind...

"In the beginning, I was reluctant to leave this world, cherishing everything..."

"Watching the sky, it seemed so close!"

"I was willing to experience it all again, unafraid of ridicule..."

"I turned youth into her, and even plucked out a summer with my fingertips..."

"Let your heart guide you, and go with the flow..."

Tang Wulin thought of his parents, and Xie Xie thought of his mother. Perhaps children only thought of their parents and loved ones, but teachers remembered the ups and downs of life...

In a corner of the playground, Wu Zhangkong appeared somewhat melancholic as he whispered softly, "Long Bing..."

"I once couldn't help but marvel at the vastness of the world and got lost in dreams..."

"I didn't care about what was real or fake, didn't struggle, and wasn't afraid of being laughed at..."

"I once turned youth into her and played out a summer at my fingertips..."

"Follow your heart and go with the flow..."

Wu Zhangkong watched Aither performing in the center, wiped the slightly moist corners of his eyes, and muttered, "This brat really didn't waste any time..."

In the center of the field, Aither smiled faintly.

The wind brought not only stories and music but also faith...

Who knows, as the Wind God, maybe I'll become the God of Music, heh heh...

After singing, let's tell a story, starting with Nezha the Demon Orb, using my spiritual power to create a few scenes should be no problem...