
An Arrogant Genius

"Knock it off!" Darius Blackthorne bellowed, his voice resonating across the rooftop. His tall, imposing figure cast a shadow over Corvin and his gang, who immediately stopped their assault on Kael. "You idiots are disturbing my sleep," he added, a clear annoyance in his tone.

Darius's raven-black hair fell to his shoulders, framing his piercing blue eyes that seemed to see straight through anyone he looked at. Born into the prestigious Blackthorne family, he was the eldest son and heir to their magical legacy. The Blackthornes were known for their exceptional skill in elemental magic and held positions of power within the Kingdom of Elyria's magical community. Darius was no exception, as he had demonstrated a natural aptitude for wielding magic from a young age. His family's high expectations had only driven him to push himself harder in his studies and training, earning him a reputation as a genius within the Luminis Academy.

As he closed the distance between them, the air seemed to grow colder, the atmosphere heavy with the weight of his presence. Darius glared at Corvin and his gang, his voice icy as he said, "You should know better than to disturb my rest."

Corvin hesitated, trying to muster his bravado. "Yeah, well, maybe you should mind your own business," he retorted, though his voice wavered slightly.

Darius scoffed, his eyes narrowing. "My business becomes your business when you make so much noise that I can't even sleep," he replied sharply. "Now, I suggest you leave before I really lose my patience."

Corvin and his gang glared at Darius but knew better than to challenge him. However, in a fit of anger, Corvin couldn't help himself. "You think you're so much better than us, don't you?" he spat, his anger boiling over.

Darius raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. "I don't need to think it, Corvin. It's quite obvious."

Infuriated by Darius's arrogance, Corvin threw a punch at him, hoping to catch him off guard. But Darius was quicker than he anticipated. With a swift and graceful movement, he sidestepped the attack and grabbed Corvin's arm.

"You really shouldn't have done that," Darius said coldly, as he used Corvin's momentum to slam him to the ground. The impact sent a jolt of pain through Corvin's body, leaving him gasping for breath.

Corvin's gang members watched in shock, realizing they were no match for Darius's power and skill. The rooftop was silent for a moment, save for the sound of Corvin's labored breathing. Darius looked down at him with a mixture of pity and contempt, then turned to the rest of the gang.

"Learn from his mistake," he warned. "Now, get out of my sight before I decide to teach you all a lesson you won't forget."

"Tsk, fine, we'll leave him alone, for now," Corvin sneered, trying to save face as he got up from the ground, pain visible in his expression.

Drystan released Kael, who slumped to the ground, battered and bruised. Rafe, the last member of Corvin's gang, backed away, keeping his gaze lowered to avoid Darius's intimidating stare.

Darius approached Kael, looking down at him with an air of superiority, his cloak billowing behind him as a chilling breeze swept across the rooftop. "Are you alright?" Darius asked, his voice dripping with condescension.

Kael nodded weakly, his breaths ragged as he fought to suppress the pain coursing through his body. Despite his resentment towards Darius's attitude, Kael knew that he should be grateful for his intervention. "Thanks for stepping in," Kael managed to say, gritting his teeth.

Darius scoffed, "You're lucky I was here. You really need to learn how to stand up for yourself." His disdainful smirk only served to wound Kael's pride further.

With a final glare at Kael, Corvin snapped at his gang, "Let's get out of here." Drystan and Rafe followed him, casting fearful glances at Darius as they left the rooftop.

Darius, having fulfilled his role in the intervention, turned to leave as well. Kael, still hurting, called out to him. "Darius, why did you help me?"

Pausing for a moment, Darius glanced back, his expression unreadable. "Let's just say I don't like to see anyone being bullied, even if it's someone as weak as you." Without waiting for a response, Darius walked away, the door slamming shut behind him.

Left alone on the cold rooftop, Kael shivered, his body aching from the ordeal. However, this experience only served to fuel his determination to grow stronger and prove himself to both his tormentors and his savior.

Kael lay on the cold rooftop floor for a while, allowing his body to recover as much as possible. His mind raced with thoughts about the humiliating incident, his tormentors, and the arrogant Darius Blackthorne. The wind whistled around him, and the dark clouds above seemed to mirror his turbulent emotions.

Gathering his strength, Kael slowly got to his feet, each movement sending a fresh wave of pain through his battered body. He knew he had to take action, to find a way to prove himself and protect those he cared about. He couldn't bear the thought of being helpless in the face of his enemies, and even less so, the thought of relying on someone as cold and detached as Darius.

Too ashamed to go to the infirmary, Kael decided to limp back to his room at the Luminis Academy, his determination growing stronger with each painful step. As he reached his room, he closed the door behind him, leaning against it for a moment, catching his breath. Kael knew he had a long road ahead of him.

"I must become stronger, in both body and mind," Kael muttered to himself, clenching his fists in determination.

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