
Arc. 1 Chapter 3- Similar Trauma

The red head sat at in a chair opposite side of the timber, facing the feminine man who sat across from her. Inside the home fire lit the room and kept the room warm, the scent of pine and lavender filled the room remanding Neona familiar but long lost feeling of home.... She learned this man and technically Henry Void's mother was name Phiolle. Neona looked over the man taking in his features...he worse a undershirt with brown pants with out wearing shoes, he was short from what she discovered early around her height, very slim with high cheek bones with plump Rosy lips, and long pale blonde hair and clear blue eyes" I'm sorry...that mistook you for woman...when Gordon at the tavern told me your Henry's mother I just thought-

" It's alright" he interrupted her " It's not the first time I've been mistaken as woman" He told her softly, this didn't really surprise Neona considering how very stunning the man was and not having much physical masculinity" Though I can't say I'm not really a woman ethier"  Phiolle piped in a again as he looked at a cup tea he was cradling on the table.

Neona raised a brow at this, Gordon did say that Henry's mother was different, the blonde man sighed deeply as he traced the ring of the cup with his finger...the red head could se how pale his skin was and the dark rings under his eyes...with the disappearance of his husband and now his son was obviously taking a toll on him.

" Have you heard of hermaphordites ..." he asked her softly.

Of course she had heard about them...all the years she lived and the places she traveled they weren't  heard of but it wasn't like anyone publicly admit it" You one aren't you..." Neona said simply, the red head figured that part out once she saw the mother was man.

He nodded slowly at this" My curse which brought me nothing but suffering..." He said depressingly. It being a curse was not really true... well in a way it could be kind of considered a curse.. one really knows for sure since most of the history of  ancient magic was lost during the magic and non- maji wars...the only ones who would probably knew the truth where the Divine being as old as they are...

Being a hermaphordite affected both man and women changing them into the opposite gender of their actual one....just like how woman bleed for 7 days out every month the same applied for them but I stead of blood they changed into the opposite gender for a week....it wasn't disease but hereditary...and didn't know who would have until the child hit puberty...

" My parents died when I was very young so I taken in by my aunt and uncle after that...for the first 12 years of my life was pleasant but after I turned 13..." He gripped his cup tightly " many didn't accept my...change...not even my aunt who's blood I shared...I was treated so horribly... beaten...ridiculed...even sexually assaulted...but I could honestly handle all that...it wasn't until I was sold by very own family when I was 16 into slavery and bought by that blasted Noble Zeidan..." His voice got Shakey now.

" H-He and his followers used and raped me for there own sick pleasure...sometimes making me do it with other beasts and non humans they had also inslaved as they watched..." He explained very quietly as his hands shaking got even more out control" what's worse even though I didn't want to happen I ended up feeling pleasure and begged for more like a whore" he said finally not able to stand it anymore and threw his cup across the room causing it to shatter at the wall.

Though Neona was disgusted how he was treated she didn't show it...she also wasn't surprised to say the least because she had seen it first hand on how hermaphordites where treated...she had been a slave herself...twice matter fact...the first time was unwilling no question about and the source of most her trauma but the second time...that's a story for another day...she had seen them be raped and experimented on sometimes even forced to get pregnant by different species just out sick curiosity or just because they wanted to do it with a pregnant  person....she herself was forced to have sex with one though he who is originally a she through out the time  wasn't a slave but infact one Divine's many wives.

" I understand...." Neona spoke finally causing the blonde to turn and look at her, Neona took a deep breath " I was a slave... myself once..." The red head looked down emotionlessly" betrayed by someone I dearly loved...my brother... though I can say there's nothing left of my brother inside anymore" she told him calmly.

Phiolle sat back down and began to listen to her" I will spare you the details because my story is similar to yours but the only difference is that my...master..." The red head had trouble saying with out getting sick " was someone who like to... experiment...on many races and many things...all to further a goal that I still have no idea nor do I care about...and that he was a Divine" Neona said now looking back at the man, she could see his whole body tensed up.

" Before leaving me into the woods to die he gave me a nice parting gift" she said pointing to scar on her face.

He didn't know how to proceed this as he looked away from her " I'm truely sorry..." He said quietly.

" I've been wondering..how did you escape?how come the noble never tried to take you back?" Neona asked what had been bugging at her.

He moved his hair out the way at this" I got out because if my Husband... Kapral...he was also a slave to Zeidan...his most favorite one... almost to obsession it seemed..." He chuckled sadly" Two slaves meet and fall in love even they know it's pointless... though it's hard to control a werewolf even if you chain them in silver" he said.

Neona was actually surprised by this...yes there wasn't many who tried to imprison werewolves only those with very powerful magic tried because while they could contain them with silver and dampen there strength yes...there was only matter of time where they found way to escape the bonds....that is if they found another weakness...one close to the heart.

" Zeidan used you to keep him under control" she pointed out bluntly, he nodded" It wasn't long before he figured out our relationship...he may be narcissistic but he's not idiot...and he used it to keep his precious pet under control..."

" We gained our freedom after Kapral learned a secert he would do anything keep the town from knowing...from knowing he was doing business with a Divine..." He said emotionlessly.

Neona blood ran cold at this, though not in fear but in anger and even more determination to find this noble" Did you ever meet this Divine? Did you know why slave Divine would associate with some random magi? She asked him.

Phiolle shurgged slightly as he shook his head" I don't really remember much...I mostly tried to block out the time I spent with Zeidan as his slave...or know why he was doing business with him let alone how they met each other...I saw him a couple times but never interacted with him..I can only remember he was very thin but fit...taller then me... He had long pink red like  and wore leather all over his body and spectacles.

Neona got lost in her own thoughts at this" It couldn't be..." She said in Disbelief.

"I did remember his personality somewhat...so egotistical... thought he was smarter then everyone else" the blonde scoffed.

It was finally confirmed to Neona after the blonde man said this...she gritted her teeth " that bastard what is planning?..." She asked herself as her gaze slowly.

Phiolle looked a bit confused at her her reaction as he followed her gaze up the stairs.

" I need see you son's room?" Neona said as she got up from the table began to head over to walk up the creaky stairs.

The man was taken back" oh I'm alright?" He said confused as he followed her up there.

And here's another chapter I hope you guys liked it ? sorry it's so short lol

Pinkroseutena1creators' thoughts