
Legend of the Arc Magus. From Vol. 12

An Arch Magus dies, only to find himself in the body of a young man in a medieval Kingdom. He finds out that he is the second son of a Duke, exiled to a desolated town by his own family. Shackled by the notorious reputation of his new shell, he tries his best to develop his domain, implementing new policies and innovations, leading his subjects to prosperity. In this world where magic is undeveloped, he shall once again pave a new path. (Novel by Michael Sisa, please support the author by purchasing authentic copy of the book. Posted for personal reading only) Author Book Links: https://www.goodreads .com/series/275865-legend-of-the-arch-magus If you want to catch up on the latest chapters of volume 12, head to author's patreon page: www.patreon .com/crazyblackchili

Zexos · Fantasy
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44 Chs


"It's my second time seeing it but," muttered Ludwig, "it still looks freaking amazing."


Until the light from the flare died out, the group stood there, admiring the sight before them.




"I can't believe it…."


Some of the soldiers from the Republic even started crying, moved by the grandiosity of the ancient city.


They couldn't believe that a city as massive as this had been sleeping right underneath their Republic for centuries, maybe even a millennium.


"So, this is Ist' Tamat…." said General Marduk.


Lady Alice noticed that Lark looked emotional upon arriving at this floor. Out of worry, she sent a mental transmission to him.


'Are you alright?'


It took several seconds before Lark replied, 'I'm fine. I just recalled some memories.'




Lark hadn't told her yet about his identity as Evander Alaester.


He couldn't tell her that the theater next to the broken clock tower ignited some of the memories he had in this place. He'd been to that theater before, the last time he'd visited this city.


Ist' Tamat wasn't known for its military might during the Era of Magic.


Instead, it was a kingdom known for its rich cultural heritage. Although they were relatively younger than other countries, they'd managed to preserve their history through protected writings, plays, songs, and annual grand festivals.


The theaters in Ist' Tamat were particularly known for their performances.


Lark could even say they had one of the best theater troupes in the world back then.


Lark didn't answer Lady Alice's inquiry. He asked a question instead, 'From here onwards, everyone should refrain from using magic, correct?'


'Yes, King Lark,' said Lady Alice.


Lady Alice informed Lark beforehand about the existence of the Elementals sealed in this place.


There was a reason why some scholars considered Elementals as the fingers of the gods, the so-called origin of magic and spirits in this world.


Elementals were born in the same way as the Dragon Veins.


They were creatures with extremely high affinity with mana, enabling them to use their respective elements to their fullest.


This characteristic of the Elementals was the reason why Evander Alaester hunted them down during his younger years, extracting their cores, and eventually creating the Sword of Morpheus.


The Elementals were so strong that even the High Demons in the Demon Realm avoided them back in the Era of Magic.


Even the Ancient Fire Dragons lost a significant number of their members when they fought the Elemental living in the Dwarven Mountain Range.


That time, the fight between the Dragons and the Elemental lasted half a month, and it destroyed a large portion of the Dwarven Mountain Range, killing millions of dwarves. The rift created by that battle became one of the Forbidden Regions, known as the Bottomless Gorge today.


Although they were currently slumbering, their sensitivity to mana made it risky to use any spells above second tier in this place.


The witches couldn't even seal the entrance leading to the arachnia's nest out of fear of waking up the Elementals.


"General Marduk," said Lark.


"Your Majesty?"


"From here on out, no one shall be allowed to use any spells above second tier in rank."


Basic luminous orbs of light would be fine, but flight magic and offensive spells would no longer be allowed.


"Is there a reason for this?" said the General.


Three of the Inspectors specialized in magic. The General believed they would be safer if they weren't restricted in using it.


"You must have heard already by now that there are Elementals slumbering in this place," said Lark.


As Senator Sima's most trusted military official, General Marduk was privy to this information.




"Then, that makes it easier to explain things," said Lark. "Elementals are extremely sensitive to mana. We might end up awaking them if we use powerful spells in the city."


One of the Inspectors, who didn't like the idea of having his magic restricted, said, "It's just an Elemental. They're similar to spirits, no? With this army, we can kill them easily. And besides, it'll take us forever to scour this place if we can't use mana. How are we supposed to take the artifacts out of this city with just our physical bodies?"


Hearing this, Vulcan laughed mockingly, "Hahahaha! You sure sound confident, human!"


The Inspector flinched when Vulcan suddenly walked toward him.


The Inspector was quite tall for a human, but Vulcan, in his polymorphed form, towered over him.


"You look scrawny, hm?" said Vulcan. "I feel like I can snap your neck with just my fingers."


Vulcan let out his bloodlust.


"My fingers are itching. Why don't I kill one or two of you as a demonstration?"


The mood around them immediately turned hostile.




Several soldiers started pulling out their weapons, and the other Inspectors started getting ready for battle upon hearing Vulcan's threatening words.


General Marduk immediately moved between the two to defuse the situation. "Lord Dragon, please don't do this."


"Don't do what? Damn insect, don't tell me what to do," said Vulcan. He turned to the Inspector again, "Listen, foolish human. You know nothing about the truths of this world. You've probably never fought someone way stronger than you before. Young and naïve. You're similar to a hatchling I know."


Agnus averted his gaze. He felt that his father was pertaining to him.


Vulcan continued, "Just I alone am capable of slaughtering all of you even without reverting to my Dragon form."


Another threat came out of Vulcan's mouth, and the soldiers nervously gulped.

Vulcan's bloodlust intensified.


"Kill an Elemental?" Vulcan snorted. "Hah! This damn, clueless maggot! I don't even know if I should laugh or get angry. You can't even fight a polymorphed Dragon, and you dare say you'll kill an Elemental?"


"T-That's not what I mean, Lord Dragon!"


"Stop twisting your words, human. Do I look stupid to you?"


"I-I apologize!"


Realizing he would lose no matter which direction the argument went to, the Inspector apologized instead.


Vulcan looked at all of the soldiers from the Republic. Now that the light from the flare had disappeared, his glowing reptilian eyes looked more threatening in the dark. 


"I'll personally kill anyone who goes against what King Lark said. Use any spell above second tier, and I'll snap your neck. Understood?"


The soldiers nodded in terror.


Vulcan finally reined in his bloodlust.


"Be grateful I'm doing this," muttered Vulcan. "Lucky mortals. If that stupid snake were here, it wouldn't end with just a few threats. Tch. Why did I think of that stupid Scylla now of all times."


The leader of the Ancient Fire Dragons had lived for centuries.


More than three hundred years ago, a few decades before Agnus was born, he fought the Elemental living in the Dwarven Mountain Range, together with his two older brothers.


It was a pyrrhic victory.


Although they'd managed to kill the Elemental, his two older brothers were killed in battle, resulting in a massive decline in their tribe's strength.


His two older brothers were far stronger than him. If they were still alive, one of them would have been the tribe leader, and not Vulcan.


Vulcan no longer wished to fight an Elemental again.


He would rather fight that stupidly arrogant Scylla than face another Elemental. Moreover, based on what he'd heard, there was not just one but three of those creatures slumbering in this place.


"Tch. Even the dwarves aren't this stupid," said Vulcan.


After Vulcan's threat, it was agreed by everyone that no one was allowed to use any spells above second tier.


General Marduk even declared that he would personally punish his men who would be caught going against this rule.


"Thank you for being considerate, General," said Lark.


General Marduk awkwardly coughed, "Not at all, Your Majesty."


"It's too dark," said Lark. "Allow me to illuminate everyone's surroundings."


Lark snapped his fingers, and orbs of light manifested themselves right above the heads of everyone present.


The spell was only first-tier, but the amount of light it was emitting was at least three times greater than the orbs cast by the mage from Zenith.


"Huh, it's following me?"


Moreover, the orb of light followed its designated owner, as though it had a life of its own.


Just adding this feature made the spell more complex, thus consuming more mana. But surprisingly, the amount of mana the orbs consumed hardly differed from a normal orb of light.


"Let's go," said Lark.


After that, with the ranger from Zenith at the lead, they went down the cliff using simple movement spells, crossed the massive river, and entered through the opened steel gates of the city.


Murmurs escaped the lips of the soldiers.




"It's really huge."


"I can't believe we haven't discovered something this large until now."


The city looked even more grand up close.


Although it had been hundreds of years since this city had been buried underneath the Republic, a lot of buildings remained in good condition. The patterns on the building walls were faded, a lot were even covered by vines, but they were discernible.


"This must be a marketplace," said one of the soldiers.


They arrived at the same buildings near the outskirts which Zenith had visited before. Dust-filled ornamental vases, silverwares, and various antique items were seen here and there, displayed inside shops and stalls. 


As they went deeper into the city, they started encountering larger buildings.


"That one is a clocktower. And this one… is it an academy?"


Lark looked at the building the soldier was gazing at. He felt nostalgic seeing the building.


It was not an academy but a theater.


Lark started reminiscing about the conversation he had with a friend back then.


"Thunderous Clap Theater? Are you a kid? A theater with a name that stupid will eventually go out of business."


It was the voice of the young Evander Alaester, back when he was still a member of the Black Mages.


To the young Evander Alaester's comment, the struggling owner of the theater replied:


"Hahaha! What are you talking about? It's a name befitting a great theater! Thunderous clap comes from the ecstatic audiences, get it? Thunder, clap, like this one. Yeah, sounds cool, right?"


"You quit the Black Mages for this? Zagan, you moron."


"Haah, my dear friend –"


"—I'm not your friend."


"—Then, are we lovers? Hahaha! Listen. There's more to this life than magic. Those crazy bastards who calls themselves Black Mages – that includes you, of course – are the foolish ones for pursuing the pinnacle of that field. There's no such thing, Evander. Magic is not an end goal but simply a means to reach a destination."


"You're just running away from your responsibilities."


"Running away? No, no, my friend."


"I said I'm not your friend."


"I'm not running away. I simply realized there is more to life than pursuing strength. I've found my life's passion! And it's not in magic, but in acting, Evander! I hope you find yours too, one day. I don't know why you're seeking the path to immortality, but our lives are beautiful only because they have an end. Living for centuries, millenniums? Damn, I'd probably kill myself out of boredom! Where's the fun in that? I probably won't even get married out of fear of seeing my wife age faster than me. Just imagining it gives me the shivers. And your kid aging and dying before you? That shit is straight from a nightmare."


"Zagan, stop pushing your views and ideals to me. I'm not here to hear your nagging."


"Alright, alright. You came here to visit, so why don't you watch my performance before leaving?"


"Visit you? I'm here on official duty."


"Of course, of course. Come now, my friend. I'll show you the culmination of all my efforts in the theater. One day, this theater will become renowned throughout the entire Kingdom! No, the entire continent! Look forward to it! Hahaha!"


"Haaah… Before that, change the stupid name first, Zagan."


Lark continued staring at the theater for quite some time.


It felt as though he could still hear his friend laughing in the background.


The building's exterior had changed a lot, but he was sure it was the same theater his friend had founded back then.


Judging by how the building remained standing till this day, it seemed that his friend was successful in his career as a theater owner and actor.


Did he live a happy and contented life?


Lark wished so.


"Your Majesty?" said General Marduk. "Is something the matter? Do you want to take a look inside that building?"


Lark was feeling mixed emotions right now.


Happiness, regret, pride.


He wished he had watched his friend's play until the end back then. He wished he hadn't left before his friend came on stage just because he received a message from the leader of the Black Mages.


Lark replied to General Marduk. "It's nothing. The building just… reminded me of several things."


"…Is that so?"


Their group continued walking for several more hours. When the gold-plated temple finally came into view, General Marduk ordered their group to stop.


Those with sharp senses felt the presence of several people nearby.


"Stop, it's them," said General Marduk. "They finally decided to reveal themselves."


Shortly after that, seven hooded figures appeared and blocked their path.


"Are they the city dwellers you've met before when you first came here?" asked General Marduk.


Ludwig reluctantly nodded, "Yes."


One of the hooded figures spoke, "How bold. Didn't we warn you before?"


Another hooded figure added, "This is why I don't trust explorers. We spared your lives, and here you are, coming back with an army. Damn liars."




Ludwig didn't know what to say to the hooded figures.


The explorers truly planned on upholding their promise to these people, but the schemes of the government forced them to return to this place.


Of course, he knew that saying these things would be meaningless now. It wouldn't change the fact that they brought an army with them here.


"I'm sorry…."


"We don't want to hear your apology!"


The hooded figures let out their bloodlust. Although it was several times weaker than the one exuded by Vulcan, it was still enough to make the soldier's hair bristle.


The ancient city's dwellers were dangerous without a doubt.


"City dwellers, I am General Marduk from the Republic of Everfrost! Please at least allow us to have a conversation first!"


"Stop yapping your mouth!"


"I don't want to hear any more of your lies!"


"I regret not killing those explorers before!"


"We won't make the same mistake again! We'll make sure you wouldn't be able to return to the surface!"


Several loud clicking sounds were heard, the ground lightly trembled, and numerous apparatuses sprung from the ground.


Ballistaes, hwachas, and severing discs surrounded the army. Each of the projectiles had been imbued with mana, enabling them to easily pierce through plate armor.


It seemed that the city dwellers were also afraid of awakening the Elementals. They resorted to using these traps and weapons instead of using powerful spells to annihilate the army before them.


"Get ready for battle! Be careful not to get hit! Those arrows might also be poisoned like the traps on the first floor!"


"Yes, General!"


General Marduk gripped the shaft of his Morningstar tightly.


"I'd rather talk than fight, city dwellers."


"Didn't you hear us? The moment you came back to this place despite our previous warning, you've — eh? W-What?"


The hooded figure stopped midway through her words when she noticed Lady Alice standing near the back of the group. Looking behind Lady Alice, she saw the other witches from Aravark.


Lady Alice wordlessly told them not to do anything stupid. She wordlessly told them that there would be repercussions if they made a mess here once they returned to Atarus City.


Lady Alice was known for harshly disciplining her subordinates.


Just the mere thought of being subjected to another one of her lectures made the hooded figures shiver.


Lady Alice and the witches stepped forward.


"Fleur, that's enough. We already knew this day would come sooner or later when that ruin was discovered."


"…Lady Alice."


The soldiers from the Republic were confused when Lady Alice suddenly stepped forward. Judging by the conversation, it seemed the witches and the city dwellers were acquainted with each other, too.


"Lady Alice," said General Marduk. "This… Are those people…."


"Yes," said Lady Alice. "They're witches from Aravark. Everyone, remove your hoods."


The hooded figures looked at each other. At the same, they pulled down their hoods, revealing their faces.


Although not utterly identical, the witches resembled each other.




The soldiers from the Republic were mesmerized by the sight before them.


Who would have known that the ancient city dwellers were the witches?


"Lady Alice," said General Marduk. "This is the territory of the Republic. Why are the witches here? What's the meaning of this?"


Lady Alice wryly smiled.


"Territory of the Republic? The witches have been protecting this place for hundreds of years. The witches have been maintaining this place long before I was even born."


"Even still—"


"—Do not worry. Although we've been guarding this place for generations, we have no intention of claiming ownership over it. Our only goal is to protect it. The seal our ancestors placed to prevent the Elementals from awakening must not be broken at all cost."


Lady Alice looked in the direction of the temple.


"The assembly to discuss the Coalition Army's offer will be held soon. I believe it's necessary for everyone here to see the creatures sealed in this city."


General Marduk was the most sensible military official they could ask for in the Republic.


And although they did not have the authority to command large armies, the Inspectors were highly respected individuals in the Republic.


Hopefully, what they would see would be enough for them to change their mind regarding the situation.


"Your Majesty, General," said Lady Alice. "I believe it's necessary for everyone to see the Elementals. Only then would you understand the danger those creatures entails."


With Lady Alice at the lead, their group continued walking.


"Hm? We're not going to the temple?"


To their surprise, they went west to the temple.


"The temple is a shrine meant to honor someone. It is not the place where the Elementals are slumbering."


Well, it made sense. If the Elementals were sleeping beneath the temple, the shrine would be destroyed the moment they awaken.


After nearly an hour of walking, their group arrived at a large building resembling a coliseum.


Lady Alice placed her hand on the door, unlocked it, and led everyone inside.


"Light the torches."


"Yes, Lady Alice."


The witches activated the torches latched on the walls.


After illuminating their surroundings, the group descended a winding flight of stairs. They continued going down the stairs for several minutes.


"What's going on?"


"It's getting cold…."


"Ah, I-I'm freezing."


The deeper they descended, the colder it got. Eventually, it became so cold that some of the soldiers started to experience frostbite. 


Lark said, "Vulcan, can you help them?"


Vulcan frowned. "These helpless maggots. Alright."


Vulcan released some heat from his body, helping drive the cold out. The soldiers sighed in relief.


"T-Thank you, Lord Dragon!"


"I'll crush your legs if you talk to me one more time, human."


Hearing the threat of the Dragon, the soldiers shut their mouths. They continued descending the stairs silently.


"We're here," said Lady Alice. Steam came out of her mouth as she spoke.


They were currently standing before a massive stone door.


"From this place onwards, even first tier-spells are forbidden."


General Marduk nodded, "Understood. You heard her, soldiers!"


"Yes, General!"


Lady Alice said to one of the witches, "Fleur, open it."


"Yes, Lady Alice."


A frail-looking witch grabbed the edge of the massive stone door. Slowly, she pushed it sideward, making loud creaking sounds.




"S-So cold!"


The air that blew past their group the moment the door was opened was several times colder than the one they'd experienced before.


Had it not been for Vulcan continuously emitting heat from his body, more than half of the soldiers would have instantly died from just the cold air alone.


Shivering, everyone entered the room.


And they were stunned by what they saw.


Even Vulcan had a grim expression on his face when he saw the creature.


It was a ten-meter large ball of ice, which resembled a curled-up snake.


Although it looked small right now, the moment it awakened, it would grow to about a hundred meters in size.


It was an ice Elemental, the creature regarded by scholars as the origin of all ice spells in this world.


"Witch," said Vulcan, his voice a bit sharper than normal, "this isn't just an Elemental. This is an Elemental Lord. You're saying there are three of these bastards sleeping in this city?"