

When Ovandarrak reached the small not so fancy hotel, Savyrran was already waiting for him outside.

Savyrran waved at her brother when she saw him approaching with Gray Gray in his hands. She had been waiting here for a while and had almost gone out to look for Ovandarrak. Thankfully, he was here. A small frown creased on Savyrran's face when she saw the blood on Gray Gray's paws. Was the dog hurt? If Ovandarrak's soul armos was hurt, did that not mean that Ovandarrak's soul was damaged too?

"Are you alright?" Savyrran asked once her brother got closer.

Ovandarrak nodded in the affirmative.

"Why is Gray Gray bleeding?"

"It's not his blood."

"Oh." That was all Savyrran could say. Her black eyes were fixated on the little gray dog. She ran her fingers through Gray Gray's fur, a loving smile plastered on her face. If this was not Gray Gray's blood, then did it belong to one of those people who had tried to attack them? The more Savyrran watched the little dog, the more she felt there was something more to it. After all, this was a rare class beast.

"Those people chasing you, what happened?" Savyrran asked. She had not had the chance to fight with those who had chased her since she was able to outrun them. It seemed once she parted from Ovandarrak, they could no longer sense her because of her lack of an essence. Hence, she did not fight anyone. But the sight of the blood on the little dog told Savyrran that things had not gone quite as peacefully as hers.

"They are dead." Ovandarrak said. His eyes held no form of emotion as he said it. "Did you get a room?"

It took a while for Savyrran to realize that her brother had asked her a question. She was too busy wondering if her brother had actually killed those people. Savyrran knew Ovandarrak had never killed anyone. In fact, he was a doctor, and saving lives was what he did. However, as to whether Ovandarrak had killed someone was not entirely too surprising to her.

Savyrran had once had this conversation with Ovandarrak. After asking her brother what he would do if he ever found himself in a dangerous situation where he had to defend himself, Ovandarrak casually revealed that he would defend himself at all cost even if he had to kill. Savyrran who knew her brother, absolutely believed him.

Savyrran felt a little sorry for whoever was dumb enough to pick a fight with her brother. Wait… But if the Soul Guardians found out about this, won't her brother be taken? No one was going to take him on her watch. But first, they needed to worry about where they would spend the night.

"I did. It's not really a big room though. Do you want me to get another for only you?"

"No, that would do. We should get going. I need to clean up Gray Gray."

Savyrran nodded in understanding then began to lead the way. Soon, they had climbed the winding stairs and were on the third floor. It seemed that was the highest floor of the hotel. Each door had a number on it and once they got to their door, the number fifty-three was boldly written on it.

Savyrran pushed the wooden door open and then steeped into the room. There were two beds and a few chairs neatly arranged in the room. Even though the room was small, the harmonious arrangement of the furniture made it appear lager than it actually was.

"The bathroom is behind that door. Go wash up Gray Gray, I will order some food for us."

Ovandarrak nodded then made his way to the other door Savyrran had pointed to him.

Savyrran walked to a short wooden cabinet standing between the two beds. Affixed on top of the cabinet was a palm sized metal with a red knob. Savyrran had never seen anything like this before and had no idea what it was. However, when she rented the room, the manger told her to press the knob whenever she needed something. Thus, since she needed food, Savyrran pressed the knob exactly as it was demonstrated by the manager.

In less than a minute after pressing the knob, there was a gentle knock on the door. A young girl Savyrran had never seen before was standing outside once Savyrran opened the door. It turned out that pressing the knob would alert one of the workers to attend to her needs. Thus, Savyrran quickly made a list of all the food they needed. Once Savyrran was done the young girl left. A few minutes later, the young girl returned with everything Savyrran had asked for.

By then, Ovandarrak had finished washing up Gray Gray. The little dog sat at the foot of Ovandarrak's chair, its eyes lazily closed without a care in the world. At first, it had been rather skeptical about being washed up, however, once its master did, Gray Gray realised that this was fast becoming one of its favourite things, besides sleeping and being held by Ovandarrak. Gray Gray wondered if killing all of its master's enemies would earn it more washing treats.

It was while the two began eating their food that Ovandarrak started narrating everything that had happened. By end of the story, Savyrran's eyes were bulging with shock. She had anticipated that Gray Gray was not an ordinary little dog. What she had never expected was that this dog was a shape shifter? How had they never known about that?

"So Gray Gray can turn into any beast?" Savyrran asked. Her eyes remained on the sleeping dog. Gray Gray sleepily lifted its head once it heard its name being mentioned. But seeing that it was nothing, it went back to sleep.

"Not any beast. While I was washing Gray Gray, he said he could only turn into beasts within the common and the rare class."

"Well, that makes sense. It is a rare class beast after all."

Savyrran's dark eyes dimmed in thought, her eyes not leaving the small gray dog. The registration would begin in two days and she had planned to tour the city with her brother before the two days approached. However, she no longer felt the need to do so.

They had barely been here in the royal capital and trouble was desperately calling upon them. Not wanting to encounter the Carnage Mace Gang or any other criminal group, Savyrran decided that they would stay the rest of the two days here in the hotel. She knew that if they were attacked again by anyone, Ovandarrak would not hesitate to kill again. They could not afford to get in the bad books of the law if they wanted to be admitted into the Royal Dream Higher Academy.

"At least now you know what Gray Gray can do. We should get some rest. For now it will be best to stay indoors until the registration begins. Okay?"

Ovandarrak slowly nodded in agreement, wondering why his sister had changed her mind in touring the city. She had been quite enthusiastic about that. But he did not complain since he had come to associate the royal capital with danger. If Ovandarrak knew that Savyrran was keeping them indoors for the safety of the general public, he would have lost his mind. In his opinion, it was him who needed protection from this crazy city.