
Legend Of Legends: The Bandit King

Divyat like most people born into his era was ordinary, he was destined for nothing more than mediocrity. yet he wished for so much more than what his life could offer him. With an unattributed spirit root, there was only so much he could achieve on the road of cultivation, yet it was a road he was more than willing to walk on, crawling every inch of the way to get the power he craved, even if his end seemed predetermined and limited. Then one day tragedy struck, the sect and the family that he loves and loved him back in return was attacked and awash in flames before the dawning of a new day. In his bid for survival Divyat ended up accidentally Killing a nature spirit, one responsible for the balance of winter and wind, absorbing it's power and becoming a new avatar of nature, a mortal deity in and out of itself with power over elements. But a boon as good as this, is not worth anything without your loved ones to share it with, so instead Divyat will use it to get his revenge and should anyone get in his way, he will freeze them to cinders, because when a man's heart has gotten cold enough; even the world itself will burn from it. Cover is not mine and was taken off the internet.

Anone · Eastern
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187 Chs

007: Fear

Nivgyat had scarcely taken a step forward when one of the disciples moved forwards, with a higher cultivation base and a higher graded movement technique his movement was near instantaneous. He appeared in front of Nivgyat and kicked out faster than either brother could react, but he did not aim for Nivgyat's body, instead he smashed his foot into the piece of wood sticking out of Nivgyat's body, blasting it out with a spray of blood as Nivgyat was totally overwhelmed with the pain, his sword falling out of his hands as he fell to the ground screaming in pain, his hands clutched over his wound that was now bleeding once again.

The instigator of the attack laughed, before smashing his foot into Nivgyat's mid section raising him almost six feet into the air and throwing him back three meters to smash through a charger tree that still had some vestiges of flames on it. Divyat stood their transfixed and completely shocked, not at all sure he was even awake, he watched as someone else took a step and jumped into the air, crossing the distance before coming down from the air with a punch that rocked Nivgyat who was trying to get right back up to his feet. Divyat shook in shock as his brother's body was pounded right back into the ground, blood spattering as his head was busted open.

"Hehehehe this Divine Sky Dao Sect disciples are sturdy. For all intents and purposes he should already be dead, but look at that! Look at that Elder brother! He's getting right back up." They were mocking Nivgyat, and all Divyat could do was watch on in horror as it happened.

"I guess you've gotten lucky with the goods this time, this bitch is some sturdy mother fucker!" they cursed and mocked and laughed at the same time. Nivgyat was a mess, he was even more bloodied and if not for his shallow breathing most would think he was already dead. But even at that, Divyat still couldn't move, the terror in his bones seemed only heightened by the way his brother was being manhandled and the fact that he knew he should fight, all that awaited him was the same fate, and even then he would not be able to make any sort of change. The leader who had spoken, the son called elder brother who had the fire manifestation walked up to Nivgyat and held him by his hair, his brown locks being pulled hard as his fair skin sported purple and black bruises.

"It's weird, but I can tell that you guys are related, yet you don't have the same skin color. What's the secret boy? Was your mother a whore?" Divyat felt a jolt in his chest as white hot anger lanced through him, he took a step forwards only for a hand to clamp down on his shoulder hard. He shook in fright and turned to see a man almost 8 feet tall, shaking his head at him, lightning dancing in his hair.

"Don't do anything stupid boy, you're only going to make things worse and get yourselves killed." And he was right, and with Divyat realizing that, the despair he was feeling was deepened. But it still didn't stop the half dead Nivgyat who turned and spat in the face of the Elemental Manifestation man. It wasn't just Divyat who took in a deep breath, shocked by the blatant display of defiance from Nivgyat, even at the threshold of death.

"You keep my mother and my brother out of your mouth, you half breed mother fucker!"


Nivgyat's head was smashed into the ground, not once, not twice, but multiple times until the ground underneath him had been stained with his blood. Each blow shocked Divyat, bringing tears to his eyes at the horror and torture his brother was currently going through, and even worse because by this point, Divyat could not deny that there was no coming back… his brother was gone. Brutally murdered by these monsters, and with the look on the face of the man responsible, he was not done yet.

"Your brother thinks he can insult me! Me! Well he's dead now, and I'm so pissed I guess I'll be sending you to join him soon enough. That should give the bastard enough things to think about in the after life! What a fool, I tried to save him! I tried to save the both of you! To give you bastard sons of a whore life, and yet what he did was insult me! I'll kill you, no in fact I'll torture you first, show what it feels to have a flame set alight within your body, I'll –"

He stopped, shocked, just as everyone else around. Nivgyat had his hands wrapped around his boots, his head raised up with a garish wound on the side that exposed his cracked skull and exposed his brain to the world. Yet there was still life and defiance in his eyes, even in death nothing would stop him from keeping his brother safe, and it was clear to everyone here that Nivgyat was made of a whole other different stuff than there were. It was as chilling as it was horrifying, and seeing his weakened form still fight to keep the only family he had left safe even if it was futile, left them feeling chilled to the core, it was like watching the dead come back to life to haunt them.

Divyat on the other hand was moved to action, there was only so much fear a person could take, there was no way in hell he would sit back again and let his brother get killed once again. Nivgyat was all be had, so if they were going to die, then they would do it together, it's the least he could do. He shook of the hand on his shoulder, and ran forwards, however, the top of the Ghadovara mountains exploded in shower of rocks, snow, wind and hail.


An avalanche was formed, and it was rapidly rushing down the mountain. The earth shook and vibrated with it's approach as a figure was shot out of the cloud of snow, his body bouncing off the ground before landing either by providence or by coincidence close to where Nivgyat was. The man quickly leaped back up to his feet, blood allover his body with the entire left side of his body completely frozen. He had on exquisite robes that were in shreds, and the moment he looked up, everyone else was immediately on their knees.

"Your Majesty!"

Divyat's eyes widened in shock, this was the Emperor of the Rizal Dynasty and sect master of the Rizal Imperial sect. The man who's orders would have carried out the destruction of his sect. He didn't look anything like an emperor at all, in fact he looked like he was almost half dead. Which was why it shocked Divyat when he picked up Nivgyat's broken body and threw it backwards, right onto the approaching antlers of the Winter Stag of the Ghadovara mountains, all Divyat could do was watch in horror as the stag stabbed through Nivgyat and threw his body to the side before proceeding to barrel it's massive body into the emperor, red blood staining it's pristine white coat, and one of it's eyes missing. A wild battle ensued, but Divyat had no eyes for it, all he could do was keep on looking in shock at his brother's vacant eyes, coming to the realization….Nivgyat was gone!