

I found a hand-writing note on your windshield that says drive west for 100 miles.

I started to think about it. I remembered that The lost city of Atlantis was there (It have just been found a month ago, but instead of being in the sea it was on land because the lake had dried out). I turned the note and started to find some kind of code or something like that in it. I thought of it because of me watching the same things in about a million movies. I went to the nearest shop and bought a blue torch, which is the only way to see an invisible text. I shone the torch on the front of the note, I didn't find anything, then the turn came of the back side. I shone the torch and what I saw was the most unexpected thing that ever happened to me.

It said to see the Alatar Warlock. I never thought that I would read something like this, I remembered from the number of fiction books I have read that warlock is a kind of wizard or sorcerer. But it all the other books it was used for antagonists, like the Dark Warlock. I joined the two phrases and got the sentence, "Drive west for 100 miles to see the Alatar Warlock". I decided to go there because I had a car, it had full fuel and this guy Alatar didn't sound bad by it's name (By his name "Alatar", not because of warlock). So, I packed my stuff, which included some water and snacks for the trip. I also got my phone for the GPS. I packed all my things, sat on my car, turned on the engine and got ready to go.

An hour later I was so bored that I wanted to go home, because I have always travelled with either family or friends. So, I turned on the Auto-driver (It is 2050), set the location of Atlantis, took my phone out and started playing games. Thank God I had my portable console with me, my phone ran out of battery. I turned the voice assist on, which would start talking when only 1 mile of journey would be left and changed my seat. I also ate some of the snacks. So, the next hour was refreshing as well as interesting.

Just when my one of the matches of the game finished the voice assist started telling me that 1 mile is left. I put everything back and got ready. I also got my P92, one is always in the car and one in the house. I have interest in guns, and have a big collection already.

I reached the city of Atlantis. I couldn't believe that it was a city way before even the birth of Christ. It was made up of many islands, but the water had dried out. The middle island was the biggest of all. It had a giant castle built on it, like the ones in start of Disney movies. All the islands were connected to each other by white quartz luxurious bridges. Some of the islands even had what looked like a nuclear plant, except it didn't produce any pollution. The people lived in the second layer of the islands, whereas on thee third and last there were ports for the transportation, like a sea port, even an airport. There were plane parts and also the whole planes which had decomposed by the time. If Atlantis hadn't fell we would have been way ahead of our time. The only thing that they didn't have were nuclear bombs because they were peaceful people, who did a war only when insisted, needed or when their lands or people were in danger.

I saw all that from the binocular because Atlantis was beside a tall mountain and the only way to the city was stairs. After 5 minutes of going down the stairs, I finally reached the city and was too much tired to carry on. I sat down on the ground which was made up of glow quartz, which is a rare, expensive and beautiful stone used for floors (benefit of playing Minecraft).

I got up and started the tour before thinking where the Alatar Warlock was. I got up and realized that the house and other buildings are yellowed and broken whereas the main castle and the floor was like fresh, newly made and were glowing like crystal. So, without seeing any of the buildings or other stuff, I followed the road and I reached the bridge to the main island. The Atlantis bridges looked like the American Golden Gate Bridge except these bridges were silver white unlike the Golden Gate Bridge which is red. I reached the castle, it looked like Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in HARRY POTTER Book series. It's design was of Hogwarts but it's color and beauty was like the Disney castle.

When I reached the castle, I saw that it was the most luxurious and fancy building I have ever set foot in. It had double stairs with red carpet on them and the artifacts in glass covers were made up of pure gold and some even of Diamonds and Emeralds. I suddenly realized that I saw a small button on that little piece of paper that brought me here. I took out the paper and even my pistol, just in case.

I pressed the small button which almost blended in with the paper. Suddenly, the paper disappeared and another paper fell in front of me which said on it's front side in big emerald green letters, "CLUE".

I picked up the paper, turned it around and it said.

Look in a place which is full of books

There war and it's opposite have your destined place

I thought that this place must be the library. I ran without thinking where the library can be. It can sometimes be difficult to find rooms if the place you are in have 10 floors and is covered over 100 acres. I finally found the library after the hard work of 10 minutes. It was the biggest library I have seen, but then I thought of the next clue.

There war and it's opposite have your destined place

I remembered that there was a book named 'WAR and PEACE', I thought that this book must be the book in the clue. I started looking for it, until I found it in the restricted section, that's what was written. I couldn't take out the book, so I tried to pull it out like a lever and to my surprise it opened a hidden bunker or something like that.

It was made up of stone bricks and had some stone fences on them. It even had a table with a comfortable chair and a bird in the cage. I moved forward to the bird and this was the only thing I knew the name of. This bird was a PHEONIX, I knew it because of the birds red and orange color and flames of fire bursting out of it.

I was fascinated by the bird when an old looking man appeared, who was wearing emerald green robes and had a wooden wand in his hand. I knew that this person must be Alatar Warlock, but before I could correct myself the person said, "So, you are here."

I didn't understand what was happening and replied yes. The man said that he was dying and that he needed a heir to protect him from the NEMESIS, then he will take the powers. I replied who is nemesis, and he started telling me his story.

Nemesis was a normal human until he got experimented and turned into a mutant by Lowell Observatory. When the observatory was finished with him, he had the body of a body builder, had a rocket launcher which appear magically in his hand when needed and can shoot about 30 rockets at a time. He wore black suit and black shoes, everything till now was fine, (unless you count the rocket launcher and that his skin was yellow) .But his face was the most disgusting thing. He wore a mask only on his head not mouth because even he knew he looked far too bad. He had a slimy and oily head. His mouth wasn't much, he always had his teeth out and a person can only see his teeth. His eyes were thin and yellow like the ones of a serpent. He also had 2 to 3 pipes travelling on his body. He went Berserk, killed everyone and destroyed the Observatory. Nemesis was his new title and he mind controlled many monstrous creatures, made an army and also a dark castle at the cliff of Gongmen cliff, the darkest and most dangerous place of the Earth.

I was terrified by this description and thought what he would have looked like in real life. After Alatar Warlock was finish he showed me Nemesis's picture, and after I saw his picture he became my worst nightmare.

Alatar Warlock said me to hold his staff and say his name. His staff which magically appeared had an oval sized cage which had lightning in it.

I held it, said his name and nothing. Nothing happened for about 20 seconds until electricity started zooming through my body and I got a wand in my hand. Alatar told me that I can do many spells and that he would teach them to me during the journey, he also told me that he was going to battle NEMESIS and that I will battle his army. He said that after seeing my horrified face when I saw the picture of nemesis.

Alatar gave me a carpet and said me to take it to the roof of the castle. Except of going to the roof I lay the carpet on the ground form, because the roof was broken. Alatar didn't say anything to me, sat on the carpet told me to do the same and we flew out of the roof to the castle of nemesis.

Atlantis was looking great from a mile above. The weather was nice, the sun was shining, I didn't thought that this nice weather could change but I was wrong. Alatar taught me very spells some which were to fight and some which were to distract.

As soon as we reached the Gongmen cliff, the fresh air turned into a storm, the sky became dark black, even the plants in the place weren't normal, they had black stems, red leaves and their soil was made up of human organs. It looked like the human organs. It was like nemesis collected the human organs, threw them on the ground and somehow plants grew on them. Alatar told me that these were the organs of the people who worked at Lowell Observatory. This place was like the land of nightmares. The castle was very dark and spooky.

We landed safely and headed to the castle. Remember I told you how Atlantis's castle looked like, well this castle was the direct opposite, I think you can imagine it. We didn't just enter the castle, first we observed our surrounding and not to our surprise we found an army waiting for us.

The army consisted of almost a 1000 zombies, which were looking hungry. I was very scared but I thought that if I have Alatar, I couldn't possibly die could I?

Alatar said me to get ready and take out my wand. We went to the main door, started shouting spells and killing the zombies. We entered the castle and their started the real action.

Alatar started battling nemesis (who by the way was scaring me to death), and me killing the zombies, who somehow seem to never end. I figured that they must be getting resurrected and that to finish them we must finish off nemesis. Even nemesis battled by magic not by his rocket launcher. Both Alatar and Nemesis seemed to be shouting any spell that came into their mind.

After constant action for about 3 minutes, Alatar created a time and space portal which could trap anyone, but the problem was that the person who created it becomes very weak. That was the case in this one too, Alatar became very weak and I had to battle nemesis, but I got goosebumps by just seeing him, how will I battle him. Nemesis was going to explode and would explode the whole world but to save the world he must say the incantation 'Expelliarmas', even if nemesis couldn't attack me my hands still got jelly and Alatar kept saying me to conquer my fear.

Fortunately, Alatar took out a wand which could control my fear but before he could give me that I said the incantation and the world was free from NEMESIS.

Alatar came back to normal and said me that I have learned my lesson to conquer fear by becoming more and more brave. He also said that to stop him from finishing my memory I had to make a promise to not to tell this adventure to anyone. Then by a flick of his wand, everything became blur and when I woke up I was at my in my bed.

Alatar had taught me a life lesson.