
**Lost in the Clutches of Darkness**

Ethan's heart pounded like a drum in his chest as he and his best friend found themselves bound tightly, their wrists secured behind their backs. The rope bit into his skin, a stark reminder of their perilous situation. Around them, the dimly lit cavern echoed with the hushed voices of the criminals from the trading site.

As Ethan strained against his bonds, he caught snatches of their conversation. They spoke of selling the legendary scroll, his scroll, to a witch rumored to possess dark powers. The very thought sent a chill down his spine. What had he stumbled upon? And how had it led them to this nightmarish predicament?

The flickering torchlight cast eerie shadows on the cavern walls, distorting the faces of their captors into grotesque masks of malice. Ethan's mind raced, searching for a way out of their dire situation. But with their hands tied and outnumbered, escape seemed like an impossible dream.

Beside him, Ethan's best friend trembled, his eyes wide with fear. Ethan wished he could offer reassurance, but the weight of their circumstances pressed down on him like a suffocating blanket. They were alone, trapped in the depths of the unknown.

Minutes stretched into agonizing hours as the criminals deliberated their next move. Ethan strained to catch any clue that might offer a glimmer of hope, but their captors spoke in hushed tones, their intentions cloaked in darkness.

Finally, a plan began to take shape among the criminals. They discussed their journey to meet the witch, their voices dripping with anticipation. Ethan's heart sank. If they were taken to this witch, what horrors awaited them? And what would become of the legendary scroll, the object that had unwittingly led them into this nightmare?

As the cavern grew colder and the shadows deepened, Ethan's resolve hardened. He refused to surrender to despair. They may be lost in the clutches of darkness, but he vowed to fight for their freedom, no matter the cost. With determination burning in his chest, Ethan awaited their fate, knowing that their journey was far from over.