
Legend Of A Sword

Look, we're gonna skip most of the before reincarnation stuff alright? Adrian, the Mc gets reincarnated into 'The World' or Solsticia, and goes on an adventure. He becomes a host for the system, meets new people, and although slowly, will become a legend throughout the planes. Please note that the synopsis is not the full story. Please actually read first before rating this story...Thank you! *** Also I'm using this as a mere practice novel right now to improve on some of my skills. There will be grammar errors, plotholes, and details that I will be missing. This novel will have a crap ton of plotholes. This novel will be used for a decent amount of time before I drop it unless you all think it becomes good enough for me to keep going.

Solstice_Guardian · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
73 Chs

Week Long Preparations...(Part 1/7)





[Automatic Cultivation Results...

[+20 All Stats, +100,000 Exp


Feeling the sunlight and the notification hit him at the same time woke Adrian up. He [Refresh]ed himself and transformed his sheath into a set of a black shirt, pants, and gloves while the outer clothing is a long and thin grey coat with black buttons and a small coattail reaching down to his thighs. Fitting him perfectly, it showed off a bit of his toned body and changed his air from being a carefree boy to a mature young man.

After Adrian was done dressing up he went to Alice's room, knocking on her door. After waiting a few moments, she came out with a green tunic with a brown cloak over it. She was also wearing a ponytail and because she took off her mask this time, with her soft, pale skin, and a soft smile with a healthy blush. She looked like an innocent beauty, yet she also carried a mature aura around her.

Nodding towards Adrian, he got the message, so he also took off his mask. Walking downstairs, the people who were still eating or drinking in the inn were surprised to see an exceptionally handsome man and a beautiful girl come out of such an average inn. The people only went out of their daze after the duo left and closed the door.

Escaping quickly, the duo decided to put their masks back on and would only take it off when they reached the guild, as to not cause too much uproar.


Andrew was doing in his plain little office, calmly doing his paperwork for the day, and just finished due to the all-nighter he pulled, though his fatigue was quickly cured with pouring some mana into his body. Stretching his arms a bit, he stood up and heard multiple screams coming outside his office.

Getting ready for a fight, he rushed out to see what was happening. Seeing no destruction or real panic, he was confused and looked around until he saw two teens standing there slightly bashful and stiff. Andrew quickly understood that these two were the ones who caused the 'panic' in the guild and was about to scold them before he sensed something coming from the man.

'I-its Adrian!?' Andrew widened his eyes, feeling this familiar mana.

'Who would've thought that these two would be so good looking!' Andrew was a bit jealous, knowing his looks weren't anything compared to theirs.

Breathing in for a moment, he shouted, "EVERYBODY CALM DOWN!" which stunned everyone present, including Adrian as he had never heard him shout before. Covering their ears, the other adventurers in the room waited for the ringing in their ears to end before realizing the two teens were by the time they recovered.

"Wh-who were they? Does anyone know?" Adventurer B asked.

"Don't know, maybe you should ask the department head, seems like he knows who they are." Adventurer A replied.

"Let's not try to invade their privacy everyone..." The receptionist softly said.

"No! We need to know!" Everyone in the room shouted at once.

No one had suspected that they were Adrian and Alice as the arena was reserved by Seth yesterday, making everyone think that they were still with him, doing some business. There was also the fact that they changed their voices and the clothes they wore never really showed much of their features except knowing one was a man and another one a woman.


"So...why did you two not wear your mask today?" Andrew asked as he opened the door and the three entered his office.

"Ah, that was my idea...I thought that it would be better if we did it now, as both of us can protect ourselves now, somewhat." Alice tapped both of her index fingers together while looking down, with a bright blush on her face.

"I just followed Alice, but also wanted to get used to showing my real face instead of hiding behind a mask." Adrian seriously said while staring at Andrew.

"'Sigh', alright...tell me what you're going to be doing this week." Andrew sighed and scratched his head, slightly frustrated that he'll have to explain to everyone after he steps out of his office.

"We both agreed that for training, Alice will be out hunting for a while, while I'm staying here to train my skills. We'll be doing this just till the end of this week before going to Orutorth Academy for the tournament." Adrian told Andrew about their plans for this week.

"Hmm...alright, although there's not much I can teach you, you can always go to our library to learn a thing or two from our books." Andrew said.

They all went out of his office and walked to the arena. With it being the weekend right now, it was closed, but with Andrew's privilege, he trains here on the weekends anyway. Going into the arena, Adrian waved Alice goodbye on her quests.


'Hmm...what quest should I do? There are still quite a few of them left here.' Alice had her finger on her chin, moving her head left and right looking at the quest board.

'I guess I'll just choose this one for my weekly quota.' Alice picked a random quest where she already had the materials for and turned them in, filling in her weekly quota.

Getting her small reward of 45L copper coins, she set off to buy some materials and supplies for her 1 week of hunting. She bought a backup tent, another water canister, dried meat, some smaller health, and mana potions, and whetstone for her blades since Adrian's sword clones don't after a certain range away from their owner. Spending around a silver coin and ten large copper coins she was ready to set off.

Setting off for Solas Woods because she wasn't with Adrian anymore and although she was stronger than before, she still needed a stable hunting schedule, not just running from monsters that could kill her in one blow.

Arriving at the outer part of Solas Woods in around an hour of running, she quickly started jumping around the trees to scout out the monsters she can kill.


Andrew was currently panting and sweat, training with Adrian. They had both clashed at full power and used tons of magic spells for around 2 hours. Seeing how the arena was cracking up a bit, Adrian using his nature and metal magic, was able to make the same materials and enforce them, allowing them to be much more durable.

Adrian's coat was off, so when he was wiping his sweat, you could see the outlines of his built figure which would drive many women crazy...if they were in the arena right now. Drinking a bit of water, he went back to the arena to go analyze what happened in the fight, his movements were still too stiff to make a real combo where it'll help his battle style flow.

Seeing how Andrew was using his enhanced speed to catch him off guard many times did frustrate him since his eyes could follow him, and his strength was way above his now, yet his dexterity and agility weren't enough to move his body quick enough to dodge, block or counter.

'Maybe I should try and make another buffing spell? Wait! I didn't fully complete my flux manipulation, maybe I could go try it with that type of mana!' Adrian thought as he made a smaller platform to meditate on.

Andrew was cleaning himself up as he saw another platform being made and saw that Adrian had his eyes closed and was meditating. 'I wonder what's he going to do now.' He went to the other side of the arena in case something bad happened.

Adrian was only focusing on controlling his flux, so his eyes were closed, his breathing was steady, and his body did the rest of the work. A small golden dot appeared in front of him...then another one...and another one ...and another one. This kept repeating until there were around several thousands of flux dots around him, seemly resembling the number of flux points he had when he looked at his status.

Concentrating, the flux around him shined a bit brighter and began to slowly revolve around him. Getting the hang of controlling flux, he tried to make small items such as pencils, and books though they broke apart, draining him quite fast before they regenerated.

He went for hours about controlling the flux around him, they were revolving around him. He was making simple barriers, plain shortswords, and mostly making vague item details before going down to the nitty-gritty details. Going through this kind of mental training, he was forced to use [Refresh] dozens of times during this, and even then it couldn't fully help him recover.

Getting quite drained from practicing flux mana, he went back to his inn with his mask back on. Going back to the inn, he directly faceplanted onto the bed in exhaustion.


[Host's Daily Report...]

[Flux Creation & Manipulation], [Refresh], Enlightened Learning] Leveled Up!]

[Enlighened Learning Reached Level 5, Learning & Comprehension Speed Increased!]



Alice was still around killing whatever she could find that was around her range. Scouting, planning, and hunting for a few hours on end gave her a total of 6 weaker magic cores and about 179 bodies of multiple different species that were now mutilated and dismembered beyond the point of being recognizable.

She went to a safe point within the forest and slowly set up her tent. After making sure that no monsters were near, she set up her sleeping back and looked at the progress she had today.


[User's Daily Report...]

[179 Monsters of The Same Rank Killed! +179,000 Exp]

[6 Weaker Magic Core Monsters Killed! +60,000 Exp]

[Level Up! +5 All Attributes, +50 Attribute Points]

[Points Allocation Confirmed...]

[Dismantle], [Psychokinesis] Leveled Up!]

[Quest Results: 2 S. Level Ups, 1 Level Up...]

[Rewards: 50,000 Exp, 1 Skill Stone (+1)]

[Reassigning Daily Quest: 'Training To The Limit']


Chapter 27 End...