
Today I am not myself

Nick (Ashura

, Martis)

Level 1

Exp: 0


Core data damaged... Repairing

System rebooting... Complete repair in 24:00:00




Welcome to Mobile Legends, Transmigration system v1. 0

I rubbed my eyes to check if I'm seeing things right, but that only made me jump further as ever familiar metallic gauntlets swam into my vision.

I jump back and I hear the rustling of chains as I feel something heavy was dragged with me. Two familiar swords flew straight to my hands as i jumped back. I caught them naturally as if I had done so a hundred times already.

I swallowed a lump of saliva, suddenly aware that my throat was dry. Once more I looked at the words and confrimed to myself that I read it right.

Nick (Ashura

, Martis)

Level 1

Exp: 0


Repairing: 23:56:32

A screen was before me bearing those words. I just didn't want to admit what was right infront of me but all clues led to one conclusion. I transmigrated.

One other thing, there was a little mission tab under the status bar. It had an arrow next to it. I clicked it and I found myself staring dumbly at the contents.

Welcome, to the tutorial.

Survive the world of beasts for a day 24:00:00


Exp 50




Survive? My mind asked as it registered in my head. I took the time to check the location I was in and my own situation. I was in what looks like a tropical jungle, lush in verdant greens and a lot of tall mighty trees. I had a pair of swords, vambraces and pants and that's about it. I tried to recall anything that could tell me what was happening right now.

GRRRROWL. The rumbling of beasts sound out from the distance.

OH. I do recall something vague from my memories of playing Martis. On his profile there was a thing that said he conquered 3000 worlds. Was this one of those worlds? Should I fight?

The rumbling of beasts grew louder, I could feel the tingle of fear running on my skin. I took a breath to try to relax and found that I was unconsciously gripping on my swords tightly.

The guttural sounds of savage beasts fill my head before the smell reached my nose. It smelled of a combination of blood, decay and that of a mangy dog. From the trees I see figures darting off, in and out of my vision.

In that moment I knew I was surrounded. There was no choice but to fight.

I hefted the blades in my hand, i felt them shudder. I didn't know if it was my nerves but I felt as if the blades were trying to reassure me. My shoulders taut with nervousness relaxed. Just as the story about the worlds martis conquered reminded me of what the ordeal before me was, it also reminded me of another fact.

Today I am not myself, instead I am Martis, prodigy of the shura clan.

Instead of waiting for them to come, I let out the battle cry that has comforted me when I was a kid. I had experienced battles like this and I had shouted... "For the Horde!"