
legacy of the forgotten gods

Lost my father in a assassination and my siblings are prodigies destined to rule universes while I'm not, or so I thought. My story begins as I gain the powers of gods that are long forgotten and inherit their legacy, I become their champion and... saviour? The name is Lucien and this is my story to try to become the one who stands above all, to become more powerful than a god

UndeadFallenangel · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 4

Chapter Four: Trials of the Forgotten Gods

Lucien held his head high feeling the power coursing through his veins he had finally made it .

[Welcome Master my name is Panthenon, I will be your guide to attain the Power of the gods. Let us start.]

[Power Assimilation in progress]

Error Error ....

Error..[ Restarting progress....].

[Power assimilation in progress.....2%....3%.....10%.....25...error] .

Lucien was perplexed, what's going on.

[ Power Assimilation failed ].

As quickly as his power came it left him.

Panthenon, what's going on

[ Master it seems you are not strong enough to bear the power of all the gods, as you are still a mortal]

"Wait? what does that mean".

[ You are to weak to handle the power of my creators]

Lucien had a funny expression on his face, one contorted with pain, confusion and self pity. " So I'm gonna be weak for ever?" .

In truth the journey he took here with perils and mystical beast were him running and escaping by the skin of his teeth.

[ No master you aren't incompatible with the powers but you are to weak to wield them]

"how can I get stronger Then?"

[ Master excuse my next words but, are you stupid? but to answer your question you must train and level up ].

"like a video game".

[ yes ]

"so that means I should have stats"

[ yes ]

" so how do I-"

[ just say open window ]

" ok Open window "


A sort of menu bar appeared on his screen as he browses through it. He clicks on stats and a window appeared showing him his information and stats

[ Name: Lucien blackstin]

[ level 0]

{ Title: none }[ UNLOCK ON LEVEL 1]

[ race: human cultivator]

[ EXP : 0/100 ]

[ Class : legacy inheritor]


Health : 1200/1200

Mana : 1400/1400


Endurance: 12

Strength: 10

Intelligence: 14

Agility: 16

Stamina : 19

Charm : 20

vitality : 10


In a dark area within this isolated planet

" We finally have a successor to our legacy " A thundourous voice boomed that shook the very foundation if the planet " Shut up old man we know " the voice of a woman echoed through the desolate darkness. A woman walked out in the light staring at the endless galaxy above her, her body possessing an ethereal grace and radiance that is unparalleled. Her body which radiated a elegant and sophisticated aura shined in the light her golden brown her flowing down her back reaching her round, firm buttocks. Her white gown with golden embroidery that seemed to be crafted by the greatest tailor. " It seems no matter the thought of others we shall never be forgotten" her soft elegant voice with her Greek accent flowed as the wind howled. " ho ho ho it seems we have a fine specimen to be our successor" A handsome man with an overbearing demeanour but mischievous came out of the darkness to and stood side by side with the woman " Athena shall we send A message to our successor " the man said. " not yet Loki, he is not ready " " But he will be soon hahaha" the booming voice from earlier sounded again " Zeus keep talking like that and this whole planet will explode" Athena address the man with the voice. "sorry" a middle aged man came out of the darkness , he had an air of power and strength around him contrary to his voice from before which sounded ancient and loud the voice was now calm, his white hair drifter in the wind. He was a extremely handsome man befitting for the one that is the king of the Greek Panthenon. " let us wait and see if he passes the trial before we call him our successor tho" the man said as he stood next to Athena and Loki.

Lucien Pov;

"So how much long- *huff huff* er" Lucien said as he had been running for hours now. Panthenon had given him a daily quest one he had to complete or face the penalty.

[ Daily quest ]

1000 jumps

100 squats( must carry 1 ton boulder)

Run 100 miles

Consume 10kg meat

head stand without arms 10mintues

[ reward: 30 EXP]

[ Penalty: Lose two inches in all length]

When he first saw the quest Lucien thought of not doing it But, when he saw the penalty a shiver ran down his spine, if it was what he thought it was it meant very much to him as a man to complete the quest.

" Hey Panthenon, just for context if losing two inches mean I lose down ther-" Lucien asked as he was cut off with a brief " yea" from Panthenon and continued the daily quest with renewed vigour


" hohoho threatening the boy to do the quest with fair of destroying his manhood, despicable!, must be that mischevious bastard Aite , that woman really knows how to screw with someone head" Zeus spoke to Athena as they continues to stare put to the universe "but she did get the boy to do it without complaints" Athena replied to Zeus " Well I'm going inside my neck hurts" Loki suddenly spoke as he walked back to the darkness that rested on half of the un-rotating planet.

*Lucien Pov*

"*huff huff huff* done " Lucien was laying on the grass with a empty make-shift bowl laying beside him and the pelt of an animal on the ground laid underneath him. His belly bulging his breath ragged and he stared in blank space, anyone who saw him will think of him as crazy.

[ Quest complete ]

[ Rewards distributed ]

[ EXP + 30]

[ EXP: 30/100]

the system notified him as a smile beamed on his face as he felt a bit closer to level one, but thinking of the daily quest and what he just went through a tear slid down his eye as he dreaded the though of doing it again, but, the thought of the penalty gave him goosebumps and he vowed never to miss a day of training for fear of his manhood.

Alright time to go back home. Thus his journey home began, unbeknownst to him he was being watched by entities that could shake the very fabric of time and space if broken out of their prison as he was picked as their golden boy, and the start of a journey began for him , the dangers will surely cost him much but he will gain much more.

Authors note : there was a mixup in the chapters stories and content I've fixed it as it came to my attention so please read again and understand I didn't do it on purpose. thank you