
legacy of the forgotten gods

Lost my father in a assassination and my siblings are prodigies destined to rule universes while I'm not, or so I thought. My story begins as I gain the powers of gods that are long forgotten and inherit their legacy, I become their champion and... saviour? The name is Lucien and this is my story to try to become the one who stands above all, to become more powerful than a god

UndeadFallenangel · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 41

Chapter Forty-One: Theseus's Lustful Palace

Lucien stood before the entrance of "Theseus's Lustful Palace," his heart pounding with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation. The building's purple and red glow seemed to beckon him forward, promising secrets and pleasures beyond imagination.

He couldn't help but wonder about the enigmatic skill he had obtained from Aphrodite and Eros, the Gods of Love and Desire. It was a skill that stirred both fascination and unease within him, for he knew that its potential was vast, yet its consequences could be unpredictable.

Taking a deep breath, Lucien pushed open the ornate doors of the establishment, revealing a world of opulence and decadence beyond his wildest dreams. The interior was adorned with luxurious fabrics, intricate sculptures, and a myriad of soft, inviting lights that cast an enchanting glow over everything.

Sultry music filled the air, its sensual rhythm setting the tone for what lay ahead. As Lucien ventured further into the palace, he couldn't help but notice the alluring figures that moved gracefully through the space. Mortals and supernatural beings alike mingled in an atmosphere charged with desire.

Lucien's thoughts were momentarily consumed by the skill he carried. It was a power that could invoke love and desire in others, a gift from the gods themselves. But he also knew that it came with a responsibility to use it wisely, to avoid manipulation or harm.

As he moved deeper into the palace, he became aware of a presence, a figure who seemed to radiate an aura of captivating allure. She stood by a grand, crimson-draped entrance, her gaze fixated on him with an intensity that sent a shiver down his spine.

Approaching her cautiously, Lucien couldn't help but wonder if she was aware of his newfound abilities. She wore a flowing gown of rich, deep purple that seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly luster. Her raven-black hair cascaded down her back, and her eyes, a mesmerizing shade of violet, held a hint of mystery.

"Welcome," she purred, her voice like a siren's song. "I sense a unique energy about you, a power that sets you apart from the others who have graced our palace. Tell me, what brings you here?"

Lucien hesitated for a moment, his gaze locked with hers. He knew that his skill was untested, that it held the potential to invoke desire in others. But he also understood that its true purpose extended beyond mere seduction.

"I'm here to explore the depths of this skill," he replied honestly. "To understand its capabilities and limitations."

The enigmatic figure smiled, her lips parting to reveal a hint of mischief. "Ah, a seeker of knowledge, I see. Very well, then. Allow me to assist you in your exploration."

As she spoke, Lucien felt a subtle shift in the air, a tingling sensation that seemed to emanate from the figure before him. It was as though she were inviting him to unlock the mysteries of his newfound power.

Closing his eyes, Lucien called upon the skill gifted to him by Aphrodite and Eros. He allowed its energy to flow through him, to reach out and touch the desires that lay hidden within those around him.

The effect was immediate. He sensed a subtle change in the atmosphere, a heightened sense of attraction and longing that seemed to envelop the room. The figures around him turned their attention toward him, their eyes filled with desire and curiosity.

The enigmatic figure before him leaned closer, her violet eyes locked with his. "You have the power to awaken desire, to kindle the flames of passion. But remember, with great power comes great responsibility."

Lucien nodded, his heart heavy with the weight of that responsibility. He understood that this skill could be a double-edged sword, a force for both creation and destruction.

As he continued to explore the depths of "Theseus's Lustful Palace," Lucien delved deeper into the intricacies of his newfound power. He sought to understand its nuances, its potential for both good and ill.

He wondered still on who the woman he met was, she had known about his powers before even showing them, it left him scared yet excited, intrigued yet cautious. He had a caclulative guess that she was Theseus, he always thought theseus was a man but he seemed wrong although he didn't know if his guess was right and that still begs the question 'What does she know?' he was to curious to linger so he went back to look for the woman who seemingly disappeared into the sea of light and dancing, the sensual music and movements of bodies all around him as he pushed and dodged through bodies of people their lust so dense it seemed to permeate the air giving it a type of smoke only he could see, 'Must be one of the powers of Eros and Aphrodite' he saw a stair case at the edge of the hall and walked over there only to see a broad shouldered ogre who stood there wearing a black tank top highlighting his muscles and a pair of black glasses hanging on his nose.

As he drew closer to the ogre he wondered how to get pass him as he couldn't just leave now but when he got there he was surprised as the bouncer gave him straight access and stepped aside, the bouncer said nothing sparing him only a brief glance before looking straighforward pretending as if he wasn't there.

Moving up the stairs he figured the woman or Theseus if he was right was expecting him, he reached a black door with pink and gold rims around the edges, for some reason as he held the door to open his heart beat faster, he felt if he opened this door he would find more answers but also even more questions that will lead him to a future he isn't ready for.