
legacy of the forgotten gods

Lost my father in a assassination and my siblings are prodigies destined to rule universes while I'm not, or so I thought. My story begins as I gain the powers of gods that are long forgotten and inherit their legacy, I become their champion and... saviour? The name is Lucien and this is my story to try to become the one who stands above all, to become more powerful than a god

UndeadFallenangel · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 37

Chapter thrity-seven

**Chapter Thirty-Seven: Endless Loop**

Lucien woke up with a yawn, stretching his body as the morning sunlight streamed through the window. Another peaceful day, or so he thought. He headed to the kitchen, the aroma of sizzling bacon and eggs making his stomach grumble in anticipation. He fixed himself breakfast and sat down to enjoy it, the familiar sound of cartoons playing in the background.

As he laughed at the antics of the cartoon characters, Lucien's mind wandered to the events of the past year. The challenges he had overcome, the friendships he had forged, and the burning determination that had fueled his journey. But today, his peaceful routine was about to be shattered.

Finishing his breakfast, Lucien stood up and walked toward the door, ready to step out and embrace the day. But as he opened the door, his eyes widened in shock. The scene before him was exactly the same as yesterday. It was as if time had rewound itself to the previous day.

"What the hell?" Lucien exclaimed, his confusion and disbelief growing. He stepped back into his room, his heart pounding. He could feel a sense of unease creeping over him, a gut feeling that something was not right.

Trying to brush it off as a strange coincidence, Lucien decided to go about his day as usual. He went out, strolled around the academy, met with his friends, and engaged in conversations. But as the day progressed, he couldn't shake off the feeling that he was experiencing déjà vu. Conversations, events, even the laughter – it all felt eerily familiar.

As evening descended, Lucien returned to his room, his mind racing with confusion. Could it be some sort of weird coincidence? He decided to test his theory. He picked up a pen from his desk and put it on the right side of the table. Closing his eyes, he counted to ten, then opened them again. His heart sank when he saw the pen on the left side of the table, as if his actions had been reset.

Panic began to rise within him. Lucien tried everything he could think of – leaving notes for himself, moving objects, even trying to stay awake all night. But no matter what he did, the next day always started the same, as if the previous day had never happened.

The loop continued. Day after day, it repeated – the same breakfast, the same conversations, the same events. Lucien's frustration grew into desperation. He started isolating himself, avoiding his friends, his training, everything. He spent days in his room, trying to figure out what was happening.

With each passing cycle, his sanity began to crack. The isolation, the monotony, the feeling of being trapped – it was all becoming too much for him to bear. He felt like a prisoner in his own mind, stuck in a never-ending cycle of time.

One day, consumed by a maddening despair, Lucien decided to take drastic action. He couldn't live like this anymore. He couldn't endure the endless repetition, the feeling of being a puppet in some cruel cosmic joke.

With trembling hands, he took a shard of glass from his broken mirror and pressed it against his wrist. As the pain seared through him, he hoped that it would be enough to break the cycle, to finally wake up from this nightmare.

But as his vision blurred and darkness closed in, he realized that even death was no escape. The cycle reset once more, his eyes opening to the same morning sunlight, the same breakfast, the same day.

And so, trapped in an unending loop, Lucien's mind unravelled further. His laughter turned to maniacal laughter, his despair turned to madness. He tried everything – pleading, screaming, praying – but nothing could break the cycle.

As the days blurred together, Lucien lost all sense of time and self. He became a shell of his former self, a broken soul lost in an eternal loop of his own making.

It's been weeks, well in this delusional state of time, Lucien just day there staring blankly,until a thought appeared to him 'Wait if this is a time loop it can be broken, from what I know no one knows how to control time fully but from the words of Zeus and the other gods only yahweh has full control over all and since I'm in the 1st realm their power over time is limited since it's the smallest and weakest realm' getting up he looked around but looked closer in every detail off his room as that's where it started, 'Or this could be a simulation since my friends and the entire campus is affected too. No, no, no even if it was a simulation I would've been able to leave it so someone with time powers must be messing with me or is it something else'. having looked around he stood still thinking, the former madness in his eyes slowly disappearing but still there as he was losing his mind like this.

He looked again once more and did something he hadn't done since this all started "Pantheon you still there"

[Finally, how can I help you?]

Happy that it worked he thought about why he didn't do this before ' Oh right I was freaking out went crazy and killed myself well not really kill '. Focusing back to the task he asked Pantheon "Is there a way out of this place"

[Yes there is, although this is a powerful form of sorcery the owner of this magic hasn't comprehended full basic mastery of their power of time so there are weak point here] Hearing that he was elated but also pissed since he could've gotten out of here sooner, His eye twitching he asked Pantheon, " Why didn't you tell me sooner"

[You didn't ask], she gave him a snark reply that made his whole face twitch and a vein to bulge but he calmed down and asked "So how do I get out"

[ strike the weak points in the space here and no I'm not helping you scan around as I do not have that function yet ]

Lucien was even more pissed, Pantheon was so much more gentler and nicer when she was in her former stages but she seemed more and more human since he became tier 2.

Since she couldn't scan it for him he'll use something his sister taught him in training a year ago but never used he spread out his aura uncontrollably and laced it with mana, he was supposed to do it softly but he never practiced this skill so he ended up cracking the glass and furniture but it fixed itself back after 10 seconds, he finally found it albeit after a couple of hours, he found it to the top left corner of the door "So what do I do now" he asked Pantheon

[You attack that point I suggest using ' ten Thousand piercings with precision of Artemis ' and lace it with mana at the tip of your finger and hit it there]

Slapping his head and realizing he could've thought of that he went up to the door and gathered copious amount of mana in his left finger. The veins in his hand bulged and turned blue as they weren't used to this amount of mana concentrated in one place, His regeneration worked slowly to fix the damage but it still hurt like hell.

bringing his hand black and straightening his finger he used [ten thousand piercings]and added [Precision of artemis] Using those skills he struck at the same spot ten thousand times which cause his finger to break and eventually explode in a gory mess as it couldn't handle that much mana flowing through it and striking a strong barrier with such strength, as he was cursing holding his pained hand the sound of glass breaking echoed and then surprised at this he suddenly opened the door only for his eyes to widen and his mouth to open wide.

"Are you KIDDING ME!!!"