
legacy of the forgotten gods

Lost my father in a assassination and my siblings are prodigies destined to rule universes while I'm not, or so I thought. My story begins as I gain the powers of gods that are long forgotten and inherit their legacy, I become their champion and... saviour? The name is Lucien and this is my story to try to become the one who stands above all, to become more powerful than a god

UndeadFallenangel · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 24

Chapter Twenty-Four: Strive to be Strong(part 2)

Janet felt a mix of excitement and determination as she followed Lyla, the dark elf girl who possessed a dual personality, into the training room. This was her chance to become stronger, to prove herself to her brother and everyone else who doubted her potential. She was determined to surpass her limits and show that she could stand tall among the powerful beings in the academy.

Inside the training room, Lyla explained to Janet the various combat skills she used, showcasing her expertise in both close combat and long-range attacks. Janet was amazed by the fluidity and precision of Lyla's movements, as well as the devastating power behind her attacks.

"Now, let's start with the basics," Lyla said with a smile that sent shivers down Janet's spine. "I want you to hit this training dummy with all your strength. Focus on maintaining a straight line with your strikes. If you deviate from the line, this AI assistant will give you a little shock to help you remember."

Janet nodded, steeling herself for the challenge. She took the sword that weighed three times her body weight and prepared to swing. She swung the sword three times but because of the weight of it on the fourth strike her straight line deviated a little and she received a shocked that sent her screaming in pain and agony every fibre of her body spasming due to the shock, lyla had received her this wasn't a little shock it was 33,000 volts of pure brutal electrical shocks that nearly shut down her brain. Knowing she will get shocked by failing her body and mind delved in a state of complete focus that she used to push through and made every swing of her completely straight because she knew if it wasn't she will die and she didn't want to give up because the thought of falling behind everyone and being left back by her loved ones because of her weakness made her believe it was a fate worst than death.

Every swing was a struggle, but she was determined to make her brother and herself proud. With each swing, she focused on maintaining a straight line, pouring all her strength into the strike. The AI assistant, true to Lyla's warning, delivered occasional shocks whenever Janet veered off course but she persevered and was getting use to it while the shocks laced with small amounts of mana was tempering her body due to the harshness of it and tightening her muscles for them to bring out more explosive strength in short and fast busts.

The training was grueling, and Janet's muscles screamed in protest, but she pushed through the pain. Lyla observed her closely, offering occasional advice on how to improve her form and strike with greater precision.

As the session continued, Janet's strikes gradually became more accurate and powerful. The AI assistant shocked her less frequently, a testament to her progress. Lyla who usually had a sadistic smile seeing Janet in pain nodded in approval, impressed by Janet's determination and willpower.

"You're doing well," Lyla said, her dual personalities merging into one focused and encouraging voice. "Keep pushing yourself, and you'll see significant improvement in no time. Remember, it's not just about strength; it's also about discipline and control."

Janet took Lyla's words to heart, pushing herself harder and harder. She lost track of time as she continued her training, driven by a newfound sense of purpose. She had a long way to go, but she was determined to become stronger, not just for herself but also to not be left behind by those she cared about.

Meanwhile, Lucien had been honing his skills with Lyla but he didn't now she was a clone who had half the originals strength, he was struggling but managed to get a few hits in before being utterly obliterated by her clone, if he knew of the clone and her only having half the real strength of his sister he may have collapsed and puked a mouthful of blood because of how ridiculously strong she was, I mean she was a freaking monster.T

esting his abilities and creating new combinations he made progresscwith his skills and familiarize himself with all new and old. He had a deep focus in his eyes, knowing that he needed to grow stronger to protect his loved ones and fulfill the responsibilities placed upon him and be strong enough to not be left behind by his siblings, I mean even his younger sister who he used to protect can slap him silly and he won't be able to do anything.

As Lyla and Janet finished their training, Lyla left to check up on Zakiel, while Janet took a moment to catch her breath and wipe the sweat from her forehead. She could feel the ache in her muscles, but it was a satisfying pain—one that reminded her of the progress she was making. She thought if she trained more like this with Lyla she would become strong, very strong.

leaving behind an exhausted Janet, Lyla/lillian met up with Zakiel in his room and discussed the training of the Two, Zakiel was not shocked that Janet was training as he long sensed her eavesdropping on his conversation with his master. Instead he was concerned on how brutal Lyla was being with both Luciena nd Janet, having a deep frown on his face he contemplated whether to explain to his sister about human limits but decided not because even he feared Lyla, in a fight neither knew who would win amongst the Two but they both knew it won't end without the other sacrificing alot to win.

He left to go through the next phase of their plan in which they had constructed after seeing how weak their brother was and how little time he had to train so picking up the pace he asked Lillians dark half lyla to train them as she was although sadistic she knew how to build a warrior, so as she was training Lucien she realized one factor his friends were utterly weak but Lucien would never leave them behind which would make them burdens, so she opted to train them to be strong enough to not be a burden for her brother. As Lyla/Lillian got up to go meet Jacob to train him Zakiel raised his hand and gave his sister a wry smile and left the room in search of Jacob in fear that Lyla may break one of his brothers friends.