
legacy of the forgotten gods

Lost my father in a assassination and my siblings are prodigies destined to rule universes while I'm not, or so I thought. My story begins as I gain the powers of gods that are long forgotten and inherit their legacy, I become their champion and... saviour? The name is Lucien and this is my story to try to become the one who stands above all, to become more powerful than a god

UndeadFallenangel · Fantasy
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43 Chs



Standing there in a daze, surrounded by the myriad of ancient books on long cascading bookshelves, Lucien's mind was clouded by the influence of the first book's mental hex. Panting and struggling, it was as if he had just woken from a vivid dream, the memory of which slipped away like smoke between his fingers.

Looking at the book that had ensnared him, he shivered at the prospect of falling under its influence again. He cursed inwardly, realizing that he wouldn't be able to leave this enigmatic library without examining the other two books.

Summoning his resolve and steadying his trembling hands, he approached the second book. The first had shown him something he yearned for, a glimpse into a past he'd lost. It was a desire every human harbored but could never grasp, and this book had wielded that desire like a weapon. But Lucien reminded himself that he was no ordinary human; he had been chosen by all-powerful gods trapped due to their potential. With his newfound powers, he questioned if he could still be classified as merely human.

He picked up the second book, anxiety clawing at him. Expecting the worst, he shut his eyes tightly out of fear but soon realized that nothing had happened. He hesitantly opened his eyes to find himself still within the library, the book clutched in his trembling hands.

With a sense of trepidation, he decided to examine this book he held. The book was pure black with a texture akin to leather, resembling a journal, its cover adorned with red lines streaking across the darkness, and tiny golden flakes that sparkled like stars on a clear night.

Lucien marveled at the book's beauty, momentarily distracted. Unbeknownst to him, in his trance, his free hand had involuntarily picked up a dagger, and he'd begun stabbing his own legs and arteries. The wounds grew increasingly severe as he moved from his lower limbs upward, stopping only inches from his heart. His consciousness began to fade, and he dropped the book. The red lines on the cover disappeared as Lucien fell to the ground, unconscious.

"Lucien! Wake up! WAKE UP!" A sudden, panicked rush of adrenaline jolted him awake. The transition from the engulfing darkness to the harsh library lights was disorienting. Lucien, his breath heavy and erratic, rose to his feet as the remnants of disturbing dreams slowly faded. His gaze darted around, searching for the source of the screams, but the library remained eerily empty.

Rubbing his temples, he furrowed his brows, trying to piece together what had just transpired. He glanced downward and noticed the ominous black book. It appeared less intimidating now that the red lines were gone, but it still held a strange allure.

Just as he contemplated picking it up again, a gentle chime resonated in his mind. It was a notification from the system, a reassuring reminder that it had intervened to prevent him from going too far.

**System Notification: Safe Lock Activated.**

Lucien breathed a sigh of relief, recognizing that the system had shielded him from his own subconscious. The trial he faced was undoubtedly perilous, a battle of the mind and spirit.

With newfound determination, he decided to set the black book aside for the moment. It was clear he couldn't afford to lose more blood or consciousness within these mystical pages. He heard the voice someone calling him once he turned his attention from the book. When he turned it stopped. He walked back to the book only to see the red lines that were meant to be on the book gone and replaced in a strange blue pattern almost like a mouth, he could hear whispers from the book but that seemed to call his name eerily he seemed to not be afraid but slightly entranced by the alluring whispers, he snapped at of it pretty soon but he was holding the book again staring directly at it, He felt slightly drained and the accursed cover of the book was glowing even brighter, He felt weirdly lethargic the longer he held the book and thought maybe there was an enchantment on the book that drained strength but not as much to really affect him so he dropped it and decided he would have a look at it later when he had the time, when he turned to look away from the book though he found he was no longer in the library and was in his room with the book on his night stand and the bright sun was shining through the window. He was utterly confused and was weary now as nothing has been normal since now and he was on guard in case of any spontaneous incidents were to happen.

. Unbeknownst to him his trial for the second book had commenced long ago and he was stuck in the trap of the cursed book