
Legacy of Fort Sterling

An endgame crafting city has been transported to the new world, with it are the players and NPCs that reside within. How would they react to the changes? Would the city unite or would it tear itself apart and fall into ruin? DISCLAIMER: This is a collection of short stories set in the Overlord universe. We took inspiration from video games for some elements of the story.

HeyItsArky · Anime & Comics
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Guild Officer Cardinal II

After his encounter with his weirdly dressed up creation, Cardinal was finishing his work and was preparing to send a message to his fellow officer WhiteBlank and to the guild leader Eclipse. WhiteBlank was in-charge of the guilds finances so he's currently monitoring the state of our treasury. As the manager of the guild's treasury, WhiteBlank has one of the highest positions in the guild, second only to the Guild Leader.

'I heard they know each other IRL too....'

Eclipse, on the other hand, managed the organizing and preparation for the various events and raids that the guild went to. He was also extremely knowledgeable about the game, both in the lore and in the mechanics, as he displayed when he led us in the event [Invasion of the Ancients]. He's currently talking with the other players that was stuck here, especially those who weren't part of the guild. Some players wanted to find a way to go home, others wanted to stay and a few others want to set out on their own.

'I don't blame them... I too would be wary of living in a city filled with people that would have no problem killing them if us 'City Lords' ordered it.'

While the treatment of the other players was not bad per se, they were still viewed as inferior to the guild members- No. It would be more accurate to say that the entire city views the guild as far above anything else. There have been an incident where banter between a member and a non-member almost led to violence as the NPCs were ready to attack in the face of the perceived "disrespect".

'Luckily Eclipse-san was there and prevented the whole thing without offending anyone... That guy's charisma is probably maxed.'

Cardinal put out a small laugh as he finished going through the last piece of paper on the stack. After he signed it he proceeded to cast [Message].

[Oii Shiro-chan, can you hear me?]

Cardinal heard a sigh on the other side of the connection. After a few years of knowing each other they naturally became good friends and so he made a nickname to tease him. Safe to say WhiteBlank didn't like it and got back at him by filling Charlotte's inventory with cheese. Worse was that he got Armor to program her to draw the cheese first so in battle she just stood there spawning cheese wheels from her inventory.

[Just call me Blank, like everyone else in the guild. Or do you want a repeat of the incident?]

[Aww c'mon man, I was only joking. Besides, Armor already got to her earlier. Can you believe that she wore that hideous jumpsuit from the [Easter Gacha]? He even said that it would make me feel better, which he knows is a lie.]

A snort then a full blown laugh was heard from the message spell. It was an admittedly funny situation but he can't help but feel bad for his NPC. She was often the target in pranks against him as everyone knew how he disliked anyone messing with his work.

[I have to congratulate Armor for that one- hahaha.. I know we're both piled with work right now so as much as I would like to chat more, can we get to why you sent a message?]

[It seems like the 3rd expedition encountered a human village and they are currently heading to the nearby city. Nobody higher than level 8 but who knows how high the levels are in that city.]

[Are you concerned about a possible attack?]

Cardinal though it over for a bit, his mind flying through scenarios in which they could lose. Theoretically, it is almost impossible go through the default defenses of the city alone. The guards, while mostly under leveled at around level 75, all have annoying crowd control skills and decent damage that even max level players are wary of facing. If an unlucky player gets controlled then it's almost a certain death as the dozens of divine class ballistae will fire from the walls, adding onto the damage dealt by the guards. If the players ever destroy the gate, not a small feat since it reflects damage and has a massive health pool, they will face the few dozen max level NPCs with one that has what is basically a Raid Boss as a mount. The city also came with a barrier that prevented a player from teleporting inside or flying into the city.

Almost being the keyword as one of the 3 city's with guild bases was successfully taken a few years back. The whole thing involved an a glitch in buff stacking which, with the help of a world item and a specific set of spells, made an invulnerability buff from a super tier spell last from a minute to a whole hour. The players who were part of the raid streamed for the whole hour, essentially on god-mode, as they went through the defenses like knife through butter. The devs later removed the possibility of extending the invulnerability buff but allowed the players to retain the base that they conquered.

'If the people here have a new power that's not within the game then maybe they can replicate what had happened. If this place is ever as sought after as it was in YGGDRASIL then we would need everything we have to defend it.'


[*Sigh* I didn't sign up for this you know... I only wanted to enjoy the last hours of the game's life but now...]

[Yes I know Blank-san...but...try to think about what we have gained instead of what we lost, okay? We have things that even the wealthiest can only dream of.]

Cardinal looked out of the window to the clear blue skies outside, untainted by the smog and pollution that plagued the skies since before he was born. It might be a cold thing to say but he was not as bothered as he knew some of the other were about the loss of their families. His parents died two years ago and his sister already has a family of her own to deal with so he was confident she can manage without him.

[I'm kind of jealous of how positive you are...back to the matter at hand, we must schedule a meeting with all the players as soon as possible. Have you sent a message to Eclipse?]

[Not yet. I'll message him after this.]

[Okay.. I guess I'll leave you to it then. I'm glad we got to talk like this for a bit. Goodbye Cardinal]

He smiled at that. They were all so busy after the shutdown that they hardly had the time to socialize. Even though he has a lot of work, he actually prefers it to his work at the company even though it was taking the same amount of effort.

[Me too. I guess I'll see you at the meeting then Blank-san.]

Cardinal slouched into his seat as he felt the message end. Their conversation lasted longer than he expected. He groaned and rubbed his forehead as he casted another [Message].

'I need a break after this.'