
Legacy of Ennea

Rey is a 16 y.o rich boy, live in this modern era and enjoy his living in this world. Until one day, he must face a cruel reality. He can't help his sister and both of them died in a case. When he woke up, he realize that he is in the new world. A different world, world of sword and magic. He got a new parents, new siblings, new friends, new name and new life. He decided to live his life much more serious, and his adventure begin I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com

CurrySoto · Fantasy
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68 Chs

Chapter 62 - The Encounter

"Hoam... I am sleepy, I will leave the shift scheduling on you..." Morgan told me. I nodded, since he looked pretty sick.

"Do you want me to cast Healing Magic?" I asked Morgam. But he decline my offer, "No need for that, I am just... too tired..." Morgan told us.

Ethan, and I looked at him with concern, "Make sure you talk with Doctor Frans about that..." Ethan told Morgan, but he shook his head... "Maybe later, I believe I am just too exhausted from those multiple meetings we had..." Morgan said.

Both of us are still looking at him with concern, and Morgan wave his hand, "Wake me up when it is my shift time..." Morgan told us, both of us nodded and he left.

"We do have a lot of meeting with your father... but I like it somehow..." Ethan told me, we are now watching several of the soldiers of Sky Kingdom deploying some supplies for us. We need to have some supplies for us, in the Dwarven Kingdom.

"Why? Isn't it boring?" I asked Ethan, but Ethan showed me a disagreement face. "Maybe for you, but each meetings are important... I learn a lot from him, like what Tousan told me, he is a good counselor..." Ethan explained. King Ethen said that? Wow, I do not know that Tousan has that big influence to King Ethen.

Then, from distance I can see a man wearing his own crown and a woman with her crown as well, guarded by 5 person and coming toward us. We are currently on the deck of the ship. "Tousan? Kasan?" I called both of them and I decided to get down from the ship by jumping from the deck.

"W-Woah?! You can do that?" Tousan looked at me with surprised. "Do what?" I asked after hearing his question. "Jumping from the ship! That is 5m tall!" Tousan told me with proud.

Now I am a bit offended, "Of course! I learn swordsmanship as well! Also, I learn it from Rueger!" I told to both Kasan and Tousan.

Ethan followed me and jump, now Tousan looked confuse "Is that normal?" Tousan asked Kasan, and Kasan hit Tousan's head. "That is very normal! Everyone could do it, but not you!" Kasan told Tousan, and now Tousan looked much more confuse.

Kasan let a sigh, "Don't mind him, he is not talented in swordsmanship... he hasn't practice his swordsmanship since he was 20..." Kasan told me. Now I am surprised, "T-That is quite a long time!" I told Tousan.

"And he is in Basic Level..." Kasan said. Now, both Ethan and I stay quite... "Y-You can't teach a fish to climb a tree!" Tousan said defending himself. But seeing our surprise face, he change the topic, "Anyway, take this..." Tousan told me and give me a backpack.

"What's inside it?" I asked as I take the backpack. "It is full of rings, I give you all one each, and it has been Enhanced by Teleportation Magic..." Tousan told us. Ethan looked amazed, but I ask him, "How to activate it?" I asked Tousan, "Just say 'Teleportation Magic, Activate' that easy..." Tousan said proudly, now... that is quite convenient.

"Nico... a ring took 2 days to be created..." Tousan told me, 2 days?! That is quite a long time, "And it can only be use one time, it will teleport you back to Sky Kingdom. Just in case of emergency..." Tousan explained. I nodded means I understand, and will use it for emergency only.

"Nico, we are ready..." Eria told me from the deck while popping out her head, so that we can see her face from the ship. "Ah, sure! We will be back in a moment..." I told Eria, she nodded and left.

But Tousan come closer to me with Kasan. "Do you think she will be a good wife?" Tousan asked Kasan, "Huh?!" I sounds weird, "That Eria girl? She is pretty cold, but I think she has a kind heart..." Kasan told Tousan...

I bet my face are red now, since Kasan and Tousan are laughing while looking at me. I looked at Ethan, and he pretends not to listen, t-that boy!

"Nico, you should find someone you want to marry with... how old are you now?" Tousan asked me, but I looked at him with disappointed face and makes him trying to remember my age, "Ahh, you are 14 right..." Tousan said while trying to remember, but Kasan hit Tousan's head. And she faced me with a smile "Nico, you are 18 already, you should find yourself someone to marry..." Kasan told me.

"I-I am still 18" I told him, but she looked at me with a smile and, hit my head as well. "You are 18 already!" she said with a smile, "I-I am 18 already..." I said as I don't want to get another hit. "You see, we give you freedom to choose, or else we will be the one that choosing the girl..." Tousan told me.

"Huh?! Hey! That is supposed to be my right to choose my own wife!" I told Tousan. And I am just 18! What are inside their mind! Tousan nodded... "Then go, marry her!" Tousan told me with a smile, and now my face turns to red once more, and both of them laughed.

T-They are toying with me right?! right?!?!

"Nico, we should go..." Ethan reminded me, and I nodded agreeing with him, we wasted too much time, "We should go, Tousan, Kasan..." I said with a smile, and both of them return a smile. "Nico, no matter what... all of you have to return safely..." Tousan told me with worried face.

I nodded, "I will... This mission would be not so hard if we succesfully threat Goldrac, right?" I asked Ethan, and he nodded. "I hope everything will be going as plan..." Ethan said worriedly, did he has something in his mind?

Then I can see Ed coming to us as we talked. He jumped from the deck as well, and immediately hugged Kasan. "Kasan! I will not be going for long!" Ed told Kasan, and I can see Kasan's teary eyes. She then hugged Ed back, "I know, don't make us wait too long okay?" Kasan told Ed, and I can see Ed's nodding face.

Now Tousan looked at me, and I looked at him. I feel really weird, but seeing that, he started a conversation, "Want me to teleport you to Qiteron Kingdom?" Tousan offered me an instant way to meet Euclio.

"Y-You can do that?" I asked Tousan, and he nodded proudly. "Of course! I have marked a small island above Qiteron Kingdom, do you want it?" Tousan asked me. That would be great! Euclio told me, that he has done his work in Qiteron Kingdom right? But...

He gives me a responsibility, to take over Dwarven Kingdom... I should be focusing on the mission, and not relying on him too much, doing this mission is the only way to prove everyone that I can live without relying Euclio too much!

I looked at Tousan, and he is still waiting for my answer, along with Ethan, I give "No, we have a mission to do..." I told Tousan with a smile

Ethan poked my shoulder. "It is time..." Ethan said

I nodded. "Let's go Ed..." I told Ed and both Kasan and Ed released their hug. Ed come to ourside and said "We will be going!" Ed said and the three of us begin to enter the ship through stairs

We waved our hand, and so they did. "Stay safe! All of you!" Kasan shouted, "We will!" Ed replied. When I look at Ed's face, he looked so happy. So, I give him another chance, "Are you sure you don't want to stay here?" I asked Ed as we walk toward the ship.

Ed looked at me with weird face, "Of course I will join you! I am a man that keep my promise!" Ed said with serious eyes. Promise? What promise? "What promise?" I asked accidentally, and now he looked at me with disappointed face, "Nisan, you have a lot of thought lately are you?" Ed asked me, and now I am panicking, what promise did he made?!

"Both of us promise to stay together!" Ed told me and remind me at the same time. "Oh!" I said as I remember that. H-He really remember that?! What a nice memory he has there.

"Eria, let's go..." Ethan told Eria as we finally arrived on the deck of the ship. She was waiting for us, "Finally!" She said as she enter the cabin. Now Ethan looked at Tousan from the deck and give a thumbs up. We are now about to be teleported back to the seas, near the Dwarven Kingdom.

As Ethan gave Tousan a thumbs up, he activate his magic, and I can see a yellow and brown orbs appeared above his head. "Teleportation Magic" Tousan said, as he looked at us, and I looked back at him. "Bye!" Ed shouted. Tousan smiled at Ed, and also at me. And he activate the Teleportation magic "Activate!" Tousan said and hit the ground cloud with the Legendary Staff.

A light beam hit our ship and within a second, the view has change, from clouds, to seas. "W-Wait, is that a land?!" I asked Ethan, and he nodded confirming that it is a land.

"I asked your Tousan to teleport us to the safest place in Dwarven Kindom" Ethan told both Ed and I. But... "Where are we?" I asked Ethan. He smiled, "We are in Jouvan's territory, the City of Hammer... Dunok" Ethan explained.

"What?!" Both of us looked confused, Doctor Frans come closer to us, "Ethan... this isn't looked like the City of Armor, Amber... where did Jeremiel-sama teleported us?" Doctor Frans asked. He sounds confuse as well, "City of Hammer..." Ethan told Doctor Frans, and now Doctor Frans looked surprised.

"That was not the plan..." Eria told Ethan from behind his back. Ethan nodded, "but before we left the Sky Palace, Jeremiel change his mind, and decided to teleport us here..." Ethan said.

"With what reason?" I asked Ethan, when there is no Nathalia, I am the one which is cautious. "There is a labyrinth outside Dunok, your father asked us to investigate..." Ethan explained.

"That was not the plan?" Morgan suddenly showed up. He looked pretty annoyed. Wait.... I thought he went to sleep... "Our mission is, take over Dwarven Kingdom" Morgan explained. Eria nodded in agreement, it seems Tousan did some mistake, he should have explained it to all of us. "Calm down..." a man with golden armor come and join our conversation.

"R-Rueger?!" I said in surprised. He smiled at me, and when everyone is looking at him. "I believe Jeremiel-sama wants to show us something inside the labyrinth..." Rueger explained. Rueger... he believes my father too much. "Yes, if it was Jeremiel-sama order, we should follow it..." Doctor Frans nodded in agreement with Rueger.

"Hey! We should be harboring now!" Rin shouted from the higher deck. Doctor Frans and Rueger left us and help the other.

I can see Eria's and Morgan's disappointed face, and I let a sigh, everyone looked at me

now. "Let's just do it..." I told the two of them, and they let a sigh as well. "Fine, I will prepare everything else..." Eria said. "Yeah, I will call everybody..." Morgan said and I nodded.

Ethan looked back at the sea, and let a sigh. "What's with that?" I asked. Ethan is still looking at the ocean, "Do you remember our hideout? In Neku..." Ethan asked me, I looked at Ed, and he looked back at me, "Of course, what's with that?" I asked Ethan.

"Your father, Jeremiel-san... is very smart..." Ethan told both Ed and I, "H-He is?" I asked in doubt, but Ethan nodded. "Do you remember how did we found Maxim?" Ethan asked me, and I nodded, "Through Clairvoyant, I can see him sitting on the island made of the root of Yggdrasil" I told Ethan.

Now, I feel a bit stupid, I realize something weird. "Um, Nisan... I thought the labyrinth was protected by Barrier Magic?" Ed said... I nodded in agreement, both of us looked at Ethan. "Your father found it weird, and your father thinks that there are more labyrinth which has the same characteristic as the labyrinth in Neku" Ethan explained.

I see... so Tousan want us to check this labyrinth in Dunok. "But why Dunok's labyrinth?" I asked Ethan. "There is some information, that the labyrinth is..." Ethan said as he cut his word. "Is?" Ed asked impatiently. "Haunted..." Ethan said

"....." Both of us looked at Ethan in disbelief. Haunted?! "You mean like ghost?" Ed asked in disbelief. "Ghost?!?" I said in surprised, is ghost exist in this world?!

Ethan nodded, "Yes, there are several cases where people or adventurer see a woman spirit" Ethan explained. Now I feel all of my hair in my body tense. "Boo!" Rin surprised me. I moved back and prepared my sword already...

Both Ed and Ethan laughed seeing my reaction. "Rin!" I shouted his name and try to catch him, since he is running away from me.

"Oh? We harbored!" Ed said with happy face. And I decided to stop trying to catch Rin, he is too fast!

"Should we divide our party?" Precilla asked Ethan. She come out from the lower deck of the ship. "Hmmm" Ethan give a thought. "I guess it would be faster if we split to two group..." Morgan suggested.

Really? I think we should stick together... I just, don't want bad things to happen... as I give that thought, Eria looked at me, when I looked her back, she then face everybody else. "I think we should stick together..." Eria told everyone else.


"Yes, I agree..." Ed said in agreement. Ethan then looked at me and smiled.

B-Both of you... I then showed a relieved face. After looking at my face, it is time for Ethan to decide. But, before he decide, an old man raise his hand. "Doctor Frans?" Ethan called his name.

"Uhum, I will be dropping all of you here, and let me talk to Jouvan alone... he is an old friend of mine..." Doctor Frans said as he gives me a wink. Doctor Frans!? We are very blessed by him, in our party. "Then, let me escort you Doctor Frans!" Rick told Doctor Frans.

"Are you sure? I don't mind..." Doctor Frans said with a smile. Ethan nodded in agreement. "Then, let me help you as well..." Rin told Doctor Frans, Doctor Frans nodded in agreement. "That's fine, if Ethan-sama said so..." Doctor Frans said.

"Are you sure? Both of you?" Ethan asked Rick and Rin with doubt. But both of them nodded, "Doctor Frans won't be able to harbored the ship alone... Which is why some of us should join him..." Rick said to Ethan.

Rick... he sure has good observation as well. But then I remembered something, he was the party leader of a Platinum Party, back in Sera. Of course he should have good eyes. I nodded as Rick looked at me.

Ethan let a sigh, "Fine, wait us in Dunok, we will head there soon" Ethan told the three of them, "Come to the palace at once, they will greet you properly..." Doctor Frans said with confidence.

I wonder where does his confidence come from. "Okay, we will head for the palace at once after we observe the labyrinth..." Ethan said and they nodded.

"Ed, Nico, Eria, Precilla, Roxane, Erin prepare the carriage, also June..." Ethan commanded us, and we nodded. It's been a while since I am being order to do.

After almost a half an hour, we finally let June out, along with the carriage.

I come closer to June and begin a conversation, "How are you June?" I asked her as I patted her head, she then neighed but with not a happy neighed. "I-Is she angry?!" I said a bit worry. Ed laughed, "Maybe she wants to play with her friends more, back in Sky Kingdom..." Ed said.

I looked back at June, and she neighed happily, means she agreed. "N-No... don't you ever dare run from me!" I told June, and June neighed happily. I-Is she mocking me?!

"She said that she will do what she wants to do..." Erin said as she put several supplies for our journey to our two floored carriage.

T-That is mean! June! Seeing my desperate face, June seems to be very happy. T-This Pegasus of mine!

Suddenly, Ethan, Morgan, and everybody else that will join our group jump from the ship and run toward us... W-What is happening?! Rin opened his mouth"Hey! All of you! Go now" Rin shouted to all of us from above the deck.

Ethan immediately jumped to the second floor of the carriage, as I immediately mounted June to the carriage. "Go June!" Ethan said before I even had the chance to come inside the carriage, and June immediately run, but I manage to jump to the second floor.

"W-What happened?" I asked Ethan, Ethan seems like thinking something, so Precilla gives me the answer, "A sea patrol is approaching our ship..." Precilla answered. I-Isn't that a trouble?! Should we help them?!

"Doctor Frans asked us to leave, and he said that he will be okay..." Roxane said to calm me down. She do understand my thoughts. And there is one more concern, "Where is Rueger?" I asked Roxane, and she shook his head. "My father is staying with Doctor Frans, just in case the dwarven patrol find some trouble with us..." Roxane explained

Now, I am speechless. N-No Rueger?! It will be very hard.

"Nico, I will protect you... don't worry about that!" Roxane told me. I looked at her, and I see a girl with short black hair, and black eyes. She is indeed Rueger's daughter. "I-I will count on you!" I told Roxane and she smiled happily.

"Hey, I could protect him better than you do!" Precilla said, "Huh?! It is my job as the daughter of Maxwell's true protector!" Roxane said with proud. Now I can see how proud she is with Rueger. "You are an Ares-Style User, you will leave Nico behind..." Precilla said.

"Huh? My father is an Ares-Style User, also Maxim-Style User, but he is able to protect Nico from any harm. It's not only Valeon style" Roxane said while teasing Precilla.

"H-Hey, both of you..." a girl voice can be heard from behind us...

"L-Lisa!" I said to change the topic. "Nico! Since both of them are a burden! Let me be your personal bodyguard... What do you think?" Lisa asked me happily...

"Wait! You can't just pass both of us!" Roxane said with angry face, "Yes! You should line up before me, and Roxane!" Precilla said as she put me back behind her hand...

T-This is troublesome. But then, I see Erin climbing up to the second floor...

"E-Erin! Help me!" I told Erin, and everyone on the second floor looked at her as she come closer to the four of us. "Hmm? Is something wrong?" Erin asked with a smile.

T-That is still weird!

"Erin! Who is the right person to protect Nico?" Precilla asked Erin, "Of course, it is me right?! As the Daughter of Rueger?!" Roxane said as she come closer to Erin.

"We don't need you Roxane, we need a defense-style user to protect Nico! Which is me!" Precilla said with proud.

"Both of you will be a burden, I could protect him from undetectable things, like traps..." Lisa told us with proud.

But now, everyone looked at her with surprised.

"A-Are you a scout?" Roxane asked Lisa...

Lisa nodded proudly, "I am! I can watch the enemy's movement, and immediately counter it if I want to!" Lisa said.

"That is useless when it comes to defend someone..." Precilla said

"W-What did you said?!?" Lisa sounds angry as she looked at Precilla...

"I think..." a white wolf girl said. Now everyone looked at Erin...

"I am the best..." Erin said

"......" Everyone become speechless now.

I hear some one let a sigh...

"Finally, a moment of peace..." Morgan said, hearing that all of us laughed.

After 10 minutes of journey, we arrived...

I can see a hill, and a hole in it. "I-It is huge!" Ed said as he looked at the labyrinth. I looked arround, and I can still see the coast. So, it is still located near the ocean. That is easier if we need to escape.

"Nico, how long will the Barrier Magic you casted be gone?" Ethan asked me.

With that question, I am a bit confuse, since I almost feel no mana lost from the barrier magic I have casted on everyone's cloth after we left the ship.

"I think it could take a very long time, don't worry about it..." I told Ethan, and he nodded. I believe he is afraid of Navroth's clairvoyant.

Well, no one wants that, or else Grandpa's case might happen once more.

=== Euclio's Point of View ===

"Euclio! Come on! Train with me once more!" A boy called my name. This boy has white hair and has a blue eyes. His name is Jaxson Maxwell, Nicolas's youngest brother.

We are currently in the dining room, and we are having our lunch right now.

"Finish your lunch..." I said as I eat. "Prawmise me kay! After I eat! Ugh *cough*" Jaxson stopped talking.

T-This boy talk too much...

"J-Jaxson-sama... please drink more..." my waiter told Jaxson. "Yes, and stop talking when you eat..." I said to Jaxson.

T-This boy is harder to be take care of, compared to Nico...

I let a sigh...

"Hey! You just think about my brother did you?!" Jaxson said after he drank. A-And this boy can read my mind! I guess we spent quite a long time together.

"Hmmm, your brother are in Dwarven Kingdom right now. I hope everything is according to plan..." I said

Actually, I have some trouble with Nicolas's party, not a fight but a missunderstanding. At first, I just want Nicolas's party to hide, not convince every Kingdom to join the cause. But he did something I do not expect him to do.

And now, North and South Beastman Kingdom is still ours, and also they are going to take Dwarven Kingdom. They do try really hard. Meanwhile...

I looked at the boy which is eating beside me.

Jaxson, he is a brilliant boy, a genius in swordsmanship. I feel like he could be the strongest swordsmanship among us. I am teaching him a dual sword play, and he could easily follow my instruction.

Although he is too loud...

After he swallowed his food he looked at my face with determination, and I looked away and looked back at my food. "Euclio! Give me one more chance to fight you today!" Jaxson yelled in annoying way.

"No, one day one time, remember that?" I told Jaxson as I continue eating.

Unlinke House Maxwell, my family do not eat together, we eat whenever we want to. We have different kind of things to do, like Tousan attends several meeting, and Nisan... I don't know what he is doing...

Someone then come inside the dining room.

Jaxson looked into that direction and...

"Hercule!!!" Jaxson called his name as he stood up from his chair. "J-Jaxson-sama! Please finish your food first!" My servant try to stop Jaxson from running, and she put Jaxson back to the chair.

"Ah, Euclio-sama... Jaxson-sama..." Hercule greeted us.

I can see a big man, with a sword on his left hips. I can see his cape as he was about to sit beside me. It was 'Power' written on it. Yes, Hercule is the lord of City of Power in Qiteron Kingdom.

"Jaxson-sama, I will! Let's train together after this!" Hercule told Jaxson, and when I looked at Jaxson, I can see his eyes sparkling.

"Are you sure?" I asked Hercule, since Hercule is a lord, and one of the most busiest people in this Kingdom. "Don't worry, we just finished our meeting with Staviel, Gavenhallen, and Garasol Kingdom..." Hercule explained

Oh, that meeting, so it is today? Tousan arranged a meeting after Alduir came and attack us, well... he aims for my head. Maybe because of that, he change his mind that we can't defeat him if Maxim was not here.

"What's the meeting about?" I asked Hercule, and then he come closer to me...

"I should not tell anyone, but if it is you..." Hercule said with a smile... "I guess that's okay..." Hercule said as he start to eat.

"Staviel Kingdom has been keeping their best material to fight during the next war..." Hercule explained.

Best material? Oh!

"Adamantine?!" I asked Hercule in surprised, and he nodded. "They've been keeping them a lot of those material, knowing that this day will come..." Hercule explained.

"I-I see, but they won't have a lot of those material for all of us right?" I asked Hercule. And he nodded, since if he has that a lot of adamantine for the entire force, he could buy the entire human continent, dragon continent, elven continent, dwarven continent, and beastman continent, basicly the entire world.

Adamantine is the most expensive material in this world, and which is why, it is so precious. "Why do they want to share it with us anyway?" I asked Hercule.

Hercule give it a thought, "It seems that his prime minister suggested that way... his name is..." "D-Daigo?! Daigo Staviel did?!" I said in surprised as I cut Hercule's word. "Ah! That boy! Yes, he did. But of course they will share it but not for free but with lower price." Hercule told us.

"I-I see, but still, that is an advantage for us... and next?" I asked Hercule

"Garasol Kingdom! The Kingdom of Power in Ocean Kingdom, well, we are still stronger... but they are almost at the same power with us today..." Hercule explained.

"H-Hey! I don't want to hear the backstory, just tell me about the meeting!" I told Hercule, and he realize, "A-Ah sure! So, they have been spying on Human Continent and Dragon Continent... and they receive a report that Navroth is currently staying in Aerios Kingdom..." Hercule explained.

T-That is weird, why is she still there? What's special about Aerios Kingdom anyway??

"Hey! Let's train!" Jaxson cut out our conversation. "Wait..." I told him, "Are you sure?" I asked Hercule...

He nodded...

"Garasol's Kingdom spies can be trusted, they are very skillful..." Hercule explained, and I nodded in agreement, they have the best spy in the entire world.

"How about Gavenhallen?" I asked. "Gavenhallen... they are in the highest spirit for the next war, although they do not have the strongest army, but I like how Metiu Gavenhallen drive everyone with his high spirit!" Hercule said. Now I am very curious with the meeting...

W-Wait... if they just finished their meeting, and now is lunch time... Shouldn't they be...

"J-Jaxson... let's go and train!" I told Jaxson... "Are you sure?! Let's go!" Jaxson said. Yes, Tousan should be held a feast here, in the dining room. When I was about to leave the room with Jaxson, the dining room's door opened and...

"Hmmm..." a big tall woman said as she looked at me. S-She is taller than Hercule himself! Who is she? I can see that she is wearing a crown, is she Staviel's Queen? or Gavenhallen's Queen? Or maybe?!

"My name is Euclio Qiteron" I said as I give her a bow... she should be... "My name is Alice the third..." She said as she smile looking at me, but she then walked away. But she stopped after looking at Jaxson.

Tousan come and enter the room, "Ah, that is Jeremiel's third son..." Tousan told Alice as Tousan come closer to Jaxson. Jaxson looked at me, and he looked confuse... "Go, introduce yourself..." I told Jaxson...

"Oh, my name is Jaxson Maxwell... it is an honor to meet you..." Jaxson said as he bow. Alice looked confused, "He made another child?" Alice asked Jaxson. What is that question?!

"Ummm yes?" Jaxson sounds confuse as well. That is a weird question, but still... Alice is one of the strongest person in the world.

The current strongest person changes after Zerotus, William and Orphamiel's death. The order are now...

1. [blank]

2. Alduir

3. Maxim

4. Jeremiel

5. Feurius

6. Vaeril

7. Orseus

8. Rueger

9. Alice

10. Pentius

I wonder why Nico is not on the list, he should be one of the strongest, instead... Pentius, the mage master of Perius Kingdom. Well, one day Nico will be taking that position. If he want too...

Alice then left Jaxson, and another man come. "Ah, Euclio! How are you!" Metiu Gavenhallen greeted me energetically. "Metiu-dono... welcome, please enjoy the meal, we will be leaving soon..." I told Metiu.

"Ah, you are not joining us? Such a pity..." Metiu said and he looked at the boy, yes, he looked at Jaxson. Metiu then looked at me as he want to know who is he... I push Jaxson and he is now standing in front of me...

"This is Jaxson Maxwell, the third son of Jeremiel Maxwell..." I introduce him to Metiu...

"Ah! Another son! What a blessed family! Maybe he should marry my daughter! HAHAHA!" Metiu said energetically...

"T-That is... you should talk to Jeremiel himself..." I told Metiu, "I see! Then maybe Next time!" Metiu said as he pass both of us.

"T-This place is scary..." Jaxson said as he return and hide behind my back. This boy, he is only brave enough to talk when he knows the person individually.

"Where is Staviel's King?" I asked Tousan as he is still stand next to the door. "Cih, that man is busy as always, and also his son..." Tousan said...

After saying that, he left the door. "Are you joining us?" Tousan asked me. I refuse, since we have eaten. "We have eaten, we will be training..." I told Tousan and he nodded.

As we left the room, "How about Hercule?" Jaxson asked me, "He will be joining us after he finished eating" I told Jaxson.

We are currently walking to the training room, "Today is your last day in Intermediate level, are you ready to move to the advance level?" I asked Jaxson... there is actually no level in using dual sword wielding, since it is a unique weapon wielding. But I make it on my own. My level is Master Tier... since I can only fight equally with master tier of swordsmanship.

Jaxson has been training with me for months now, and that is really fast. "I will pass the test!" Jaxson said motivated. Oh... I never ask this before, "Jaxson, what is your motivation? Why do you want to be strong?" I asked Jaxson.

He looked at me in confusion... "Why do I want to be strong..." Jaxson asked himself...

It seems that he is still confuse with that... he has no direction, it could be dangerous. And he might be walking in the wrong pat-

"I want to be stronger... stronger than all of my brothers..." Jaxson told me out of a sudden.

"Why is that?" I asked Jaxson, I believe there should be no need rivalry between family. "I want to fight with them..." Jaxson said...

"Huh?" I said in confusion...

"Yes! I want to go on adventure with them!" Jaxson said to me with determination. I displayed a surprised face looking at his resolve. So, he want to be strong because of he want to join Nico and Ed...

He changes...

"Then, let's be stronger!" I told Jaxson and he nodded.

We continue walking till we reach the training ground, and today, he finally reach the advance tier of dual wielding.

=== Nicolas's Point of View ===

"On the left!" Ethan shouted. "I got this!" Eria said as she hit a goblin. "Goblin?!" Morgan said in surprised. Morgan looked at Ethan and Ethan nodded in undestanding. Goblin will come in waves, there will be a lot of them coming. "Arrows!" Ed shouted.

"[WIND]" Ed casted as he pushed back the arrows. Goblins... they are annoying creature, if a goblin danger tier is C, a horde of them would be change to tier A. What a troublesome creature.

Right now, we are inside the labyrinth trying to find our way to the secret room. And we haven't encounter any 'ghost'

"Hiah!" Precilla shouted as she slashed a goblin that is trying to climb on the carriage. Eria is on June, since June should be protected from those goblins, while I use my [IGNITE] to brighten up the room.

The labyrinth in this place are way different compared to the labyrinth in Neku. We can pass monsters in that labyrinth with June's speed, but this one... it is different. Those monsters are actually quite speedy, and they could follow June's speed.

"Hey! A big room!" Eria shouted from June... All of us looked at the place where Eria pointing at, and it is... Please, the secret room! I hate labyrinth, I hate dark place, in it is cold.

"T-That is!" Eria said in surprised, and as we passed, all I can see is a camp. A camp of human?! No! Dwarfs!

"#&$#&@#$!" A random dwarf shouted, and it seems that they are the guard. "Stop June!" Ethan shouted.

And instantly, we around surrounded by the dwarven army...

It seems that we are in a great danger...