
Legacy:A Grindelwald's Tale

Follow Rodrick, grandson of Gellert Grindelwald, as he struggles with his own identity in a world both magical and dangerous. Will he ever be able to step out of his grandfather's shadow? Maybe if nobody finds out his family name in the first place. Though, of course, having a Grindelwald's morales doesn't make things any easier. Disclaimer: J.K Rowling owns Harry Potter.

Christian_Uzumaki · Book&Literature
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47 Chs

Chapter 7

Rodrick showed up to the potions classroom late, he'd overslept again, habits from his orphanage weren't exactly easy to get rid off. However, any fears of being reprimended seemed to lighten up when he saw the numbers of students waiting outside his class.

They were not students he recognized; it took a few minutes before he realized they weren't trying to go inside but instead attempting to get a look. Daphne was there as well, having trouble trying to go in, he went up and got her attention, she gave him a smile which didn't reach her eyes. A few moments passed before their head of year was marching towards their classroom. Daphne went behind Rodrick after giving him a mischievous smile, 'thanks...let me take the blunt of it why don't you,' he thought resigned. He doubted Snape was going to punish a known Pureblood... However, the professor merely gave them a nod of understanding when he noticed the crowd gathered. After entering the classroom Rodrick could've sworn he saw the teacher give off a scowl towards Harry Potter. 'The rumors might be right about favoritism.'

The classroom did not go as expected, Severus Snape seemed to hold something against Harry Potter with the way he was pointing his attention towards him, it was something that made the Slytherin students quite happy however it bought more unnecessary attention towards Rodrick as well as Daphne. The professor had used both of them as an excuse when he mentioned Harry Potter's Celebrity status affecting everyone else, as well as deciding it gave him an ego. Harry Potter was falling for the bait, which of course, didn't help make it any better. To his luck, Rodrick saw that Daphne had agreed with him in this case, even she found the favouritism shown unfair, though at this point that was an understatement.

Tracey looked rather frightened of the professor, 'I'll have to explain she doesn't have much to worry about later' thought Rodrick. Blaize, on the other hand, seemed to enjoy the professor's actions, something he found disconcerting, he couldn't very well be seen with him enjoying such actions, getting the professors trust looked to be hard enough, the other professors anyway.

The lesson started off with a problem, Harry Potter had been copying down whatever Snape had been saying. Said professor, however, had taken this as an insult, or an excuse, to torment the boy. He went up to him and questioned whether he was too good to be paying attention. He started asking the boy several questions which Harry was unable to answer. Rodrick had been sitting to his right; He'd written down an answer to each question hoping to show it to Potter after, to help him. However, Harry seeing him writing down as he had before, tried to use against Professor Snape.

"He's doing the same thing and you don't punish him for it."

Really Potter? Really? Rodrick thought irritated. Next time I won't bother.

This had brought most of the stares towards to him; He winced at the attention. Professor Snape turned towards Rodrick's book with a bewildered look which disappeared quickly. Rodrick saw the hint of a smirk appearing. 'Crap' he thought.

"Very well then Mr. Potter, Rodrick why don't you read out what you've written for the class to hear."

Rodrick almost rolled his eyes, he was annoyed, He knew what was going to happen next, and he certainly didn't want the repercussions on his head... He still listened to his Professor all the same. Daphne had turned towards his book with slight panic before she sighed when she saw its contents.

Rodrick read out an answer to each of the questions. Each answer made the smirk on Professor Snape more defined and the scowl on Harry's more prominent. By the end of it, the scowl was more directed towards Rodrick then it was to Snape. 'Perfect' thought Rodrick 'The-boy-who-lived probably wants me dead.'

Hermione Granger's hand had long since gone down; She wasn't angry at Rodrick, in fact, she was slightly envious of the attention the professor had given him. Rodrick chuckled to himself when he noticed, knowing it was a matter of house favoritism, surely she knew that. Harry Potter sadly caught the action and thought that it was intended for him. He sighed.

"Now Mr. Potter do you see the difference? While you were wasting parchment, Rodrick, on the other hand, managed to answer each question correctly and had the insight to write it down instead of raising his hand up to cry for attention!" He stared at Granger near the end. "10 points to Slytherin and five from Gryffindor for your classmate's cheek."

'That about does it, every Gryffindor here is gonna want me dead' Rodrick sat back down with a heavy sigh. He looked around and saw some of Slytherins giving him a nod of approval. Malfoy was sneering, 'Even some of my fellow Slytherins don't like me, seriously what is his problem?' after a few seconds he turned towards Daphne and Tracey, who were smiling at him. 'Well, can't be all that bad I suppose.'

The class went on with each table Pairing up and attempting to follow the instructions on books, Thankfully the professor laid off Rodrick for a while, focusing instead of Malfoy, who had unsurprisingly gleamed on the attention shown. Daphne had initially been put out by this as their work had been as good or even better but when she noticed Rodrick enjoying the work more she didn't say anything about it. He was, after all, doing half the work. 'Perhaps he really doesn't want the attention,' She thought to herself, The thought confused her. She'd expected an orphan to pry at any chance he could get to have people look to him, but the opposite had happened. Then again he was the first orphan she'd met.

There was another incident during the lesson where a Longbottom had managed to muck up the recipe and cause it to boil through his cauldron onto himself. The effect caused almost made Daphne throw up until Rodrick grabbed her cloak sleeve. She saw a small glow come out before she felt herself relax. She didn't know what had happened, but she was grateful, she would ask him about it later.

The professor was livid when the accident occurred; he called the boy a fool before having someone escort him out, after which he turned towards Potter and blamed him for not helping the boy do it properly. He accused Potter of letting it happen so he could look better.

Daphne whispered something to Rodrick which caused him to snort.

The professor looked towards them with a raised eyebrow but didn't say anything, honestly, he looked amused. The two Gryffindors in trouble, however, scowled towards them having assumed to be made fun of. "This keeps getting better doesn't it Daph," Rodrick said.

At least he didn't call me Ney, she thought, Tracey had attempted that one before.

Once the class ended, Rodrick and his friends made their way out. Blaize had an irritated look on his face, he had failed the potion and got a reprimand from Snape as a result. Tracey was the first to break the silence stating her plans to go to the library with Blaize deciding to follow; Daphne told her she'd catch up with her after getting some food to eat. Rodrick stomach grumbled and sighed at the sound. The rest of the group laughed.

After the group had split up Blaize was walking ahead with Tracey following behind, "What part did you have trouble with?" she asked him.

A look of surprise flitted across his face. "How do you know I had trouble with it?" he replied. She gave him a smile and said she's going to the library for the same reason. He snorted at that. "Daphne was lucky to get Rodrick as a partner." the girl said this with a slightly annoyed look.

Blaize raised an eyebrow at this, "I thought she did most of the work." Tracey couldn't help the laugh that came out stating Daphne was quite hopeless with potions. "Last time she tried to make a laughing potion she wound up turning her hair blonde," it certainly was humorous Tracey thought.

Blaise was caught off guard; this made him even more determined to study potions knowing the other boy was ahead of him. The two made the rest of their way in silence not having much to talk about. It was about an hour after they'd been at the library before the other two had shown up.


Walking towards the great hall. Daphne surprised him with a question. "How did you know the answers to Snape's questions? We didn't study that last night," She had a small grin on her face, "Did you cheat?"

Rodrick stared at her before snorting, "That would require too much effort, besides I could've got it wrong and Snape likely would've still used it against Potter,"

"Figured you just worked hard, you're pretty far ahead."

"I am ahead of our classmates, doesn't mean I am ahead of the year's course. Our defense class should prove that much," The answer irked her knowing it might be true. She quickly changed the subject to what food he wanted to have.

"Whatever's edible,"

She shook her head.

"I just hope we don't have to deal with anymore Gryffindors,"

Daphne gave him a pitying look when she heard him, "I doubt it, we only have classes with them three times a week," The sarcasm was evident.

They decided to make a detour for the Slytherin common room to put away some of their books. As they went inside their common room they saw a notice on the board. Rodricks face started to lose its color, Daphne noticed the poster on the wall. They were to have flying lessons. With Gryffindors.

"What do you think of that?" she asked with a grin.

Rodrick looked downright terrible.

"Whats wrong? Don't you like flying?" her grin died out.

"I hate it; I am scared of heights," His face was serious, his tone made him sound like an old man.

His reply sent her into a fit of laughter.

"It's not funny; I am terrified of falling," Daphne tried to calm herself down, before falling into another fit when she saw his face read the part about Gryffindor. Rodrick dropped to the floor in depression.

"My life here is over," He kept repeating.

She helped him up. "It won't be that bad, just relax" her voice didn't reach any part of his head. "Besides its a few days away, you can get some practice in the meantime to prepare." hearing this Rodricks head went up, he looked a lot more in control but still seemed unsure.

"When is it?" he asked. Wait, doesn't he need a broom for that?

"Next week Thursday, Why?" she stared at him waiting for the answer.

"Well I don't see myself enjoying my birthday," he sighed.

"Birthday? When is it?" she had a small twinkle in her eye when she said this.

"Friday after, I get an early gift it seems." The girl started to chuckle again when she heard it. "When's yours?" he asked her when she'd calmed down.

"October 31st,"

"Fitting," That earned him a slap