
Legacy (Jujutsu Kaisen)

In a different take on the Jujutsu Kaisen universe, imagine if Satoru Gojo and Utahime Iori were married. They have twins, each inheriting powers from their parents. However, the son, Haruo, feels inferior to his sister, Natsuko, who has powers like their father. Haruo believes he's weak because he only inherited his mother's abilities. But as the story unfolds, Haruo discovers his own powers, leading him to become the strongest sorcerer alive. Or simply, Jujutsu Kaisen, but with Satoru Gojo and Utahime Iori married.

haizlena · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

1. The Gojo Twins.

Eight years had passed since the birth of Natsuko and Haruo, filling the halls of the Gojo-Iori mansion with laughter and mischief. Satoru Gojo and Utahime Iori, their parents, now resided in a grandiose abode befitting their status as revered sorcery teachers.

"You're insufferably arrogant, Satoru!" Utahime chided, her voice tinged with fond exasperation as she glanced at her husband.

"Come on, sweetheart. They've got the Gojo blood. Besides, I'll keep an eye on them," Gojo retorted, flashing a mischievous grin as he enveloped Utahime's hand and planted a playful kiss on it. She blushed at the gesture, though she tried to maintain a stern demeanor.

"Despite your confidence, they're only eight," Utahime reminded him, her tone a blend of caution and affection.

"I know they're only eight, but look at them. They're practically bursting with readiness," Gojo countered, wrapping his arms around Utahime from behind. She couldn't suppress a smile as he buried his face in her neck.

"Mama, Papa!" the twins called out excitedly, racing into the room. "We're ready!" they announced in unison, their eyes gleaming with anticipation.

Utahime knelt down, smoothing Haruo's unruly hair with a tender touch. He scowled in response, earning a giggle from Natsuko, who stood beside him.

"Stop it, Mama. I'm not a baby anymore. I can fix my hair myself," Haruo protested, his pride wounded.

"Oh, hush, my little man. You'll always be Mama's baby," Utahime teased, pinching his cheek affectionately before turning her attention to Natsuko, adjusting her dress with a gentle hand.

"Now, listen up, you two. Follow Papa's instructions, and no funny business. Understand?" Utahime cautioned, her gaze firm as she addressed her children.

"Yes, Mama," they replied in unison, their voices filled with determination.

"Time to go, my brave little ones," Gojo declared, sweeping them up in each of his hands as they prepared to embark on their next adventure.

Gojo soared through the skies until he reached their designated training location, a secluded area shrouded in mystery. With a gentle touch, he set Natsuko and Haruo down on the ground, their eyes shimmering with anticipation.

"Is Megumi not coming?" Haruo inquired, casting a curious glance at his father.

"Nah, this is your training, not his," Gojo replied, a playful smirk gracing his lips as he looked down at his children.

"I'm so excited!" Natsuko exclaimed, her voice filled with boundless enthusiasm as she eagerly shifted from foot to foot.

"That's my girl," Gojo chuckled, reaching out to affectionately ruffle her hair. He then turned to Haruo, who stood beside him with a determined expression on his face.

"Now, do you both remember your cursed techniques? Remember, without them, you won't be able to do any damage to the curses," Gojo reminded them, his tone firm but encouraging.

They both nodded in agreement, determination gleaming in their eyes as they prepared themselves for the challenge ahead.

"Good. Now, I'll be staying outside this area, and I want you both to go inside," Gojo instructed, gesturing towards the entrance of the training ground.

"What grade are we facing, Papa?" Natsuko asked eagerly, her eyes shining with anticipation.

"Grade 4, Sis," Haruo replied confidently, his voice brimming with assurance.

Gojo smiled knowingly and shook his head. "Grade two," he corrected, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Grade 2!" Haruo exclaimed, his eyes widening in surprise at the unexpected revelation.

"But Mama said..." Haruo began, but Gojo interrupted him before he could finish.

"Your Mama thinks you aren't strong enough, but I know my kids are the strongest," Gojo interjected, his voice filled with unwavering confidence as he affectionately tousled Haruo's hair.

"A grade two! Let's go!" Natsuko exclaimed, her excitement undiminished by the unexpected downgrade in the challenge.

"We'll do our best and exorcise the curse, Papa," Haruo declared, his resolve firm as he met his father's gaze with unwavering determination.

"I know you will. Now go!" Gojo urged them on, giving them a gentle push towards the entrance of the training area. With a flourish, he recited the incantation, "Emerge from the darkness, blacker than darkness. Purify that which is impure." A shimmering veil enveloped the area, closing the twins inside it and signaling the beginning of their training.


As Natsuko and Haruo stepped into the training area, a palpable sense of anticipation hung in the air. The atmosphere was thick with tension, the eerie silence broken only by the sound of their footsteps echoing against the cold, stone walls.

Natsuko glanced around, her eyes narrowing as she surveyed their surroundings. Shadows danced ominously in the dim light, casting strange shapes upon the ground. Despite the foreboding atmosphere, she stood tall, her resolve unwavering as she prepared herself for the challenges that lay ahead.

Beside her, Haruo clenched his fists, his jaw set in determination. Though he felt a flicker of apprehension deep within, he refused to let it show, channeling his fears into a steely determination to succeed. With a determined nod, he signaled to his sister, silently affirming their shared commitment to overcoming whatever obstacles awaited them.

As they ventured further into the training area, the air grew heavy with the scent of ancient magic, the very essence of cursed energy lingering like a palpable presence. Natsuko's senses tingled with anticipation, her pulse quickening with each passing moment.

"Are you ready for this, Haruo?" Natsuko's voice cut through the silence, her tone steady and resolute despite the uncertainty that lingered in the air.

Haruo met her gaze, his own eyes burning with determination. "As ready as I'll ever be," he replied, his voice firm and unwavering.

With a shared nod, they pressed on, their footsteps echoing against the stone floor as they ventured deeper into the heart of the training area. Each step brought them closer to their goal, closer to the challenges that awaited them.

Suddenly, they reached a clearing, a vast expanse of space stretching out before them. In the center stood a towering figure, its form shrouded in darkness as it loomed ominously over the battlefield.

Natsuko's heart raced as she took in the sight before her, her senses buzzing with adrenaline. Beside her, Haruo tensed, his muscles coiled like a spring as he prepared himself for battle.

"This is it," Natsuko whispered, her voice barely more than a breath as she faced down their adversary.

Haruo nodded, his expression grim as he braced himself for the coming fight. Together, they stepped forward, their movements synchronized as they prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As they squared off against the looming figure before them, a sense of determination washed over them both. Whatever trials awaited them in the depths of the training area, they would face them together, as siblings united in purpose and resolve.

As Natsuko and Haruo squared off against the towering figure before them, the air crackled with tension, anticipation hanging heavy in the air. Natsuko's eyes narrowed as she focused her gaze, her cursed technique "Limitless Gaze" springing to life as she manipulated the space around them with precision and finesse.

With a flick of her wrist, Natsuko sent bursts of cursed energy hurtling towards their adversary, each strike aimed with pinpoint accuracy as she sought to weaken the curse's defenses. Her movements were fluid and graceful, her control over space allowing her to evade the creature's retaliatory attacks with ease.

Beside her, Haruo charged forward, his fists clenched as he launched himself into the fray with reckless abandon. His movements were swift and decisive, his blows landing with bone-jarring force as he sought to overwhelm the curse with sheer physical strength.

Despite their coordinated efforts, the curse proved to be a formidable opponent, its massive form looming over them like a dark shadow. With each passing moment, its strength seemed to grow, its attacks becoming more ferocious and relentless with each passing blow.

Natsuko gritted her teeth as she poured more energy into her cursed technique, her focus unwavering as she sought to maintain control over the battlefield. But even her formidable powers were put to the test, the strain of her efforts beginning to take its toll as fatigue set in.

Haruo fought with all his might, his fists a blur as he unleashed a barrage of punches and kicks upon their adversary. But despite his best efforts, the curse seemed to shrug off his attacks with ease, its dark form pulsating with malevolent energy as it pressed forward with renewed determination.

As the battle raged on, Natsuko and Haruo found themselves locked in a desperate struggle, their strength waning as they fought tooth and nail against the relentless onslaught of the curse. Sweat beaded on their brows as they pushed themselves to their limits, their breath coming in ragged gasps as they sought to turn the tide of the battle in their favor.

But no matter how hard they fought, the curse seemed to be one step ahead, its dark aura suffusing the battlefield with an oppressive presence that threatened to overwhelm them both. With each passing moment, their hope began to fade, their exhaustion weighing heavy upon their shoulders as they faced the grim reality of defeat.

Yet even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds, Natsuko and Haruo refused to back down, their determination unwavering as they continued to fight with all their strength and courage. For they knew that as long as they stood together, there was still hope, still a chance to emerge victorious against the darkness that threatened to consume them.

As the cursed spirit's mocking laughter filled the air, Natsuko's heart pounded with a mixture of fear and fury. She watched in horror as the creature unleashed a devastating blow upon her brother, sending him hurtling through the air with bone-crushing force. "Haruo!" she cried out, her voice filled with desperation as she watched him tumble to the ground, blood staining the earth beneath him.

But amidst the chaos and despair, something within Natsuko snapped. A primal rage surged through her veins, igniting a fire within her soul that burned with an intensity she had never felt before. In that moment of pure instinct and emotion, she tapped into a power she had only glimpsed in her wildest dreams: the legendary Cursed Technique Lapse: Blue.

With a fierce cry of determination, Natsuko unleashed her newfound power upon the cursed spirit, her cursed energy erupting in a blinding cascade of brilliant blue light. The air crackled with electricity as the energy surged forth, engulfing the battlefield in a dazzling display of raw power and untamed fury.

The cursed spirit's mocking laughter faltered as it beheld the sheer magnitude of Natsuko's attack. It recoiled in shock and disbelief, its malevolent aura wavering as it struggled to comprehend the sheer force of her onslaught.

Haruo's eyes widened in astonishment as he watched his sister unleash her newfound power, his breath catching in his throat as he beheld the spectacle before him. He had never seen anything like it, never imagined that Natsuko possessed such incredible strength within her.

Even Gojo, watching from outside the veil, felt a chill run down his spine as he sensed the overwhelming power emanating from his daughter. His heart clenched with a mixture of pride and apprehension, knowing that Natsuko's use of the Cursed Technique Lapse: Blue was a sign of her growing strength, but also a harbinger of the dangers that lay ahead.

As the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded, a heavy silence descended upon the training area, broken only by the ragged breaths of the twins and the distant sounds of their father's approach. Natsuko stood amidst the wreckage of battle, her chest heaving with exertion and her body trembling with the aftermath of her unleashed power.

Beside her, Haruo lay battered and bruised, his form battered and bloodied from the cursed spirit's relentless onslaught. He groaned in pain as he struggled to push himself upright, his eyes flickering with a mixture of exhaustion and awe as he looked upon his sister in newfound admiration.

And then, in a burst of blinding light, the veil that separated them from the outside world was torn asunder, revealing the concerned figure of their father, Satoru Gojo, standing amidst the wreckage of battle.

His eyes widened in shock and concern as he beheld the scene before him: the dead spirit, the injured Haruo, and the exhausted Natsuko, each bearing the scars of their harrowing ordeal. Without a word, he rushed to their side, his heart heavy with worry as he surveyed the extent of their injuries.

"Natsuko... Haruo..." Gojo's voice was filled with concern as he knelt beside them, his hands gentle as he checked them for any signs of serious harm. Relief flooded his heart as he found them both alive and relatively intact, but his worry only deepened as he took in the extent of their exhaustion and the toll that the battle had taken upon them.

But before Gojo could speak, his attention was drawn to Natsuko, who lay slumped against the ground, her breaths coming in shallow gasps as she struggled to remain conscious. His brow furrowed in confusion as he noticed the telltale signs of her recent exertion, the remnants of her unleashed power still crackling in the air around her.

"Natsuko, what have you done?" Gojo's voice was stern, tinged with a hint of disappointment as he addressed his daughter. But Natsuko was too weak to answer, her strength drained from her body as she lay helplessly before him.

With a heavy sigh, Gojo gathered them both into his arms, holding them close as he prepared to transport them back home. Though his heart was heavy with concern, he knew that they would be safe within the walls of their family estate, surrounded by the love and protection of their loved ones.

And as they disappeared from the training area, leaving behind the remnants of their battle, a sense of foreboding lingered in the air, a reminder of the dangers that lurked just beyond the horizon.
