
Left Out Pieces

LuisPerez · Fantasy
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Chapter I: Something Unexpected...

After going through a devastating divorce, I try to find a way to recover myself from my feelings. It's hard, knowing that my ex husbands love for me left him without even saying goodbye. I try to find my way up and not look back but the feeling of anger and anguish just keeps pulling me down into grief and remorse. I haven't gone to work for a month because my shrink said I should take some time off, I think that me not working at the hospital has made everything worst in my life, surgery is something I love to do and save lives is everything to me. I'm a fifth year attending at NYC's Performing Hospital, no there are no performances over there but it sure would be fun to have one. After two months of not seeing my friends, I decide to go out with them and forget everything that has happened in my life. Little by little, everything in my life just come back to pieces.

After a night full of fun and emotions, my friends left me at home, I was exhausted! I had the best time with them and I really want to do more things with them soon. I put my PJ's on and made some popcorn, God I haven't had popcorn if or so long! It was amazing, the butter, the salt, the texture in my mouth. I watched a movie (not romance of course), I was in a comedy kind of night. It was getting late and I really wanted to go to sleep fast, I planned to go hiking in the snow with some friends from work, I haven't had to perform surgery in a month because of the divorce, they gave me time off for me to get free of my emotions.

It was late and I was trying to fall asleep but I just couldn't, suddenly I hear something outside! It sounded like something big crashed in my backyard. I put on some clothes and went outside, it was a huge crater in the middle if my backyard! I was terrified and I didn't know what it was. I went closer but it felt warmer and warmer, it was strange, some kind of power was going through my veins. Light came out of the hole, I couldn't see anything it was to bright, I went closer and closer but everything was blurry, it was like electricity coming out of it. Suddenly, I see a man, he looked, big, strong, tall, short hair, and tanned. I was scared and didn't know what to do, I went closer, grabbed his arm and tried to find a pulse, he was dead! I didn't feel anything, suddenly I hear something getting closer and electricity all around. Suddenly, a hammer came out of nowhere and the man pulled his arm up and grabbed it like nothing, I screamed to death and went inside my house! I was shaking and I didn't know if I should call the cops or not.

He still didn't move from where he was, he was just laying there with his hammer in his hand. I went outside again and tried to help him, I called his name: "Sir! Sir!" He didn't react in any way, he was unconscious. I called the ambulance and they came here quickly, the police and the fire department got here fast and I went in the ambulance to see check if he was okey.

"I'm a doctor!" I said to the police.

They let me go with him, I was checking for any internal bleeding, and cracked ribs, broken bones, etc. I was still in shock and I still couldn't believe what was happening. The paramedics asked me if I was okey, and I told them I was fine. We got to the hospital quickly, my friend Sam was there, he saw me and yelled,

"Danielle? What are you doing here?" He asked me and hugged me.

"Sam! This, man, just fell from the sky and suddenly he is still alive. I don't know what's happening, really!" I yelled.

"It's okey Danielle, just come inside, I'm sure we could use some help in here. All of the doctor left for a party and left me in charge!" He said.

"A party you said? Is Mike there too?" I asked him.

"Yeah, he's gone. He was transferred to another hospital in Spain."

I look at him shocked, but I knew that my priority was the man who fell from the sky and help save his life. Nothing penetrated his skin, it felt like metal was changed instead of skin. I finally got to inject within the vein, but no blood came out of the tube. We ran some scans and MRI's but nothing showed up. We where both impressed and didn't know if he was human or not.

"Danielle, are you seeing what I'm seeing?" He asked.

"No. What is it Sam?"

"There is electricity, coming out of his veins." Shaking.

"What? How is this possible? Run more scans and send them to my email. I'm going to see what I can find about this guy."

I ran to the computer and I couldn't find anything about this guy. I searched "electricity through veins and blood." Nothing showed up either, only that he should be dead. He was still unconscious and laying on the bed. He seemed in piece but still in anguish. His vitals

where normal and oxygen level in check, I haven't slept in days and I really want to have a night for myself. Everything that is happening is crazy and I just want to relax.

I decided that I'll start work in two days, it's a big step after "recovery" but I think I'll be fine. I cancelled my plans with my friends and gave myself the entire day for myself, I'm gonna sleep, eat, and most importantly just have a nice day. I got home and I see a bunch of agents on my doorstep, I was confused and starting to get angry because I really want to rest.

"Hi ma'm, where the "AAFA", we want to ask you some questions. We hope you could answer them." He asked politely.

"Look, I know that everything that happened in my backyard is strange but there is nothing to worry about, I really just want to rest because I'm starting work in a day and I really need some alone time right now, before I go and help my patient."

"Your patient?" They asked.

"Yes, why?"

"Well, we where wondering if we could have a word with your patient to ask him some questions, this could really be helpful for our investigation."

"Absolutely not! He's in a Toxic-Metabolic encephalopathy, he can't talk to you right now." I said hoping they would leave me alone.

"Mrs. I think you don't you're aware of the situation right now..."

I start heating up, I pulled my car keys out of my purse and leave them. I drive to a nearby hotel for me to sleep and rest. I still can't believe what happened and I want to go see my patient and how he's doing, I want to think he was just trying to break in my house but everything is just so strange: the hammer, the electricity, the MRI, the scans, his skin, and why he's not dead. My friends call me worried something happened to me.

"Danielle! Are you okey? What happened? Is everything okey?" Carol and Robin asked through the phone.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Everything is just so strange, I was just in my bed and suddenly something came out of the sky and crashed into my backyard." I told them to keep calm.

"WHAT! Something? What was it?" Carol Asks.

"Uhhhh, I don't know. A man..."

A long pause happened while we where talking, I hear voices in the background.

"Okey, where coming over."

"Nooo! Please, let me rest. We'll talk about it tomorrow after work. He's my patient and I need to be focused for tomorrow." I said hoping they would leave me alone.

"Mmm, no we'll see you at the hotel..."

They end the call, and everything I could just think about was a hotel bed, some food, and TV with a really funny sitcom. I don't really think he's in a Toxic-Metabolic encephalopathy, he does have toxins (very rare toxins) in his body, but it still doesn't explain why his still alive and why we can't read his scans.