

"Wake up leeya!!!"

"Nn~nn.....yaaaa~wn....Just a little more, mom"

"For God's sake !!! Why don't you use your alarm clock!!!!Do you know what time it is!!! Get up!! NOW !"

"Okay okay I'm getting up "



I am Leeya Makoto and I like to annoy people around me. I know it's not a good thing but I seem to have fun doing it.

*impish grins*


"Lee-san !!! where have you been!? geez! you can be early to school even once in your life!!"

"hehe... I'm sorry Sayo-chan...I overslept.."

"Seriously!! you've been using that excuse for the past 5 months!! "

"Sooo Sayo-chan tell me, how's yuu-senpai ?"


"Geez!! Lee-san you never miss a chance to annoy, do you!?"

"hehehe...nooooooo I don't... anyways, how's he? "

"He's good...I think..."

"Oooooooohh... someone's cheeks are burning flaming hot...hahahaaaaa!!"

"Lee-san !!! Stop it !! will you !?"

"okay.. okay... I'm gonna stop now"



*school bell rings*

"see you tomorrow Lee-san! Bye !"

"yeah! take care! bye Sayo-chan"

Voices in my head-

"he didn't came today...is he okay?....no noo..why am I worrying!? ahhhhhhh!!!! This thoughts are killing me !!!

okay!!! I'll talk to him tomorrow "


"I'm back!! what's for lunch?"

"Wash your hands first Leeya!! "

"okayyyy....done !! "

"here's your lunch! "

" Rice and chicken !!! Mom!! you're the best !!! love you "

"hmm... Hope you like it.." *smiles*