
Chapter 2

The new life was really not better than the previous world in the beginning since he had to work hard for everything and live with the memories of his old home.

Lee had been devastated by the thought of his friends also dying and not knowing what happened to his world but managed to crawl out of that hole for the sake of his new family.

His new father died from a terminal illness and Lee had noticed that his new mother was feeling frustrated and weak.

She was a weak person that needed support so he took action before she did something stupid. He loved his new family and didn't want the life of his siblings ruined with a broken family.

Lee would love to have the ability to make his family even happier but the chakra was non-existent in this new body.

He was what they would call a cripple back home and the only thing he could rely on was his body and mind.

With the limitations, he was barely able to do small things that got them money and even stole from people.

Steeling wasn't much and Lee had considered assassinations but without chakra on his side, he would risk too much for that kind of life.

Regardless of all this, the current life wasn't bad and he barely remembered some of the things from his past.

And the present situation was definitely interesting, something out of his dreams. Back when life was a lot more carefree since he didn't have responsibilities but now he couldn't do such a thing.

Every moment he was thinking of the future to stabilize their life style and had planned out some business ideas that just needed some investment.

It might be mean thing but Lee was confident in his plans so he didn't think the girls would mind donating some money to help fund his ideas for his service.

It wouldn't be the first time where he sold his time and dated a woman since they got enchanted by his looks.

He was lean and packed with handsome looks that women couldn't get enough of especially with the clothes he wore.

Lee understood how Neji must have felt with his good looks attracting women all the time without even trying.

'Let's make some friends and get to know the place before starting the next step. I don't want to look like a beggar or gold digger.' Lee thought as he focused on the lesson while the eyes of his classmates roamed his body with curiosity like they had never seen a man in their life

Time passed by quickly and break time came when the principal decided to make a game out of his presence.

To help the girls become feminine they were told to invite him for lunch successfully.

Lee was flattered but the looks they gave were very much unhealthy.

'I can see what he meant by wild.' Lee thought with a smile as he picked up his bag and easily passed by the hoard before jumping through the window

Someone seemed to have appeared in his way and Lee reacted quickly by pushing himself higher with his hand against the window.

Landing with a spin, Lee looked back to see the girl that had ducked down on instinct and in a stance to attack.

'Legs, beautiful legs.' Lee could see that she utilized her legs and remembered Dal Dal Choi

He wasn't unaware of these girls and had watched their fights so he already knew about Queen, Dal Dal and Moon Young.

He was quite a fan of Lee Na, who reminded him of Neji with her fighting style and cold personality.

Guess he couldn't let go of his past and mixed it with his present.

"Careful where you are going…." Dal Dal shouted at him without looking and stopped when she realized it was her target

"Hehe, aw sorry. I wasn't looking and almost collided with you, are you okay?"

"I am fine, what about you? It was my mistake jumping out of the window carelessly." Lee muttered as he noticed eyes on him

"Sorry but I seem to be busy now." Lee said as he started running and disappeared from the sights of the girls with ease with his skills and speed

Appearing on the roof, Lee ate while looking down at the scenery below. Realizing that he didn't have friends in this world since everyone had been children before this age, made him feel lonely and want to quickly make some to not break down.

"Moon Young is waiting for me." Lee muttered as he jumped from the roof and caught the tree nearby before landing safely

He caught one of the girls still looking for him and pushed her against the wall.

"If you wouldn't mind, could you tell me where the boxing club is?" Lee smiled gently melting the girl with his expression

"I I I will take you there, please."

Lee saw her pleading look and nodded, making her one happy girl.


"I thought you might have been ravaged by the girls already." Moon Young commented as she stood inside the ring while Queen sat in the room to watch him

"Haha, I don't think that could ever happen. I am quite confident in my escape skills." Lee replied with a chuckle and loosened up his uniform before entering the ring

"Really? I would love to see these skills of yours in action. And are you sure about this?" She asked as she had confidence in beating him and that could lead to his ego getting bruised

Moon Young had watched enough soap dramas to know what happened when your bruised male ego. She was supposed to stroke his ego but that was looking to be a very hard job with his skills.

'He would notice if I went easy and take it as an offence. Let's just hope, he actually has guts to take a defeat from a girl.'

"I don't mind showing you after school but for now let's have a good time. I will warn you that I am very experienced in fighting and have black belts in Karate, Taekwondo, Muay Thai and even Judo. I have experience fighting boxers as well and even weapon users so you won't have any advantage in this fight. I am trained since I was a little kid of 5 years." Lee explained calmly as he could see the confidence on her face that could lower the competition level by a rank making this spar pointless since he didn't care about an easy win but a proper fight

Listening to his words and looking at his body once he had taken off his shirt, Moon Young wiped of her drool and focused as she could see powerful muscles that had been hidden under the shirt.

"I understand. Thanks for the warning."


a.n Hope you enjoyed

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