

Briana comes to terms with her magical powers and the fact that she is the scion of Arthur and not Nick. Will Nick remain her love interest? or will it be Sel, the angry and enigmatic Merlin and Kingsmage whom she has come to rely on though accidently.

Daoist8BvRoc · Book&Literature
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Nick's POV

Nick woke up from the nightmare with a start. He found himself gasping for air as he looked around him. He was shocked to realize that he was in a strange room, sitting on a chair with his hands tied around the chair. His ankles were also bound with thick cords. He frantically looked for Bree, but she was nowhere in the tiny room he was in. It was then he realized that he was kidnapped. Nick tried to break the cords with all his strength, but it was in vain. It was then he realized that the cords were not just tied, but was magically bound. Nick could sense the magic rolling off the cords on his hands and legs-it was obviously done by a Merlin.

The first Merlin to cross Nick's mind was Sel. But he threw that thought away in an instant because Sel would never do something like that to Nick. He was Nick's kingsmage-or was. Then, a sharp piercing eyes filled his vision.

"Dammit. This is my father's doing. And he has entrusted the help of his Merlin." thought Nick. He felt himself shaking in anger, but the anger soon dissipated and he was left raw and sore. His thoughts riveted to the happenings of the last few days.

"Life is really not fair. I had given up wanting to be the king because of what happened to my mother, even though I was told that it was my birthright. But for Bree, I had chosen to take up my position; to help find out what happened to her mother. But now.....but now I have lost everything. Not just being the scion of Arthur, and being the king of Legendborns, but also Bree....." thought Nick.

Things would never be the same for him-and Bree- and he wanted to accept that. But it was still so soon and it would take some time for his bruised ego to heal. Nick also wondered if his kidnapping was a blessing in disguise for both Bree and him. He did not know how to face the situation in front of him. It was a good thing for Nick that Bree had passed out after the fight last night, otherwise he could have no way looked at Bree's searching eyes.

He still had not come to terms with what has happened, but he was certain of one thing, and that was that everything has changed. He wondered who he was anymore, and his relationship with Bree....

Nick decided not to think much about the future and tried to concentrate on things he could handle. He wondered what his father had planned, because Nick knew for a fact that his father would not let Bree be the scion of Arthur without a fight. But what is his plan?

While Nick was pondering on what to do, a door to his left opened.