

They didn't even observe anyone of us, it was astounding to us, as no boy that we know had ever done this. The bell rang indicating the end of the class, students rush out from the classes to get to their lockers, so they can get the books for the next class.

One boy seems upset, but the bell rings and 20 students are filing into class. He has to rush to avoid being marked tardy. A girl wants to continue our discussion about 19th-century tenements, but there simply is no time.

we girls also rush to our next classes, I and Emma have literature, so we headed to the second floor after stopping by our lockers. Before entering the classroom suddenly a thought struck to me "I have seen this Dylan guy somewhere before." Perplexed, I greeted the teacher and sat at my usual place, and bent my head down to seek some sleep, beside me Emma sat and rapidly jotted down the notes, I think on the other side of me someone was muttering something, I observed all this by just the sounds. I tilted my head and asked Emma if the teacher was paying any attention at us? After receiving a no, I went back to my previous sleep. I rouse when there was a silent tapping on my legs, startled I lifted my head to that direction and found the new guy Cole looking at me, than he pointed by his eyes to the front, I followed the direction and find out the teacher standing right in front of my desk.

"Ms. Swan care to tell me the reason behind your beauty sleep in my class?" me being myself replied "sir I was not taking any beauty sleep in your class, I was just disinterested, so I dozed off." hearing this his face went red due to anger, and the result was "Ms. Swan detention after school. compulsory!"