
Least Unlucky Gacha Player (JJK)

What would happen when a Gacha addict gets reincarnated into a new, familiar world with Gacha by his side? Well, apparently, quite a lot. If you had told him, Kouya Fujiwara would have never believed the kind of adventure that awaited him in his future - though, he did always say anything was possible...

AbigailPancakes · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Tokyo Jujutsu High

I bowed down ninety degrees and screamed,

"Please! Take me as your disciple!!!"

Gojo Satoru looked taken back, he definitely did not expect this.


He rubbed the back of his head as he frowned in thought.

I was not going to miss this opportunity.

My parents died because I was weak…

I couldn't even avenge them because I wasn't strong enough…

There were even stronger opponents in the world, and if I continue as I am, I'll be destroyed.

I needed a mentor, I needed a way to grow stronger, and I needed guidance.

I got onto my knees and kowtowed.

"Please! I have the potential! I will listen to everything you tell me to do!"

Gritting my teeth at this feeling of desperation, I pleaded.

This is going to be the last time I ever kneel before anyone.

I will stand at the fucking top.


Never will I ever feel this feeling again…

I fucking swear on my name.

The man before me replied,

"Well… sigh, fine. But! You better live up to the name of Gojo Satoru's first disciple!"

He announced as he pointed a finger at me.

"Thank you! You can put your trust in me!"


I banged my head against the ground one last time,

And got up.

Ignoring the blood currently dripping down my forehead and flowing into my eyes,

I cleansed my fists and told my now master.

"I swear to you, teacher, you will never see me this desperate ever again."

I declared, both to him, and the world.

No one, no fucking one will ever make me this helpless ever again.

Not even fucking gacha…

Actually… fuck, maybe gacha…

"Sheesh, Fujiwara-kun, that's quite the promise you're making,"

He continued with a carefree smile,

"Well, it seems you're already living up to being my disciple, then I will also make a promise!"

"I will make sure you will never be weak ever again."

The carefree smile was replaced by a grin but I could sense the air of seriousness.

I myself couldn't help but grin along.

"Welp! I'm going to have to report this to the higher ups! We're going to have to tell your parents first though, about this disciple thing."

"Teacher… they are dead."


"And their remains were blown away by you."

"Oh. Oops?"

"Ahahaha… In any case! Grab your things then, we're going to Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College!"

"What's with that long name…"

"The boomers has no naming sense."

"I see."

I stood there and stared at him.

He stared (?) back.

"Go get your stuff."

"Teacher, my stuff was blown away by you."


I nodded.

"Well then, guess we're taking off right away!"

"Grab on, 'cause the Gojo-Train is taking off!"

I didn't move and stared at him…

"Grab on, 'cause the Gojo-Train is taking off!"

"Grab on-"

"Teacher, I can't touch you."

"Tch. He knew."

I- I think I might have messed up with my choice of mentorship…

"Well, whatever! Here, now you can hold onto me!"

He held his hand out, and I considered whether to hold it or not.

In the end, I raised my own hand and touch his—

I felt a shift in my balance as we were no longer around the torn warzone.

I looked around and saw a small village sized Japanese styled campus.

This was a school!?!

"Hehe, that look of surprise never gets old."

"Well, anyways, how old are you, Fujiwara-kun?"

"15 this year."

"Perfect! You'll be enrolling with the first year highschool class then!"

"I see…?"

"Alright! Follow me, let's get you enrolled!"


And as we walked into the campus, teacher took lead.

On the way to enroll me, he asked questions about my cursed technique.

I explained everything I knew about it to him, after the info-dump, he got a thoughtful look as he asked me,

"Was that why you knew about Infinity?"

"Yeah, while I was playing around with it, I got limitless."

I lied.

"So, you retained information even after the usage? Does that mean you can use Reverse Cursed Energy because you know how to do it?"

"Well, yes but no. I do remember how to use Reverse Cursed Technique, but I won't be able to utilise it as efficiently as if I had gained it from gacha."

"When I obtain a Technique from my gacha, my body acts as if it is my innate technique."

"Then what about Innate Cursed Techniques?"

"If they are techniques I can't learn normally, no. My gacha is temporary, the grind is permanent."

And as he asks my knowledge about the Jujutsu world and how I knew as much as I did,

I lied, and told him I'm guessing everything with context clues.

Which, it seems, he believed.

I didn't like to lie, but I had no choice. If I told him I knew him from a fictional manga in my last life,

He'd either call me crazy and get suspicious or will kill me on sight when the higher ups hear of this.

Lost in our conversation, I didn't even realise we arrived until teacher told me.

Looking at the giant pagoda shaped building (what the fuck is their budget), he explained,

"We're here, the principal is inside of this room, he's a bit of a strict man, but he has a soft heart inside."

And as he took lead again, I followed.


"So. Who are you!"

The menacing man before me shouted.

He had a scar on his face and wore sunglasses inside the dark room.

With a plushy in between his legs, he sat crossed legs.

Ignoring that, I replied,

"Sir, I am the disciple of Gojo Satoru, Fujiwara Kouya."

I bowed as I introduced myself.

He seems like a no non-sense guy, so I'll get straight to the point.

"And why are you here."

"To enroll, sir."

"And why should I take you?"

"Because I will be Strongest, sir."

I instantly replied.

He stared (?) at me (what's with Jujutsu Sorcerer and covering their eyes…),

And I stared back.

"You're enrolled! Just don't cause any trouble like your master does."

"Ahaha… Yes, sir."

"Just call me principal Yaga."

"Yes, principal Yaga."


"Annnnd, this is your room! Tada!!"

Teacher opened the door of a room on the second floor of the dormitory.

I stared at the empty room, there was a set of dark blue clothes on the bed.

"I asked them for some clothes your size, don't worry this is just temporary, I'll get them custom-made for you."

"Don't worry, your teacher has the best sense of fashion!"

Now that he says that… I'm worried…

But, I guess I have no say otherwise…

"Thank you, teacher."

"Go get changed, your shirt lost its sleeves, make yourself presentable because you'll be meeting your classmates!"

I nodded as I walked inside and closed the door.

I walked towards the bedroom as I sat on my bed and got lost in thought at what just happened.

My parents just died… and I don't feel much emotion regarding the situation…

Am I a psychopath? No, I knew I loved them, so that isn't the case…

Then, what was it…?

I know I'm capable of love, but why don't I feel anything about my parents death?

I mean, I do feel sad, but not to the point of crying.

It's what it is, you know?

I guess, I'm just built different…


Oh well, I have to get changing, I don't want my first impression to be bad.

They say first impressions are everything, after all.

And as I undressed and walked into the shower

I stopped in front of the bathroom mirror and admired my body once more.

As a fellow gym bro, I always flex whenever I see a mirror.

Noticing some scars on my body, especially around my forearms,

I ran my fingers through them, they actually look pretty good on me.

A man is proud of his scars, and goddamn am I.

I'm happy my parents gave birth to this.

They would be proud…

Walking into the shower, I turned it on as the cold water hit my back and jolted my mind to full function.

God, I love cold showers. Watching the blood on my body get washed away, I made sure I was clean.

After I was done, I walked out and dried myself with a towel hanging on the door handle.

Hanging it on my waist, I walked into my bedroom and changed into the set of clothes.

Thankfully, teacher also provided me with a change of boxers…

Mine was full of dried blood, I'm going to have to go shopping for more clothes…

In any case, I checked myself out in front of a mirror again, this time with the uniform.

It actually fit me quite well, unlike the one that teacher wore.

Mine didn't have a turtleneck, and was part of a two piece suit with a dark shirt on the inside.

Other than that, there were not many differences.

I put on my boots and got out of my room, and as I noticed teacher was standing outside, I greeted him.

"Teacher were you waiting all this time?"

"Nahh, I just got here, I went to go buy some daifuku, you want some?"

"I'm good."

"Okay… Anyways! Follow me, let me take you to your classmates."

I nodded as he began walking again.


"My students, you have a new classmate!!!! Please give him a warm welcome and don't bully him."

My teacher exclaimed as he gestured towards me.

But I was focused on something else.

That's a panda…

That's a fucking panda…

It's sitting on a desk! On a chair! And glancing at me!

What the fuck!?

Wait, I think I remember this, he's a cursed technique of principal Yaga…?

Wait… I think I know why teacher is wearing white bandages.

I'm in the time of Yuta, or whatever his name is.

Speaking of, I think that is him sitting on the desk…

So, I should be in my second year by the time 'canon' starts…?

Guess, I'm in unfamiliar territory then (not like I already wasn't).

"Why is no one saying anything…"

Teacher sighed, breaking me out of my trance at Mr. Panda.

"Ah, yes, my name is Fujiwara Kouya, nice to meet you."

The green haired girl who was leaning on the desk with her hand was first to speak up.

"Zenin Maki."

She said, from what I can tell, she looks bored as well and done with teacher's shit…



"Yo. I'm Panda."

"What's up! My man Panda!"

I instantly went to him and gave him a dab.

"What's up, Fujiwara-kun!"

We are so getting along.

"Hi, I'm Okkotsu Yuta."

"Don't mind Toge, he can only speak in onigiri ingredients."

"Ah, I see, thank you Okkotsu-senpai."

"In other notes, Fujiwara-kun, you're currently a Grade 2 sorcerer, but I'll ask for you to get promoted to Semi-Grade 1."

My teacher spoke up after a while, getting the attention of all the others.

""Wait, wait. Semi-Grade 1!?""

Maki and Panda were the one to exclaim.

"Well, he should be Special Grade considering his potential, but the higher ups won't just give them nilly willy…"

"Not even to my disciple…"

My teacher grumbled.

"Just where are you finding these special grades!? Ha! Now I wanna test if he really has the potential to be a special grade."

Welp, it seems that she was no longer bored, she stood up as she pulled out her spear and smirked at me.

Doing things to her body…

What? I'm a healthy young man, and goddamn is she hot.

Smirking back, I replied,

"Come get it, tiger."

"Now, now, you guys can take this to the training grounds, we'll have to train Yuta's sword skills as well."


Spinning the staff in my hand, I tried to get used to its length.

I requested my teacher to also get me a cursed tool, due to a certain limitation of my technique.

I could have an unlucky roll, and have my Cursed Energy locked away, so a cursed tool would act as a fail-safe.

I requested a spear specifically because I remember there being a weapon that nullifies cursed techniques,

And it was called the Inverted Spear of Heaven or something…

So, I might as well learn to use a spear so if I get the chance, I can use that overpowered weapon.

As I got used to the staff, Maki prepared herself as well.

Stretching while also warming up with her staff…

I might get my ass beaten here…

Nah, not happening, no way am I losing to a girl… especially not after I made that vow.

No way am I embarrassing myself like that on the first day of my new school…

Heh, this was going to be a challenge.

"Just to let you know, this is my first time wielding a weapon."

"Already making excuses? After all that talk?"

"Heh, not excuses, just a heads-up. In case I beat ya, just know this is the first time I'm wielding a weapon."

"Hoh, and where'd you get all that confidence from."

"Comes with being Satoru Gojo's disciple."

And was that a surprising statement for them,

Everyone was instantly stunned.

Seeing the opportunity to, I taunted the girl.

"What? Scared now."

"Tch, let's see how well you hold up."

Instantly as she finished her words, she dashed forward at me.

Her speed was slower in comparison to the Grade 1 Cursed Spirit that killed my parents.

But, that is not to say she was slow either, she was right at my level.

Dodging the stab from her staff, I stepped to the right,

Pushing her staff to the side, she then attempted to slash at me.

Jumping over it, I pushed my own staff forward, against her.

Seeing the incoming attack, she pulled back her staff and blocked.

I dashed back, and got into the stance of a certain blue haired lancer.

"First time wielding a weapon my ass."

"Firstly, I'm not lying, and secondly I wouldn't mind wielding my weapon against it."

I replied back with the annoying, shit eating grin of my master.

"Woo! Go Kouya, show her your love!"

A certain panda exclaimed.

Even that threw me off balance…

"I apologise… I didn't think they would be that nos-"

A flustered Maki charged forward, this time with more speed.

Yeahhhh, I messed up.

She's mad.

Blocking the jab from the staff with mine and redirecting it, I then dashed and sent a jab forward as well.

Maki bent forward and dodged the jab…

Distracting me with her body.

I felt a force on my left cheek and I was then pushed back.


I would, if you stop showing off your body!

Ahem, I mean, I might have slipped up a bit but that wasn't going to happen again.

Regaining my balance, I dashed forward this time, and did a faint jab as I turned it into a slash.

Maki almost fell for it, but clearly she was more experienced as she then managed to redirect my slash,

And pushed her staff forward to stab me. I ducked under, and used my staff as a distraction.

Fainting an upward slash, I instead threw my staff into the air as I got into close combat.

I went for a straight one-two and threw a fast jab and cross, Maki definitely did not anticipate that.

But, again she has more experience and was able to not panic as she then dropped her spear and parried my jab-cross.

Redirecting it, she tried to send a jab to which I dodged.

But clearly she wasn't done showing off her flexible body as she then did a backflip to try and kick me.

I dodged by a hair's length, almost losing my balance.

Seeing the opportunity, she took it as she leaped forward again and prepared to punch me.

Before being hit in the head by a certain staff of mine.

"Heh. I won."

I grinned.

"You say that, but don't forget my hit on your face earlier."

She grinned back.

"Confess to each other already!!"

A certain panda shouted again.

And this time, Maki didn't leave him off as she chased him.

"Now, now, it's Yuta's turn. Maki, please take care of him."

Teacher arrived at the scene with one Yuta Okkatsu and a bamboo sword.

But Maki was too busy chasing after Panda to give a fuck about teacher…

"It's fine, teacher, I can take care of him."

"Alright, it's also a good way to connect with your senpais."

"Um, please take care of me, Fujiwara-kun."

"Just call me Kouya, senpai, we'll be studying with each other from now on. So, let's get along."

"Alright… Uh, then you can also call me Yuta, we're in the same year, after all."

"Okay then, come at me, Yuta."

He got into a simple Kendo stance with his right leg from and sword up.

I got ready and twirled my staff that I picked up again and got on guard as well.

Keeping my staff forward, pointing it towards the shoulders and arm.

I read this in a fanfic before, actually. And found out that it was a true stance.

But I digress, focusing back on the present. I waited for Yuta, but it seemed he wasn't going to come.

Hmm… he has confidence issues.

Welp, as a friend, I'll have to beat that out of him.

I dashed forward and aimed directly at his eyes, forcing him to deflect my staff.

He was not expecting that it seems as he got caught off balance, I then pulled my staff back to his wrist and caught him.

Hitting him on the wrist, I advised,

"First thing, never get caught off balance."

He nodded as he got back on guard.

I waited for a few moments before I dashed forward with another piece of advice.

"Another thing, Yuta. Have more confidence,"

Aiming for his eyes again, this time he caught the stab better as he then tried to push my staff away.

"Be more aggressive."

I pulled back my staff and sent a stab towards his abdomen — his solar plexus.

"The best defence is a good offence."

He fell onto the ground as he groaned from pain.

"Ah… Did you have to hit me so hard, Kouya-kun?"

"Your opponents won't go easy in battle, Yuta. You'll just have to be stronger…"

Remembering what happened to my parents, I spoke my last piece of advice.

He looked in thought for a moment before he got up and raised his sword.

"One last."

Grinning at the man,

"Alright! Come at me, my friend."

He charged at me this time with a slash to the head,

Blocking it, I took a step to the left and used the end of my staff to try and hit him on the legs.

He immediately lowered his sword to block leaving his upper body open which I took advantage of,

Using the front this time, I sent another jab of my staff to his head.

He rolled his head to the side as he raised his sword into an upward slash, I did a Maki and backflipped away.

Kicking his sword, I then landed and dashed, about to go for another stab to the leg before being interrupted.

"Well, it seems like the training is going very well. Kouya, Yuta, come with me, this will be your first mission."

If you have any questions or any inquiries, do comment them. G'day.

AbigailPancakescreators' thoughts