
Learn (How To Love)

Did you ask yourself about love? likes? or affection on that certain one? For him/her to love you like you do? For him/her to be your wife/husband? to have a family with that person and to dream with them? Do you acknowledge that you are slowly falling in love with the person who was your boyfriend's friend? What to do and what to choose? is it an option, or just leave it like that and try to love a person who you fall in love as a puppy love? Well, what even is puppy love, and love that a serious relation ship have or likes or affections? I am just a teenage girl who loves a boy and suddenly fall in love with this man who is my boyfriend's friend.

ComparedToTheWorld · Teen
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Hi! This is your sad author and now enter the contest.

Even though I know that I am not gonna win this, trying will make you more confident and will make you realize the little mistakes that you made, even little things can change a big thing.

That is why I love the song Try Everything the lyrics "I'll keep on making those new mistakes I'll keep on making them every day Those new mistakes"

For example, having a boring life without a friend or relatives to talk too, then one day, you walk by the park and see a cat or a dog and it was lonely like your life.

You will have the urge to take it and take care of it.

Yes, it's just a dog but it can change your life so much.

What am I even saying?, this is not connected to my story but still, just sharing.

I wanted to thank my self for supporting my self all the way here, in any genre.

When I am still alone, I wanted to thank my self for being strong, with or without any support.

I'd like to thank my boyfriend who respect me and now supporting me with all of his heart, and wanted to marry me when we got in a right age.

I'd like to thank my mom, who was there and respect my decisions I make, even though i'ts not easy she stayed.

Having 2 person in my life is already lucky, and I wanted to tell you guys that if you have friends, cherish them.

Well if they are a true friend.

If your parents are supporting you, I just want to say that you're so lucky, and I hope you return the favor when you have a work or by a simple things.

I know I don't have a permanent reader, and as I said I know that I am not gonna win.

I'll accept that, because I know my self that I still have a lot things to do and to learn.

I know that My grammar is not quite good, I have misspelled and all, I have a boring POV, and a random story that I can't continue.

For those who's already supporting me in my first story "My Cat Is My Lover" I am so thankful and I am so sorry, I've got stranded on that chapter and I can't continue it even though I already have a plot on it and even have a ending for that story, but still got stranded, I am striving now on reading different stories for me to have some idea and to continue my story.

Again I wanted to thank you guys..