
I thought you loved me

Ever since we met, I thought you'd love me more but then you grew farther away from me and started to go to women to women behind my back. You'd threaten me about having sex with other men while I sit on the couch waiting for you to come back safely. My worst dreadful fear is turning on the TV and seeing you on there either being killed or any other violent events. Today, I have finally realized that I should really let go of you in order for you to be happy. I think, with out me, you should survive and have a happier lifestyle as well as me. Today, I will be waiting for you to arrive and hit me as usual but I hope you can at least here me out when I tell you my speech.


I hear the door knob turning and the keys jingling and I see you. Standing in front of the doorway with that same old mad and frustrated face again.

"How are you my love?"

"Don't talk to me Elizabeth, I'm not in the mood."

"Then your not in the mood to what I have to say to you. I hope you can find someone else better."

He looks at me with a confused look then I gave him the envelope. In the front, it says "DIVORCE". I can see that he has tears coming out of his eyes. "Elizabeth, what is this?" I don't make eye contact with him but instead with the floor. "Can't you see the front of the envelope?" My voice was cracking with every breath it took and the courage that I have been through with him. I had enough of his bullshit and the shit that he had been doing to me. I finally make eye contact with him and after all these years, I see him sad. "I'm gong to move out right now." I took all of my belongings with me but I stop, in front of him, I take off the necklace and the ring he gave to me when he first confessed and when he confessed his marriage to me. I hold out his hand and gently put it in his gentle palm that I still remember of him holding me in bed with. Without hesitation, I gathered up all of the courage and went to the front door. Every stroke and step it took me to that door felt as if I was on a quest far away to find happiness until I feel something on my tiny wrist. It was his gentle touch that I will always remember. "Why, are you doing this? I-I-I thought that you loved me."

"I used to but then I found out all of these things that I should've left just like this." I shook off my hand and left without a trace.

*??? POV*

And just like that, she defeated me. I felt so useless that I could bring myself to tell her about the stress that I am in but it's also my fault that she knew what I was doing behind and in front of her. Yes, I admit, I slept with other girl but because she didn't want to do it with me. I felt scared that if he didn't do it, we would have no children and I just love her so much that when I am doing it with someone else, I only see her. I just wish I could've told her about the stress that I am in, I always tell myself that I would change tomorrow but it turns out that tomorrow is ever lasting.


Elizabeth, the main protagonist, as moved on from her ex-husband, Liam. Liam had a very sharp jaw, perfect teeth, and the best eyes anyone could imagine in the moonlight. The color of his eyes were blue and his hair was a dazzling blonde. But that image has changed. He can no longer forgive himself but still is a business man but in a higher level in fashion. On the other hand, Elizabeth is in a more higher level than Liam and is also working on fashion for a company called, "Dreams". Elizabeth is now slim and has higher knowledge of fashion than anyone else. When she is not working, she would draw the best outfits. But for now, she is a manager for the boss in Dreams. His name is Elijah. Elizabeth has not seen Liam in these past four years not until she was brought into an interview with her boss and saw, Liam.