
LCK Finals Part 2

The game started, the blue side being SK Telecom has the following composition:

Top: Urgot (flash, teleport)

Jungle: Gragas (flash, smite)

Mid: Syndra (flash, ignite)

AD Carry: Ezreal (flash, heal)

Support: Tahm Kench (flash, teleport)

the red side being AZ Gaming has the following composition:

Top: Sion (flash, teleport)

Jungle: Xin Zhao (flash, smite)

Mid: Fizz (flash, ignite)

AD Carry: Lucian (flash, heal)

Support: Braum (flash, ignite)

All ten champions align themselves at the entrance to each jungle so that they can make sure that the other team is not going to invade their jungle. AZ Gaming's jungle is starting parallel to SK Telecom's jungle, which meant that if Gragas does a level two gank, they are going to get a distinct advantage because of the red buff.

Both junglers finished their buff almost at the same time. Both decided to head to the scuttle crab because this will give them a valuable ward and adds unpredictability to ganking because there is a speeding up effect of the crab. Gragas has his q and w ability while Xin Zhao has his q and e ability. Gragas first q the scuttle crab and then seeing Xin Zhao coming out from their jungle.

Fizz already gave up his minion wave and e flashed himself on Gragas, immediately putting his ignite on Gragas and w him. Xin Zhao turned on his e to jump on Gragas and quickly got his third auto-attack knock up on Gragas. Gragas turned on his w and auto attacked fizz which also deals damage to Xin Zhao.

Syndra came and used q w combo to attack fizz. But Gragas is already at 100 health. Xin Zhao auto attacked him. Gragas flashed but Xin Zhao flashed with him and finished him off with an auto attack. "First Blood", the sound from the game appeared through all ten players headphone. Now fizz is already down to half health because of the attack damage from Syndra. Xin Zhao turned back. Syndra had to leave.

AZ Gaming's mid and jungle is a much better early game 2 Vs 2 duo because of the control and the burst they have. However, if they reach level six, they are not as strong. Gragas and Syndra have a very nice control chain. If one of them got caught in it, it is an automatic kill unless they have a stopwatch or Zonya on them.

Xin Zhao can pull out his early jungle item to Stalker's blade giving him a distinct early advantage against Gragas. He can also pull out a control ward establishing early vision advantage against Gragas. Now Gragas has no match one vs one if they encounter each other anywhere.

However, the only possible loss is that fizz lost his flash and ignite so he is less dangerous ganking due to his inability to perform e flash. This gives the other team more time to react and use flash to dodge his e.

Syndra now gets the blue buff from Gragas. Gragas knew that he is at a distinct disadvantage, so he would give the buff to the mid lane Faker so he can establish lane dominance earlier and hopefully eliminate the danger of Fizz in the mid-game.

AZ Gaming quickly took the first dragon once it has spawned, which is a mountain dragon. The bottom lane pushed the lane and the jungler walked right into the pit not even worrying about any wards. He knew that even if they saw it, their jungler does not have the courage to fight against it. This dragon is the second best dragon there is after the infernal dragon.

Gragas however successfully ganked top with Syndra. Sion only saw Gragas so he was not expecting to be killed. Urgot e'd Sion so he would be close towards the bush. Gragas immediately e'd him to continue the control chain. Syndra placed her e as well that further stunned him. Urgot and Gragas already pulled out all of their damage and Sion is extremely low. Syndra further q e'd him and Gragas finished him of with an auto attack.

Gragas has now obtained more gold from the kill and can catch up with his item. However, he decided to take the Rift Harald so that their team can earn a bit more of the tower gold from the tower platting. However, AZ Gaming doesn't want to give up that easily. Fizz immediately came close while the jungle and support are already in the mid-lane.

I hope you guys are going to comment below to let me know any suggestions or improvements to make the book better.

Zhyaaaycreators' thoughts