
Test(2 in 1)

all of us reach at the second top floor of the building and we started to make queue then enters the hall one by one. there were around 5 rooms with auto-mated gates which needs something like card or have to scan something in front of its screen. whole class got separated into 5 group of seven people. its been fifteen minutes but no came out still after every 5 minutes another one goes in and now it's my turn.

what theeeeeeeee......

even though i had thought that this school not normal but the moment i come in, maybe won't forget for my life. this this this this.... i started shuttered and the person in front of me looked at me like i had become idiot obviously how can you be able to understand the situation when you get to know that your new school has the latest weapons which launched recently that's m69 with latest AI it doesn't even need to reload for at least 15 minutes can launch multiple shots in different directions at the same time and most importantly i pointed on me right now.

relax she won't shoot you..

sheee i can't comprehend his words but its confirmed that he is talking about all the guns pointed at me. after regulating breathing exercise few times i was able to remain calm. now i can see everything and it looks like some testing place for physical strength and body reflexes

he didn't said anything more just pointed towards a metal gate on the right side all i have to do is to place my palm on the screen at side of the gate then it opens

the whole room is white and empty but didn't remain same as after few seconds some guns came out from the corners and this time i don't need to be an Einstein to know that i need to dodge the bullets but still i decided to wait for that guy's reminder that he did just few seconds after. all he told is that i have to dodge the bullets for 15 minutes non stop.


and i got my first hit just as the test began afterall first one came from my back and its freeking hurts, felt like someone used a hammer to hit me still i managed to regain my balance and used acrobats to jump on my right side to dodge other 3 bullets land on left leg's toe then spun to further right to dodge another two. this game was continue for whole time limit and most fortunate thing was just as bullet gonna hit me everything stopped i can even see the bullet in front of my nose just few inches away. i didn't want to embaress myself anymore so i got slipped out of the room as the gate opened up and if others see me right now damm they did, now i have suffer from their snickers well i can't say anything as I'm not able to walk properly after i got my ass hit twice "isssssshh" it still hurts i have some suspicions about the test specially since i have to dodge a surprise bullet due to which i had to change my

direction just to save my ass and the result was i got landed on floor by my face dammmit.

(author's thought: if he knows that it was his cousin who controlled all guns what will he gonna do and in reality he was hit only once literally as other times were just prank but well i think he won't)

at the Centre of the hall everyone was gather together or should i say half were standing normally and there were some who were just laid on chairs and i just got to another empty one as this pain nothing to advertised about so i didn't talk about the hits i took as others were discussing about it.

clap clap

after 30 minutest a clap sound ranged and here comes the hunter well actually this guy(john) is looks quite young but the looks he gave us like we are his prey and it doesn't feel good.

john: okay so for the first test there are 20 students who passed other 15 go back to your ( he used his holo watch to show us the failed student's list.)

class. now lets talk about others 1st is rick tomsten,2nd is martin sterd,3rd is melody

(even though he gave quite dangerous feeling but when he was announcing second best's name he was smirking at me like there was something funny and he is trying to hold his laughter and i really want to tell him that those expressions doesn't look good on him but i still want to make a girlfriend then want to marry a good looking girl and have some cute kids and others things so literally i have a quite long list of "want to do in my life" and to accomplish it first priority is to have life so i think I'll pass)

after john announced our results he said we should relax our body as second test will be gonna hard and I'm wondering since then what can be more difficult than that reflex test anyways right now i am quite shocked to know that there are 7 more people who are better than me in reflexes well as the saying goes there are always someone better than you but still it's hard for me to accept.

right now whole hall is quiet just peoples in white dress running here and there. I'm getting some curious glances from others even Lina is looking towards me with curios expression while whispering something with the girl next to her. while i was wondering about everything that happened since morning and as far as i can understand this is some kind of test for recruitment. i remembered just now that during my entrance exam the questions were quite unusual as they were related to IQ and reasoning instead of boring questions from our usual subject.

john have been wondering this whole time, should he discuss the results with his seniors as everyone in his department knows about Sam's real performance but he got instructions that he should not interfere with this as these were commands from higher-ups. after glancing towards his schedule he started to type on his watch about 2nd test.

everyone were getting bored so they forms groups and started chatting, i was also curious so i had also joined in and what they told me was quite shocking, this whole thing tests, school and other facilities around our school belongs to human organization(walkers) and they are quite famous in society as detective club and that was the moment my mind blown and getting understand whole situation so just as i thought of messaging my cousin and open our chat room however at this moment around 20 men and women came to us. all of them are around the age of 30 and they had uniforms of researchers. each of them holding a suitcase with no. on them from 1-20.

they came to side of the chairs and place the suitcase on table and each of us get up took ours's in sequence. as we were thinking about how open up it's lock and that's when i was amused after seeing their reaction well same reaction came from me as mine also open and what it contains is a battle suit of common grade B even though it belongs to common category but still it's shocking to know that we'll be using battle suit for our second test, this is getting serious as these suits are used for high and low temperature, gravity also can defend our body from a normal grenade.