

as if everyone had the same thought we were attentively looked towards john. when he felt our gazes he typed something on his watch and some holograms appeared of peoples fighting with many superstitious creatures like werewolf, goblins etc. from the looks of it these peoples belongs to medieval era engaged in wars then some changes started to appear that show humans interactions with these creature in more normal manners just as the things started to looked normal suddenly new images showed a group of humans emerging from a swirl like thing as if both humans and creatures had some kind of agreement both of them can be seen fighting against new group, whole thing went on for long time then war halted and both sides come to an agreement at the same time projector stopped and john passed us some info on our watch which introduced us to the organization and it's structure, motive with some

information regarding other creatures those swirls and new group that came out of it.

it took me almost an hour to complete read the given information and another to digest, but it seemed like this not something new for others as many of them have calm looks while some had some fusion on their faces so it seems like I'm the most ignorant one of this matter well i had never thought my dreams having some cool gadgets and new tech will led me to something like this. it's said that no one from where these creatures came from but history records shows they were always there with us in our society and during ancient times many wars happened between human race and others but as the time change both races started to accept each other still some conflicts were there as other races were had strong fighting ability and greater strength but still there reproduction growth was quite lower on the other hand even though humans were somewhat weak but they have strong adaptability and had quite high in population due to fast reproduction among them so it was decided that only few humans will know about there existence at upper levels while these creatures have hide their identity and corporate with each other. for few hundred years everything was good but suddenly one day a new group of people came from other world and their motive was to conquered this new world but after many hundred of years of war everything was same so both sides realized that they are equally match so agreement was formed between both sides the reason was simple for conquering our world they had stablished a passage between both worlds and it can't be broken so they felt threatened as if war continued then both worlds will be destroyed so they had the intentions of forfeit the war and agree to not intrude each others business. as result many human and beast organization formed to maintain the balance since then there had been many transaction between both worlds like exchange of resources and knowledge etc. walkers is also one of these organization but instead of exchange of resources they provide services to both sides. they are quite famous in normal human society as detective club having many branches across the human world. while for others like creatures and other side they are known as walkers that accepts different kind of mission.

when john saw that all of them looked quite composed he spoke.

john: after second test all those present in this room are qualified to join us but still to ensure that all of you are being put to the best use, we will give you 3 missions to accomplished in our world and a hunting mission other side. you will be informed about task but right now let put you guys in teams there will be two teams of six while extra one will join other group.

(he showed us a list of peoples in both teams and i'm in first team well the order is quite casual as we are divided on the basis of our ranking as even and odd )

Sam: well it won't be bad as all of them are easygoing except that rick guy he always have a serious look on his face. melody is smart and Rachel has highest strength while daisy gives a different feeling even though she always keep a smile on her face but if you didn't put enough attention on her you would think that she is not here anymore. for Lina she looks more normal as during this whole time she has performed quite good as for rick well all of you know about him already.

john: you will receive your id's tomorrow and your new schedule will be provided soon. and i don't think there is a need to tell you guys keep your mouth shut about in front of normal person.

Annie: sir, which district does we belong to ???

(after hearing her question everyone's ears twitched as every branch has districts and most of the times given task mostly depends of the district head's personality)
