
Leading to shadows / Lord of universe

[WARNING] Dear reader, I hope this novel finds you well. I am excited to present to you my first novel, which I have written as part of my English practice. I would like to kindly ask for your help in ensuring that it is free of any grammatical or spelling errors. Please feel free to point out any mistakes you may come across, and I will make the necessary edits. Thank you for your support and understanding. [SYNOPSIS] The Great Unholy War has brought forth unimaginable bloodshed and terror for five long years. Even the gods themselves dare not enter the battlefield. But there is one mortal who can stand against them all. You, dare mortal, have attempted to challenge the gods, but you are merely a pawn in this war. Your only escape is to flee when Blackstone, a broken god, urges you to do so. However, Leon, the protagonist, has grown tired of running away from his fate. He vows to end the war and take down every single god who believes themselves to be superior. The god of darkness, Erebus, tries to warn Leon to run, but before he can finish, he is killed by Odin, the King of Asgard. Leon uses his incredible swordsmanship, known as null swordsmanship, to defeat Odin and half of the army. But the war is far from over. Leon remains the target of those who seek to capture him and avoid the wrath of their master. He is the Holy Son, a warrior who fights for his own will and beliefs. The world of Era is under attack from an unknown species known as mutants. The Holy Saints, who fought to protect their own planet, have sacrificed themselves to create a barrier around half of the earth. The mutants can no longer penetrate this barrier, but the question remains: do the gods know if they are inside or not? This novel is filled with epic storylines, dragons, and numerous gods. I will be uploading two chapters every week, and I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them. Thank you for your time and support. [ Disclaimer ] the cover art doesn't belongs to me from 1 to 15 chapters , there is a fast pace

swordmen · Fantasy
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21 Chs

old gramps

Nobody can ever reach the end of cultivation.

No one can decide a person's fate.

His own efforts, hard work, and dedication define a person's fate, but I just stated that my efforts cannot influence my fate.

I am the one that is controlled and always runs away from the fate that awaits me at the end.

My efforts will not determine my fate.

It's as though I'm floating in unending darkness.

But I can always see brightness in my dreams.

Dreams can only become reality when your determination is unbreakable.

There are various realms that can limit a person's power level.

I am on constellation beyond God level

But I have to face someone three realms above me.

They are divine beings.

We had to confront a fenrir, a high-level species.

Species are classified into three groups.

Low level species, middle level species, and high level species

Shadow dragons are regarded to be one of the most powerful dragon species.


Amy, I said

Can you please wait for me? I'll be there in no time as I enter the abyss domain.

A black stone is sitting on the ground, and several chocolate wrappers are scattered about.

I stated that you two are not human.

You devour all of my chocolate, which is only made by legends or the holy saints that leave this chocolate for me in domain and you devour all of it

Then the black stone burped and stated that the chocolate was still fresh and excellent.

Then Phoenix's voice says, "Boss, you're wrong, we're not humans."

The fractured black stone constellation

And Qin is the mystic beast (the name of the Phoenix god's incarnation).

You both understand that you must clean the space and do all chores, or else there will be no time to kill both of you.

Okay, sir, and by lovey dovey

You've been fighting us for more than 30 minutes.

You're wrong, dark stone, muttered the little Phoenix.

Outside, the time flow is four times that of normal time.

Are you a truth goddess?

Can't you just be quiet like a dead person?

It begins when

I must at the very least be in the Transcendental realm.

I banished William to an area of the abyss.

Yes, it is a domain name belonging to the shattered constellation.

Who is claiming a broken constellation?

Yes, you are a shattered constellation.

I'm going to bed because I don't want to dispute with fuckhead.

We are able to keep the domain for at least one year thanks to Blackstone.

20 days in the Sahara desert

We can see the person approaching us at Beast Tamer Sect Sir.

One young person exclaims, "Hmmm," and an elderly man says, "I believe they are mutated zombies."

Zombies that have been mutated

They look like humans, yet they are not.

They are the undead.

Mutated zombies are those who are unable to withstand the demonic ki that we can detect around creatures or who have been infected by undead mystic beasts.

Leon begins to raise his hand.

The individual adjusted his goggles and stated, "I believe they are mercenaries who have lost in the subdue of bridge incidend."

The bridge event is regarded as one of the horrible tragedies capable of annihilating humanity.

We enter the interrogation chamber for some questioning on what transpired following the bridge accident while William is within the abyss domain.

One elderly man sat in front of me, his eyes shining as if he were looking at gold (huh hungry).

You can call me Mohammed Uzair, according to the old man.

I am a key member of the Beast Tamer sect.

You can address me as Gramps.

First, I'd want to inquire.

You must be in the European continent, but what are you doing on the African continent?

Due to a bridge disaster, I lost my sense of direction, but as a result, I was able to meet you, a wonderful person (buttering him to stop asking him questions).

I believe you have a way with words.

Mr. Uzai, please accept my apologies.

It's nothing more than talking to you with words.

Hohoho  Hohoho

You are a fascinating child.

What is your given name?

You can reach me by phone. Lance Crownwell is a C-level mercenary.

I've seen several mercenaries at the top of their game But I can see that your power and skills have grown far too quickly.

You must cultivate gently or you will have Qi deviation (mana and Qi are the same thing).

Yes, Gramps, I realise, but the situation requires that I grow more. Otherwise, _ I stop talking and apologised for speaking too much.

I've never met somebody like you, with a delicate heart and the feelings of someone who is no longer alive.

Yes, it is one of my abilities to understand people's powerful emotions, which I refer to as the devil's heart.

I believe you are one of the few people that understand my predicament, however if I tell you will Never understand (says he in his head)

As you can see, these mutants aren't all awful, but they're being led by someone far stronger than them.

I am a senior citizen.

Sorry, I neglected to ask if you had eaten.

No, I guess I'm getting hungry now.

As you can see, we are in the beast sect in the Sahara desert. You must consume the most delicious and famous Sahara Red Creptile soup, which is created from the meat of a high level mystic beast.

Thank you, Gramps, however I can see some minor issues in this region.

Yes, as you know, half of the earth is covered in barriers, but the areas conquered by mutants are known as dead wood forests.

As can be seen, the entire African continent is dead timber.

There are numerous mutants with higher levels than us.

I am in the Solus Star world.

I am that strong, yet there is always someone stronger.

One small beast is causing me problems.


Mutants can be classified into three categories 



mystic beasts

Mutants can be classified due to their bloodline

Low level

Middle level

High level

Divine level

Mutants can be more classified due to their attributes 

Land Mutants

Water Mutants

Sky Mutants

You are currently at Galaxy realm lord level 2 star.

I believe you are unable to accomplish anything. Please enjoy the food that has been served; I have some essential task to complete.

Thank you, Gramps, and then he stood up and said, "Enjoy it," before leaving.

Finally, I've made it to the Galaxy world.

I received a 9-star rank in moon shadow swordmanship.

How will she be...

After leaving the Himalayas, I began travelling to the Sahara desert because Blackstone stated that if you go to a Sahara desert around that location, a dimension drift should be open.

Leon inquired, "What exactly is dimensional drift?"

Blackstone claims that because of the immediate shock, I am unable to think about it again.

She is stopping me to tell you who she is, Leon inquired Blackstone

According to Blackstone, there is nothing mortal.

And then I ignored Blackstone because I knew where I needed to go next.

According to Blackstone, there is nothing mortal.

I am now in Nepal, which is a neighbouring country to India, however India is now a dark forest.

I am sitting on the highest peak of Nepal, Mount Everest, watching the sunset and drinking some wine  My heart wants to weep 

My body can't withstand the weight of my duties, yet I don't have any.

I am responsible for caring for and protecting those who are always with us.

There is nothing death can do to change people's feelings towards them.

The sunset was breathtaking, and I noticed a wyvern flying in the sky.

I can tell that his mother is transporting his offspring to a different location because to the temperature shift. 

The year is 2928 of December, and the day is December 25th.

Today is Christmas, and my mind is weary from drinking so much liquor.

Emilie inquired of Ronan Ronan bro when will Jase brother arrive anywhere in the American empire.

It's been almost three months.

Leon believes I can think about it.

In my twenty-first reincarnation

, I become a talking reindeer for Santa Claus.

Who usually says that our world is too small and our existence is so insignificant that no one in other dimensions notices?

We must live in peace and harmony.

None of us are unique.

Because we are merely puppets of an omnipotent being, the purpose of our lives can be divided into two categories.

Live in harmony and peace, or live to survive

Only we can select what is best for the people.

Then I notice several mutated Yati approaching me. 

I stated that I do not want to wash my hands with blood today. Please leave me alone today; I want to sleep and have some quiet.

I summoned Qin (reincarnation of the Phoenix god) and said, "Throw all the monsters out of Mount Everest, I want to rest in peace." Qin, like a shattered constellation, moves quickly.

Black stone is peacefully sleeping.

It doesn't take long in his dream like a broken constellation for the phrases to recur I assume someone is talking about me behind my back whatever let me sleep

Qin annihilated all living beings on the mountain and threw them all off the cliff, where their bodies landed on snow.

Then, all of Mount Everest begins to shake, and a small triangle shape item emerges from the snow.

It's coming out slowly.

It's a pryamid with a triangular shape.

I can see two statues with silver spears.

The voice emerges from the pryamid with a startling gaze.

Come here and I will assist you in anything. Become my apostle or a preist who worships me. The God of Darkness



IT HAS DIVINE POWER And the individual who possesses divine power is known as a priest or an apostle of a specific God.

The Blackstone then awakens and says Erebus, the deity of darkness.

Leon inquired about Erebus.

Erebus is the Greek god of the underworld's dark part and the personification of darkness.

Blackstone stated, "I am going to bestow my presence and make it clear that I am not fleeing Erebus, but kindly deal with it with your own power," and then Blackstone progressively cut his existence from the universe and hid in Leon's hut.

Erebus is my name.

Do you want to be my apostle?

If he follows me, I will give you power and money or whatever you want

My name is Lance Crownwell, and I am a tiny mercenary who will not disturb the great one's sleep.

Hohoho Hohoho hahahaha

Finally, I've met an interesting individual. I can see your true appearance, which was hidden behind the mana that was made to conceal your presence, and you dare to lie to me (in a furious tone).

It appeals to me. Please give me your true name.

What is my real name?

Yes, your true name, and please don't try to deceive me.

My given name is Leon Zemin.

Ohhh! Leon Zemin is the most desired man in Gods

To be continued -

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