
the word that inspired me

Happiness is not something you have to achieve. You can still be happy during the process of achieving something. So if you change your perspective a bit, I know many of you are going through tough times right now, but this could be the most beautiful moment of our lives."

-"Look up. And we are all looking up at the same sky."

-"Everyone suffers in their life. Their are many sad days. But rather than sad days, we hope to make better days. That's what makes us live. That's what makes us dream."

-"Maybe I made a mistake yesterday, but yesterday's me is still me."

-"I think to myself, " Am I doing well enough not to be swept away by the waves of freedom from all thoughts and the force that time brings? Ah, how far have I come so far? " Again like that. Yet again

-"I think my soul is always telling me that same thing let's just try this much more, let's pick our bottom of our seats just one more time. "

-"I will make a better effort not to forget your precious souls, which you gave to me with your hands, the shine in your eyes, and through each and every letter".

-"whenever I am, I will make sure to do so. Even if i lose my path, even if I get trapped by the hands of the clock, the place where iam headed is clear. It's always been this way. "