

Holding the chicken in his hands he despaired and was now at the island in the middle of the sea with a chicken in his hands. When he used teleportation yesterday he discovered that when going back to the place he was before he just needed to put the image in his head and he would go there but when the location was new he needed to use his perception to lock on the place then concentrate his entire mind on it before he teleport.

The chicken did not die or faint but it was shaking, then it started pouring waste for some seconds and although that was disgusting he had discovered that there was nothing wrong with it except maybe a little fear. After testing the chicken he continued his tests with different animals and they all showed the same results that only fear of teleportation was the issue.

'I guess I should try people next, but who would volunteer for that'

After some thought he decided that it was not time yet and he was afraid to get someone killed. It took the guys at the orphanage half a day to get all those fruits from the boat and when the people saw they had no choice but to share a little.

'I wonder how far my perception can go, from the looks of it as long as my perception gets there I can go there then does that mean I can go to other continents?'

When that idea got into his head it never left and he went to the rooftop then seated crossed legged as he began to test his travelling limits. From km to 200 km his perception continued without stop.

'The world truly is big and after the events of 9 years ago it has gotten bigger'

The world was truly big, but for his perception there was no place it could not reach, he continued on but it was all moving fast for his mind to catch on, there were some places his perception would be cut of and he still continued his tests until nightfall. He had told everyone that he would be training on the roof so no one come to disturb him all day, after a day of practicing his mind had gotten tired with all the fast moving pictures but he had learnt some tricks and he decided to try them out the next day after some rest.

A week has passed with tests after tests and Silver was quick to learn. He had finally discovered one of the weaknesses of teleportation and that was with a weak mind he could not travel to certain places. One's mind was required to lock the place your perception had seen, with all those places your perception will pass through if a strong energy is there your perception would break and the sad part was he still could not teleport something he was not holding.

When he first teleport ed his perception would be all over the place thus the pain on his mind, it was like he was seeing to many things at the same time, the same thing happened when he tried to send his perception around the other continents, some places had strong energy he could not get close to, some had barriers where his perception got cut off, the things he would be seeing would be moving too fast for his mind to lock on them and so he decided to just focus on one particular location.

When that test began he saw things that amazed him, to the east there were many barriers with strong energies that blocked his perception, in a certain area he could see beautiful elf's, fairies, trees with eyes, other things he could only gasp in admiration as he watched them and this would continue until he was called for food or had to sleep. He was like a satellite, seeing most of the east continent as much as he desired and he was afraid of going there as that was the home for strong magicians.

To the west he also saw things that made one wonder, rocks that had faces, he saw short people who would be working on mines and others heating materials in fire. At the south was his race but everything was the same everywhere he saw destruction and no hopes of rebuilding yet. At the center there was a barrier and his perception could not get through which means the other races have already put on the barrier on the beast continent. Soon we will be made into guards.

When his perception reached the north though he was ecstatic, every part of the north was under his vision and he begun to watch a drama of the daily life of the giants in the north Landbou continent. As he was sleeping in his room he would send his perception to the north only and in a particular region that was at the edge of the sea.

In a way this would be called peeping but he started to understand his element as he got a theory that everywhere there is space he could access as long as there was no barrier, a strong organism with a strong mind in that area, a strong element cutting of his perception and his mind not being strong enough to access the area.

After sometime peeping on the giants and learning their working routine he decided to go to their continent. This continent had strong elements energy but mostly earth element and non of the giants practice magic , they were like humans but with stronger , larger bodies