
The Bloodline Spell

Humans were never people to give up and with years going by they founded the council which started to study the use of magic and they created their own foundation of magic which was filled with blood. They sacrificed so much for it and started to train soldiers who would be send to the barrier in order to decrease the loses of their race, but for anything to stand firm a sturdy foundation is required and the humans were still building one which supported the era of magic.

The council was created by the joint of all countries in the world for the survival of the human race.

Humans had built a foundation that took years and years to reach where they were and all that was destroyed with the coming of magic in their world, a war was fought, their technology did not meet the requirements to win it and they become slave soldiers who would sacrifice their lives to stop any low level monsters which escaped the beast continent. In the eyes of the other races what happened to the humans was fair as they did not do much in the battle to seal the beast continent.

"Yes we were on the top of the food chain but that was before and yes this was our world but that was also before. We are not cowards, we continued the fight, we created the council, we are studying magic, we are becoming stronger and we have what other races do not and that is the tenacity to continue this dark path until we see the light. We have started making alliances with other races and the elf race are willing to help us with those abducted and so many things already in works which you know yet here were are with you doing something that would start a war to end our kind "

"Haha, you weak minded fools do you think the other races care about our survival, they fear our numbers and that is why they just sit around to watch as our brothers and sisters die in that barrier of theirs. Have you never wondered why these creatures manage to escape the cage they build, our magic is still below them but we have reached a level where we start to see the loopholes they made and even when we see them we are not at the level to fix them so we just accept as we watch our race die out. "

There was quite in the room, those in the room have reached the level of power that was only half to the peak of other races but even so humans were resourceful and they had seen the loopholes on the magic. What they lacked was time, time to build a foundation that was the same level as the other races.

"You talk the talk elder but even so what gives you the right to spill more blood than already is, how many people must you kill for your belief of doing all this for our race to be recognized. Elder we already have enough people being sent to death at the barrier and here we have you killing more"

Hearing those words elder Seri did not even show any changed face, as though all these was nothing to him and was necessary for him. Elder Seri was born from a high class family and the loose of life of others mated little as long as he got what he wanted. This time though the situation was not easy as many of him family members were aiming for his position and he had a temper that was not liked by many. These elders could care less about the deeds he did all they wanted was more power to hold down their position.

"Elder Seri you have used your position to do things this council cannot permit,you have killed your own kind to further your researches and your use for dark magic to further extend your lifespan cannot be excepted after voting we have reached a decision of a death penalty so that others may learn from your mistakes"

There was no justice to the council and most of them were the same as elder Seri it was just that this time things were not in his favor. Seri knew there was nothing he could do and only death awaited him so before they could do anything he did a spell he had gotten from the dark mage he killed but never used as there was no knowing if it would work.

'Bloodline soul binds'

"Impossible!, What manner is this?"

"Stop that fool, he is using dark magic in the council room"

All the elders stood up and fired away any magic they could to stop whatever spell he had invoked and their fear of him doing some death to us all kind of move. Only ashes remained after the elders were done with him but what they did not know was that the spell was already invoked the moment he walked inside the council room and because they could not believe he would have a spell that defied magic dampening chains they did not see anything before it was already done.

The spell used by Seri was a transmigrating dark magic spell which will send you back to the past into the body of any of the generation in your bloodline. This spell was very evil and dangerous as it sends your soul to replace a past generation member with the same bloodline as yourself and what powered it was the generation you will skip .


Planet Earth

Human Race Continent

Year 2015

"Fuck me, did my grandson just try to take over my body, wholly shit where is the family love, to evil, to evil"