
The Start

In the commender office there a woman and a girl


"Yes.." the woman said before continue "your mission this time is very dangerous so please...be careful" she said while looking at the girl

"Right,is Rendou and Sunny come with me?"

She looking at the girl then smirk "of course,you three are the strongest team for teens agent" she looking out of the window "and you also allowed to bring your friends in this mission..I heard they're strong"

"Yes ma'am!" The girl said excitedly "I'm going now,see you soon!"

"See you soon.."she said while smiling at her "look like you two are going to reunite"

The next day at kawang village

I'm Hunter..or should I say..my real name is Rose..Rose Arroen.. I'm a princess of the planet Zukusuto..but..my planet was destroyed 10 years ago by the kingdom of Darkness from planet Gokuoda..but thanks to my parents and people me and my brother are save..but i dont know where he is right now...he just vanished like a thin air...but today..im going to the space again for my mission as an agent..

"Where are they?" He said while looking around

That's my friend Rendou he a good boy..but..his hair bang..are just...a little too long..

"Can you be patient a little?" She said while sipping her Coffee

That's Syayura or what we call her sunny she..a bit mean sometimes...

You must be thinking who are we waiting for? Yeah, it's my friends Azwa and Syafz

"Hunter!!! We're here!" She waving at them while running

Here we go Azwa...She is a very skilled girl she use bow combinate with her power

"Be careful or you going to fall.." he said while walking slowly

Five minutes later

"I'm going to open the portal now okay?" It's been a long time since I use the portal to somewhere far away from home "[STAR PORTAL]!"

"woah... it's so... beautiful!" Azwa said as her eyes shining like a star

"Cut it out and let's go inside!" Syafz said to Azwa while pulling her to the portal


"This place are.. beautiful..."Rendou said with a big smile

"There a cave.. let's go there first.."Said Sunny as she pointing at the cave near us

Rendou suddenly feel something "Hurry up! Go to the cave!!" As soon as he said it he start running towards the cave

"What happened!?"shout Azwa

"Just follow me!!" Rendou shout back


"so...what happens?" Azwa ask as she looking at Rendou

"There something approaching us.."

"But what is it?" Ask Azwa back

"Maybe someone or an animal?"Claim Sunny

"That is possible" Look like Syafz agreed with her

Suddenly Azwa hug Syafz and complaining "aww this cave is Cold! Are you really not cold?"

He sighed as he answered her question "I'm not but are you really cold?" While Patting her head

Azwa looking at him and said "ah yes.."

"This place is cold for sure actually.."

I take some Firewoods from my sweater's pocket "[FIRE LIGHTER]" and then there a Fire pit i just build

"Warm... thanks Hunter!"said Azwa as she smiling at me

"How about we stay here for now?" Suggest Sunny as she looking at everyone

"We're going to investigate the area outside!" Rendou said to me to allowed him and sunny to go

"Then I'm going to investigate this cave"

"What about me and Syafz?"The voice coming straight to my ears as Azwa Said it

"Ah..uhm.." I suddenly feel like to be naughty "how about you two go search for food?"

"Eh???" Azwa look disappointed, just like I want to see hehe~

"Let's go, we need to search for food"

"You such a Simp" that is something Azwa always said that I never gets the meaning of it


"find something?"

"Azwa already look disappointed as hell "we didn't find any food..." {Kryukk} ah...that the sound of Azwa stomach..

"We didn't find any trace of Life things" Rendou look stressed when he said it

"Is this really planet kero-kero to begin with actually?" Syafz claiming if I made a mistake

"There is no way..[BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE]" the book to them "look at this! We are in the right planet!"

"So what is..-" Rendou said before we feel a strong shake in the cave

We straight up taking our stuff and exits the cave

"What happend?" Ask Azwa

"The cave has..Collapsed..?"

"How is it possible?" Rendou look confused "the cave is still fine before.."

"There must be something else.."Sunny said that while thinking as deep as she could

Suddenly the cave shaking again and a Dragon come out of it


"Luxury Dragon!"Sunny shout

"Luxury Dragon?!"Azwa look so confused

"It's a dragon that live in the space!"Syafz said at Azwa

"How so you know?!" Azwa Said back

"Maybe because i'm not sleeping when Sister Lilith teaching!"Syafz shout as he also listening to her

*Enough! Let's defeat this dragon first!"

"Any plan lead?"Rendou is asking me for a plan and I already got one

"Heh..Syafz! How long it takes for you to took down this dragon?"

"Hmm..give me Ten seconds."Syafz said it in so confident way possible

"Ten seconds..?" Sunny and Rendou look completely puzzled

"Don't worry..He is strong!"Azwa said it as she very look up to Syafz

[ZOU!] Syafz has take out his sword I see.."get ready!" He shout to the dragon before he runs towards it

The dragon splashing fire to us I use my shield and Syafz just dodged it easily

"[FIRE SLICE!]" Syafz favourite skill has been used and the dragon got sliced into pieces of meats

"Ten...se-seconds..."Sunny and Rendou look shocked as they never see syafz power

"You're so cool Syafz!"Azwa run towards syafz while yelling how cool syafz is

"Hmm...hey do you remember that time we eat Smike meats?" I smirk

Smike is a creature from our planet that always smiles that why they got the name Smike,They are no innocent because they killed people once they see them

"You..eat the smikes..?" Ah.. sunny and Rendou already make that face..

"Of course we remember!"the two of Azwa and syafz answer at the same time

"This dragon also looks eatables... And delicious..."

"You want to cook it?"Azwa look happy

"Heh....????" Sunny and Rendou look confused as always

"Mm.." syafz thinking as he lick the dragon blood,syafz is a vampire and a vampire and smells the blood of others and they can tell from it if that person good,bad, delicious, strong or weak "fine,lets cook it!" He continues

"[FIRE!]" he start looking suspicious "hehe~ cook well little dragon..."

"If it about food you always be the number one you know..."

"Ehe,come on it just food not our 'Toys' "Azwa said as she came to me and Syafz

"Haih.. They're so..."Rendou complain to sunny

"Just let it go.." said sunny to make Rendou calm

"The food is ready! You two come here and give it a taste!"

Rendou and Sunny already looked scared

"Uwahhhh it's so delicious!"Azwa shout so loud that we can hear her from far

"Woah..I don't think it's delicious.."Syafz look happy with his food

"Okay, let's eat!" I gave the food to Sunny and Rendou

"O-okay.." Rendou look as he at Doubt to eat it,he then took a bite "WOAH! it's so delicious!!"

"HAHAHA I knew it! You will like the meat!"

Sunny also took a bite after saw Rendou reaction"hm! This..like my father's..cook.."

"Okay! Okay! Don't eat to fast!"

Azwa chuckle and said to Syafz "their dynamic was a little weird don't you think?"

Syafz continue her sentences "hmm.. Hunter is the charming one, rendou the shy one and Sunny the quiet one.."

"Hehe like you!"Azwa start laughing at Syafz

"I'm not!"syafz mad at Azwa that he accidentally dropped his food

"Sure~" Azwa Chuckle more "hmm.." Azwa then look at the sky while smiling