
Lead of Her Own

Linh Xu never expect to die at the pure age of twenty-five. She literally did not see it coming. The coconut that tragically end her life. What's even more surprising is that she reincarnated into a novel. One of the most popular novel of her life - The Duke's Wife - the novel she never read. She only heard the summary and spoilers from her friends. And the spoilers say, she will die. Linh doesn't want to die. Linh wants to live...far away from the coconuts! Avoid the storyline? Steer clear of the protagonists? She may have not read this novel, but she did read the other ones and it all says "Take your role and perform it well, but not too well or else heads - your head - may roll!" So, she will. She will perform her role...not till the end though, just enough where she can still keep her head intact.

Blah1Delete · Urban
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2 Chs


Linh takes a few blinks before she can see the white ceiling. There's a heavy scent of medication in the air, causing her stomach to swirl.

"Miss!" someone screams, irritating her already ringing head. Linh attempt to sit up, only to be softly push back down. "Miss, please don't sit up so abruptly. You're still healing from your fall."

After a few minutes, Linh's mind clears up, and she analyzes the woman in front of her. At her age, she should have one foot in the grave - a sad thought. With each eager movement, Linh can hear the subtle snap of her bones, causing her body to shiver. She couldn't help but gaze at the skin, filled with dots, barely hanging onto her bones. One word: Old.

Linh knows it's not a nice thought, but she can't help but pass judgment. That's how the world works - uncontrollable judgment.

Skin color.



Anything physical.

First impression.

Despite the kind face and soft smile, Linh flinches at her touches. She did not know who the elder woman is. "What are you doing?" She questions as the woman tuck her blanket in.

"Miss. I'm keeping you warm. What else?" her speech sounds overly respectful. Linh wasn't used to it.

"Yeah, but...why?" There's a long pause between them. When Linh realizes she wouldn't respond, she questions. "Where am I?" She looks around the room, attempting to keep her breath steady. Her legs feel numb, but she quickly dismisses it. Then, she feels it - something scratching her wrist.

She looks down.

Ling Xu.

Status: Unstable

Admittance: 5:27 am

Cause of Admittance: A danger to self.

Diagnosis: Psychosis

Duration: Unknown

Linh brows pinch together, ignoring the misspelling of her name. Sometimes, events like this happened. She can't but wonder why her cause of admittance is: a danger to self.

It isn't far fetch considering she does fall on her feet often due to her clumsiness, but would it be enough to be admitted into the hospital?

She squints her eyes, attempting to remember the last event that occurred before she was admitted to a hospital.

The woman exhales. "The hospital."


Linh's mouth gap opens, and she nods instead of sarcastically responding to the woman. After all, she did ask her where she was. Linh remembers how something hard hit her head earlier, which is the reason why she is being hospitalized. Her eyes analyze the woman once more, brow inching closer together. She wonders why the woman isn't dressed like a nurse rather a maid.

A doctor enters, and Linh rolls her eyes. A doctor's presence almost always means bad news. Linh's view towards the doctor has always been negative, particularly after her mother's death due to cancer.

She understands it's not their fault that they cannot save her mother, but she can't help but wire bad news with doctors. After all, for five years of her childhood, whenever she sees a doctor, it means her mother's condition is worsening.

The doctor smiles. "It's good to see you awake, Miss Ling."

"Linh," she quickly correct, she cannot believe her name is spell incorrectly - at a professional place. Then again, where are all of her friends?

The doctor flips through his papers while the nurse who isn't dressed in professional uniforms gave her an odd look. "I'm certain it's Ling." The doctor said again.


The woman steps closer to her. "Miss Ling. Are you okay?"

"Ling? Who's Ling?" She had been named Linh her whole life.

The woman points at her. Then, she points at herself. "Me?"

She only nods in response, wondering why her Miss thinks her name is Linh when it's been Ling her whole life. Linh threw off the covers, then her legs much to the woman and doctor's approval. She grabs the plastic fork beside her bed, pointing it at the duo, which causes them to back away.

Linh narrow her eyes, pull off the IV chord, which spills tears in her eyes. "Oh! Fuck that hurts like a bitch!" she covers her forearm before hissing lowly.

When they take a step forward, she points the fork back. "You guys got the wrong person. I only have student's debts, no money. So, if you're trying to pull some shit on me. You got another thing coming."

"Miss Ling, please put-"

"Linh!" She yells. "My name is Linh! Also, don't call me Miss! I don't know you! Now, tell me, where are my friends...or family?"

"Miss L-" the woman stop speaking momentarily. "Don't you remember? Your parents are in France."

Linh scoff and roll her eyes. "Please, dad, can't even afford French bread. Who are you trying to fool?"

The three of them engage in an intense staring contest. Linh smacks her back against the wall, steadily, crisscrossing towards the exit. She throws the fork at the woman and dashes out of the room. "Help! Help!" Linh didn't understand why she is screaming, wasting her breath. Most likely, everyone inside this building is working the other two.

She clenches her fists, and sprint down the hallway, wanting to clap her hands. It's incredible how far they would go to convince the victim to think they are actually in a hospital.

Then again, her head did get hit by a coconut.

Deep breathes, she turns her head back to see that no one is following her. The screams of "Miss!" earlier also fade.

"Need to get out. Need to get out." Linh takes one short breath after another. The walls feel like it's closing in, making it difficult to function. She had always hated it; the scent of alcohol and death.

Linh slam a fist against the elevator door, checking her surroundings once more. There's a breeze, and she realizes her butt is for the world to see. She groans, tightening the gown.

The elevator ding, and without a second thought, she takes a step inside. For her, it doesn't matter whether the doctor and random potential nurse are lying or not. She wants to get out - fast.

But, fate is not on her side as she slams right into a firm body. Linh's head is still facing the other way, her hands exploring the healthy physical body.

"Feel enough?" a husky voice drip into her ear.

Linh chuckle, "Not enough."

She turns her head, meeting the most attractive man she had ever come across. "Wow," is the only word drifting out of her pale lips.