
Lead Me To You

Monica, a young heiress of Carluccio's; a wine company, always feels that there is a dagger behind her while walking. Others see her as a jackpot prize for abduction. As she grows older, her life is always in danger. Surrounded by people that she cannot categorize as fake or real. She grew up in a family of winemakers. Residing in Italy and expanding the business all over the world. She stayed humble and low-profile despite the influence and power her family possesses because she doesn't want media attention. Francis, on the other hand, had a duty to fulfil to prove his worth to his father. He is willing to do anything he wishes just to have his father's attention to him. He admired his father so much that he saw him as his role model growing up. Their business has been competing to be the world's most producing wine for hundreds of years. Coming up with an idea, Francis chose to sacrifice his life on the line just to collect information from their biggest competitor. He disguised himself as a low-profiled labour worker. The two did not expect that their different paths would cross. With the same goal for the business, their feelings for each other grow as days pass by. There will be pride to crash. There will be trust to break. And there will be hearts to tear

MV_Quinones · Urban
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21 Chs

Chapter Two



"Who would dare to hurt my daughter?!" Papa was shouting from the sala and I can hear it here in the kitchen.

I am not sure of what is the meaning of that but I can sense that he's mad.

He doesn't speak Tagalog so when we talk to him we will only use two languages. English and Italian.

"No one can touch her! No one can come near her either! Call Magnus, now!" His cry was like thunder. The whole living room was almost shaken and the staff there immediately acted for what it commanded.

"They have to kill me first before they can hurt her," he said.

"Calmati, Massimo. She can hear you." Uncle Valmoria tried to calm Papa.

Papa's eyes moved slightly towards me. Here I am in the kitchen and I can peek at them from here and I can also barely hear what they are saying. Papa's expression softened as he looked at me. He approached me and when he stopped in front of me he knelt down.

"You know how much I love you, right?" He asked.

"Conosco, Papa. Ti amo anch'io." I answered. I know how much you love me, Papa. I know how much you adore me and Mama. I love you too, more than anyone.

He smiled but his eyes were lonely. "I will do everything to make you happy. You deserve everything, mia figlia." Papa brushed the stands of my hair.

"I only want to be with you, Papa. That is my only happiness." I said.

He kissed the back of my hands. It is as if something might happen and we don't know when. I never saw him this worried. I never saw him this scared. I don't know what's happening but that idea brings sadness and fear.

Now I have proven how scary my dad is every time he gets angry. At its shout the thunder resounded. With eyes resembling the eye of a dragon. Now I understand why the servants would not want to disobey its order.

"That's what I heard," I said.

"From now on, you should never go away unaccompanied. If what the Signor says is true, you still need to protect yourself." Francis replied.

I shared with him everything I had heard earlier at home. I don't know if that's true or they're just scaring Papa. But why do they have to empathize with me anymore? I don't want him to think about me more than the vineyard because of the drought.

"We don't know yet if that's true. What if that was just a prank?" I asked.

"They threatened your life, Monica. That's not a good joke anymore." He said seriously.

"They were cowards," I feel like I need to hit something.

"Go home first now. It's not safe for you to go out yet." He stood up and faced me.

"No. I am not going home." I'm still with you. And I don't want to go home because I won't see you there.

We both fell silent. No one spoke. I didn't want to go home because I couldn't talk to him and see him when I locked myself in the house. I would only be more scared and anxious even though I knew he was not by my side. I feel so secure and safe right now because he's here. I don't think of the danger in my life because of him. And if I go home, without him, I might get scared to death.

"Signorina Monica, I am here to take you home." A man in black suit appeared behind Francis.

"Who are you?" I questioned the man.

Francis ran towards me and immediately hid me behind his back.

"I am Carter Nuevo. Your father hired me as your bodyguard." He even showed us his license.

"I don't want to go home," I whispered to Francis.

"Your father is looking for you, Signorina. We need to go home now." The tall man in black suit said.

I also had no choice but to follow my Papa. Even though the mansion is far away, I can walk, but I'm in the car. Heavily tinted and I was surrounded by armed men in black suits. I'm sad because I only spent a little time with Francis. I used to talk to him and see him all day, but now everything is interrupted.

We arrived at the mansion. Every corner of the outside of the house had men on guard. Security is tight. It was the same inside the house and even outside my room, a gentleman named Carter was on guard.

"Get her cell phone. Get all her gadgets." Papa instructed the maids.

"What is happening, Papa?" I stood up in bed when the maid grabbed my cell phone in my hand.

They actually took my cell phone, laptop and other gadgets and its accessories. They came out carrying all that.

"I will restrict you from using devices that can be used for tracking you," he said.

"Papa..." Why are you doing this? I wanted to cry.

"I have to do this, mia figlia. This is all for you." His eyes were sad.

"You restrict me from going outside the house. You confiscated my gadgets that I was supposed to use during this isolation. You tightened my security by invading my privacy. This is too much, Papa!" I litany. What does he want me to do?

"I am protecting you-" I cut him off.

"No Papa! You are limiting my chance to live!" I hissed.

Because of my answer, I received an unbelievable slap from him. This is the first time Dad has hurt me. He hasn't laid a hand on me since I was a kid and now, now that he's done that, I know I'm wrong.

"Helga will stay inside this room with you, Carter will guard outside your door. If you need anything, tell them." Papa said before storming out of my room.

I was just stunned when the door closed. I can't disobey my father. I did nothing. And now, my every move is being watched.

Helga is my personal maid and he is with me inside this dungeon. Carter was outside, guarding the door. I look like a prisoner right now. But with a maid, good food and comfortable bed.

But still! I don't want to be isolated!

"Do you need anything, Signorina?" Helga asked.

"No!" I want to get out of here!

Even if I just open my window I can't do it until Helga precedes me. Carter would call the caretaker outside to see if it was safe for me to open my window.

What is going on in my world right now?

I really miss Francis. I can't call him to hear his voice. I can't see him because I can't leave the house unless Papa agrees. All my movements are limited.

"I just want to get outside! I just want to walk in the vineyard!" My senses have almost exploded with the pain they are giving me.

"I'm sorry, Signorina. But as long as the Signor doesn't order you to come out, we'll just be here in your room." Helga replied.

"I am your master!" I sighed.

"We will only follow the Signor's orders, Signorina." Helga answered boldly. Oh really?

"You are appointed as my personal maid. That man outside my door, as my bodyguard. So technically, you will have to give me what I need. And you are supposed to follow my commands!" I cried.

But instead of answering, she just stared at me.

"This is so isolating!" I'm almost lost in this room. I really wanted to throw things away but I thought I would do the tidying up and cleaning up afterwards.

I walked to the door and when I opened it, Carter immediately faced me. I was even more bored because he was actually guarding my door. My eyes rolled and slammed the door shut.

I need to get out of their sight for me to escape. I need to ditch them.

I really want to see Francis right now.

In the evening, Papa let me out for dinner. As usual, we were the only two sitting on the chairs at the long table. All I could hear was the silence and the sound of cutlery.

"Papa, please. I wanted to go outside for some fresh air." I broke the silence.

"What did I tell you not to do during the meal?" He asked.

Idiot! You were in front of the food and you even did what your father didn't want the most. Instead of regaining his composure, he will not allow you to do anything else.

"Mi dispiace," I whispered.

The house is surrounded by Papa's staff. I will have a hard time if I carry out my plan without thinking it over carefully. One mistake,and I will bet my freedom. Everywhere I go I see bodyguards. It's strange because it's only now that father has restricted this. I grew up with servants and guards but not like this. This is way too much and it is suffocating as hell.

I watched my father. His eyes were deep and obviously tired. Not getting enough sleep. Problems for the vineyard and business. And now I added more, my security.

It must have been very difficult for him. At the same time the problem is that he thinks that he no longer has a chance to rest properly. We have barely talked to each other these past few days so I don't have any idea on what's really happening.

The rules in the house have changed. And I can only get out of my room from morning until nine in the evening. It's just inside the house and I can't even get out into the backyard.

I planned on sketching our garden through looking at our window today. Because of this isolation policy of my good father, I learned to sketch since I don't have gadgets to browse on my social media accounts.

"This is temporary only, Mr. Rodriguez." I heard my father say. There's a guest in the house.

"I truly understand, Mr. Carluccio. You can trust me with this." The guest said.

"I just couldn't give this up easily for my daughter. Her life is at stake and this is the only solution I have in mind that would help me in this situation." What was my father talking about?

"The contract says that I will be the major stockholder. All of these will be mine. Is that correct?" The guest asked. What contract? What are they talking about?

"You are correct... Francis." My father said.

When I heard that familiar name, all of my attention was diverted to them. Since they are in the sala, it is easier for me to hear them here in the kitchen. I went out there to eavesdrop on them.

"Well then, it is a deal. Mr. Carluccio." The man said before taking my father's hand for a shake.

The man turned his back on me and was dressed formally. Papa looked at me and looked at me sadly. My brain is confused by what is happening now. There is a paper in the center of the table as the man signs it. Is that what they say about a contract? And why is Papasad?

"What is this, Papa?" I interrupted that man to sign that damn paper.

They both heard me so the man turned in my direction. It was as if I were drenched in cold water as I stiffened my stance. The familiar eyes I'm always looking for. The familiar voice I've always wanted to hear. Here it is now before me in a new form.

"Francis?" I called.

"You knew each other?" Papa asked.

Francis stood up to face me properly. He even approached me to take my hand and kiss it but I immediately withdrew it.

Yes Papa. We knew each other.

"What is this all about? What is the meaning of that paper?" I turned to my father to ask this.

"This is all for you, my dear." Papa's sad answer.

"You're giving up everything? You're giving up everything to this man?" The paper I was holding for drawing earlier is already crumpled on my hand.

"We can claim it back once you're safe," Papa said.

I turned to Francis. "Is that true? Can we claim everything back once I'm safe?" I asked him.

This is just so hard to believe.

He just shrugged his shoulders and pointed to the resting paper on the center table.

"The deal is in the contract. You can read it." Francis said.

I turned back to my father. I really can't believe what's happening now. I am angry, feeling sorry for my father, for myself and for everyone.

"Do you really believe this man?" I pointed Francis to my father.

"He's the only person I can trust right now, my princess." With my father's stature, my neck got stiffened by looking up.

My tears were about to flow so I turned to pick up the paper on the table. I read from the top until the signed names of the two.

The contract stated that Francis will be the major stockholder of Carluccio's. The factory, the vineyards and other properties of the Carluccio family will be his as soon as he is appointed as the CEO of our company. He will manage this mansion as his own and he can do everything he wants with our properties.

And at the bottom of that letter is the full name of my father and Francis. The surface of them is already signed. And Papa has also been given the official seal.

I just cried at what I read. Is this true? All we have will be his when he becomes the new CEO of the company? How about me? Where will my place be? According to the contract I have read over and over again, there is no stipulation that it is only temporary or we can revoke it whenever we want.

"Papa ..." my whole body was weakening. My tears flowed like waterfalls. There is no stopping and I feel like I have accumulated a lot of it and it is taking off now.

My father gave up everything we have because of me. That's easy. With just a flick of the fingers everything is gone. The company my ancestors worked for. The mansion my grandfather built that he chose to live here. The factory and vineyards where the production of the finest wine begins. Our other property includes our house in Batangas. It all disappeared like a bubble.

All my dreams were shattered. Dad did it just because of me? Just because of a worthless person like me?

"This can't be," I steady my voice so it doesn't stutter.

"Mia figlia," Papa called.

No. Never. I will never let any of these be taken from us, from me.

"This will never happen!" I cried. I tore the paper into small pieces and I heard my father hissed by my sudden action.

My father stopped me from stepping on the pieces of paper on the floor. He hugged me from behind to take me away.

"Monica!" Papa called.

I was already hysterical because it wasn't enough for me to just see those pieces of paper on the floor. I can't allow him to take everything I have just for my safety. I will not allow it to be my father's weakness to forget and give everything like a toy to an untrustworthy person.

"Monica! Calmati!" I was stopped by my father's thunderous cry.

I could do nothing but cry in front of them. I don't care what I look like right now. I could think of nothing but the anger that was slowly building up in my chest. I looked sharply at Francis who was just staring at me, I grabbed his collar when I approached him.

"Monica!" Papa hissed.

"Did you framed my father? Did you use me?" I whispered my second question to him.

"Carter!" I heard Papa shout calling to my bodyguard. In just a few seconds my feet were floating because he carried me away from Francis like a sack.

"Release me, Carter! Vai a cagare!" I struggled.

"Get me back there, Carter! I'm not done with him yet!" I shouted as it started to walk away as he carried me on his shoulder.

"You can send the copies to my address. I will send back the duplicate copies once I'm done signing." I heard Francis say before we were too far away.

"There will be no more copies! Francis! Papa! I will never let this happen! I'm going to stop you from doing this! Papa!" I don't care if I get hurt by screaming. I can't let what they want to happen.

"Take me down, Carter!" My legs twitched as I punched his back.

He only let me go when we got to my room. He dropped me on my sofa and Helga held me. I struggled to stand up as I cried incessantly.

"I am not yet done with that bastardo! Let me go!" They held my limbs so tight that I couldn't even move.

"I will never approve this! Papa!" My voice was hoarse and my throat was hurting but that didn't matter to me. I had to stop everything they were planning.

I can't move on the sofa like I'm tied to it. I couldn't move anymore because I was getting weak. I did nothing but cry and pour it all out by sobbing.

"Stop crying, Signorina. You might pass out." Helga was concretely wiping my tears with her handkerchief.

"I will not let it happen," I said spontaneously as I cried.

"Let me go, please." I begged Carter.

I tiredly leaned my head on the sofa while still not stopping to cry. Helga and Carter stared at me as if they felt sorry for me now.

I was born into a powerful and influential family in Italy but I feel so powerless right now. No one follows what I want. No one listens to what I say. Everything is suppressing my actions. And the most painful thing was that I could do nothing while taking away everything the Carluccios had.

It must have been hard for my grandparents to look at me now. I feel so miserable and worthless of power.

It was evening and my father and I gathered at the table again. No one speaks. And the food in front of me I do not move. I had no appetite as I thought about what would happen to me in case everything went to Francis. What would my life be like and where would I be if all our property belonged to him as well. I was angry with my father because it was so fast for him to let go of everything. I don't know what and why that happened. But there is only one reason for all this.

Me. The worthless me.

Father would easily give up the business that my ancestors build for a petty child like me. Because of my unworthy life, all of this tragedy is happening.

Why don't they just kill me? Why does Papa have to suffer like this if I am their only target? Why don't they confront me and kill me face to face so that they can show that they are not cowards?

"Eat your food," Papa said.

I thought, what if the mansion is gone, where will I sleep? Is the food I will eat still delicious? Will I still leave comfortably? It's okay if it's smaller and not as pretty as this, as long as Papa and I are safe.

I weakly lay down on my bed after I cleaned my body. I want to sleep and rest but I can't because of the amount of thinking. I want to forget everything that happened and just think that it happened but I can't either.

My mind was full of scary thoughts and I couldn't help myself but to sob.

I am really worried about my life right now. I am not afraid of the danger posed by the people around me. I would be more afraid of Papa and myself and the business if we left it in Francis' hands. Although his skills will pass as the leader, I am still worried since everything will change.

I forced myself to get up from my bed. I took paper and pencil and was forced to draw our garden that I had planned yesterday. When I passed the living room, I saw Papa talking to someone again. In my curiosity I went there and forgot my plan of going to the kitchen.

"You again?" I said when I saw Francis' face again in my house.

"Monica, stop." How can my father be this calm in the situation right now?

I saw the papers in the middle and some blueprints. I recognized the blueprint because it's the same as the layout and size of my bedroom. I had to grab them and saw the other sitting blueprint and the rest of it was our kitchen, library, some guest rooms and the garage.

"What are all these again, Father?" I asked Papa.

"Monica, please. We are trying to talk here." Dad pleads with me.

"I have made myself clear to both of you. I will never approve this!" I stand between them.

"We are not the owner of this house anymore-" No Father, no.

"We still are! He is not yet the CEO. And I will never make that happen." I hissed.

I turned to Francis with no reaction, looking at me. "You may take anything else. But not this house and the company." I said.

"I will never let him have his way on everything we have!" I pointed at him as I yelled to my father for him to know my side.

"You will have to kill me first if you want to get everything from me," and I meant that.

"Monica!" I heard my father yell. Just like thunder again. But I will not get scared this time.

I will stand our rights, Father if you can't anymore. I will fight for us and the company, until I bleed. I will not be a coward and worthless heir just like you wanted me to do.

I left them there and went back to my room. I slammed my door shut and Helga was startled by that volume. I went straight to my study table and re -read the book I had bought about grapes and wine making. Fortunately, they didn't take it.

I will do everything to be strong. I will claim my power and I will wipe him down and I would love to see him miserable too.

I went down around lunch. Francis was also leaving so I forgot the food so I could talk to him more. I hid in the tall plant near the main door. Before he can leave my house, I need to get words with him first. He was close and I did not bother to block his path.

He stopped one meter away when he saw me in the middle. I used my death glares to look at him and he just equaled mine.

He is different now. He was no longer the Francis I first met in the cellars. He is no longer the Francis I feel comfortable talking to whenever I go to the vineyards for him. Everything about him has changed.

But now I just thought of everything. Even though I was always with him, even though I could always talk to him, even though he was kind to me and taught me. I didn't really know him.

"Who are you, really?" I asked.

"What are you?" I fisted my palms and my nails immediately penetrated into my skin.

"What are you doing in our factory?" I yelled.

He did not answer but just looked at me. He also didn't move to just pass me and ignore me. He was just there, facing me and staring at me.

"Did you really lie to me? Is your name really Francis? Did you use me?" My tears fell down as if it was a remote controlled fall.

"I don't know what you are talking about," he said and made his steps towards the door. When he passed me, I faced the door.

"Francis!" I called and he stopped walking.

Too many questions in my mind that want answers. I want to be enlightened on everything that is happening today.

"Why are you doing this?" My voice finally cracked.

"Tell me the truth. Did you use me? Did you use me to your advantage?" I want an answer, Francis. Please.

"You're the first to come to me. And even if you don't come, I can carry out my plans." He replied, still not facing me.

"So this is your plan? To seize everything I have?" I asked.

I really can't believe that this is happening to me. What did I do to deserve this?

"You are not part of the plan," he said.

He still has the nuts to be rude right now?

He walked closer to the door again and when he turned he spoke again.

"I will tell my father about this. I will tell everything to him! I will tell your stupid plan!" I will never give you everything that my ancestors build with their sweats and blood. Never.

"Go tell him. As if he will believe you." I heard him smirking.

"He will believe me because I am his daughter," I replied.

Blood is thicker than water, bastardo.

"You have no proof," he said.

"I am the proof!" I chuckled. You will never get away with this.

"Let's see," he said before finally opening the door.

I was left speechless and stiff in my stance. Tears were dripping but no sobs came out of my mouth.

I pulled my cell phone out from behind me and stopped the voice recording I was shooting. I don't know if this is enough proof to turn my father's blind eye.

I may be sentimental and selfish. But this is my right as an heir. I need to take good care of everything.

Just like the queens, I will never let anyone take my crown onto my head. They will have to behead me first before claiming it. On top of my head is my pride, my honor, my power and my dignity.