
Le Fluer: Braves of the Sacred Flower

Braves. That is the name given to the ones who fight against the Chimeras. They suddenly appeared some hundred years ago, humanity's greatest enemy. After many years of fighting amongst each other the world united to confront a common enemy. The Braves are the only ones who can fight the Chineras. They possess the strange power called Ascedance. The Chimeras brought humanity the power of Ascendance and the knowledge of the higher worlds. Establishing connections with these foreign worlds, humanity struggles against the fight with Chimeras. While they are students, they fight against the Chimeras. Braves' ability vary from each other, some are for combat, others for defense, and some for healing. Arata, a young man without memories who is saved by William joins the Wings Academy a prestigious university of Braves. There he meets seven people who change his life. In the face of despair and powerlessness what he finds is a single flower that blooms in a bloody battlefield. What awaits him is it hope or despair? The gears of fate begin to move and the story of the young souls begin.

Red_Earl · Fantasy
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245 Chs

Arc 26, The Beginning of the Story's End, Chapter 221, Karin's Betrayal

"So, this is the Kaleidoscope of Fate?" Karin asked as Pierrot held it within his hands.

The trio had just emerges from the depths of the Citadel of Time and had the Kaleidoscope in their hands.

"Indeed it is. And with this, we can call to this world the Inheritance of Fluer! The greatest artifact of her world!" With great joy Pierrot laughed. "Quickly, let us return and make the necessary preparations."

With haste, the trip departed back and began to make preparations. In order to amass all the necessary Vi for their spell, Sirius had to gather all Chimeras and bring them to where Pierrot had ordered them. Pierrot on the other hand was preparing the spell that would bring the Inheritance of Fluer to their world. However, both were unaware of what Karin was planning. With the Gems of Sin in her hand and a Black Source at her disposal, she planned to steal all the Vi from the Chimeras and Pierrot. She knew that she needed to wait until the Inheritance of Fluer was in their world of course. She was shaking with excitement at the prospect of the future.

Meanwhile, Arata and the Braves were in the midst of fighting the Black Humunculus. Pierrot knew that the Black Humunculus would not stall them for long so he transferred it's core somewhere else so that Arata and the Braves would waste a few more hours searching, giving him plenty of time to prepare the spell.

"So, Sirius is everything ready?" Altair asked as she walked along side Sirius.

"Everything is ready. All we have to do is subdue Pierrot and Karin." He answered her.

"We will have revenge for our fallen brothers."

"There's a lot of us and only two of them. We'll end them with one blow." Zubeneschamali states as he held his sword in his hand. "One slash is all I need."

"Is everyone ready?" Sirius asked as Rotanev stood behind him.

"Yes. Everyone has been informed. We're all ready." She answered and he nodded.

"The Chimeras will now begin the plan to take over the summoning ceremony. All Chimeras, depart for the human world!" With Sirius' orders the Chimeras move to the human world. "Advance, my brothers and sister. Our long held wish is almost within our grasp."

As the Chimeras entered the portals in mass, Sirius departs to meet with Pierrot and Karin.

"That should do it." Pierrot smiled as the last island was moved into place. "Everything is in place."

"Pierrot is everything prepared?" Sirius who descends asks.

"Everything is in place. Now all we need is enough Vi to call the Inheritance to this world." Pierrot answered. "Karin, your Gems of Sin will also be needed. They possess large amounts of Vi after all."

"Fine by me." Karin grinned as she revealed the Gems in her hand.

The Gems of Sin floated around her and she released the large amount of Vi that was stored within them.

"Sirius have theChimeras link their Vi and focus all of it to you." Pierrot orders and Sirius conveys it to the rest of the Chimeras. "Now, transfer all the Vi into the Kaleidescope of Fate."

The three focus all the Vi into the Kaleidescope of Fate and it begins to glow before it sends a beam of light into the sky and forms a giant spell circle of a size never seen before.

"The ship has sailed beyond the skies, the journey beyond time, the end of a long voyage, I now call it to this land at this moment!" Pierrot chanted. "The Ancient's ship, the Ancient's gate, descend from the distant stars; Gate of Primis Orbis!"

With his chant the islands began to move into place till finally everything was in place. The skies began to shine with the spell circle till it began to descend, a giant structure. It was a city, at the center was a giant tower surrounded by outlying rings.

"So that is the Inheritance of Fluer..." Sirius gazed in amazement. "With it, we can fulfill our wishes at last."

"I'm sorry to inform you that only my wish shall be fulfilled!" Karin smiled as she turned to the Gems beside her. "Gems of Sin, I order you, bind the ones I will!"

Sirius and Peirrot become frozen, unable to move.

"What have you done?!" Sirius roared in rage.

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. I'm sure that this idea was already within your minds. That you'd steal the Inheritance of Fluer." Karin stated. "But I just beat you to it."

"If you kill us you won't get your hands on it." Pierrot laughed. "It needs the Vi Ancients inorder to exist in this world. As much as you want it for yourself, the Inheritance will never obey you who bears no Ancient blood."

"I won't be killing you. I'll just steal your powers and use your bodies as batteries to keep the Inheritance in this world."

Karin laughed as she watched the Chimeras begin to be selaed in crystal. She did the same to Pierrot and Sirius. Sirius was filled with rage and as his body is sealed in crystal his rage is directed at Karin.

"If ever I escape this crystal, mark my words, I shall personally decapitate you!" Sirius' last words vow of his revenge on Karin as his body is sealed.

"Foolish Sirius. You'll never escape this prison." She mocked as laughed.

"Laugh for now Karin. But the Artifact will never obey you. You can use the wepaons here, but the Artifact will never listen to you...." Pierrot stated as he watched Karin steal the Vi from Sirius. "Mark my words, even if you have it in your hands. The Inheritance will only obey one person! And he is not you!"

Pierrot's smiling face is encased in crystal and Karin could only mock him. She had now idea that Pierrot was saying the truth. She thought she finally had the ultimate power in her hand but little did she that the Inheritance would not obey her. But before she even uses the Inheritance she descends, as she gazes at Arata and the Braves of the school.