
Lazy Life As The Primordial

This is my first time writing and is not my main language so don't expect good quality. I'm writing because I'm bored so don't expect an upload schedule, I'll write whenever I find myself interested and I might drop it when I lose interest. ____________ After living a fulfilling life and dying peacefully in his sleep, he opens his eyes as he finds himself with the powers to travel to other worlds with supreme powers. ____________ Notes before reading: - 1- It's a wish fulfillment book. 2- Read the auxiliary chapter. ____________ World List: - 1- High School Of The Dead. 2- Fate Stay Night/ Unlimited Blade Works. 3- My Wife Is a Beautiful CEO. ____________ DISCLAIMER: - None of the characters in this book are mine except the protagonist.

Darkstar11051999 · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Chapter - 17 [Epilogue]

[A/N: - The first part of the chapter is Jin monologuing about his sex life in the timeskip, if you are not interested you can sip to the part that says, "After his monologue about his sexual life" and read after that.

By the way, I developed most of the romance in the timeskip since I'm not really going to write chapters of capturing girls romantically as I said before. Saeko and Medea were already my limit. Of course, if it needs actual romance Imma write it, but meh you get my point.]


Waking up from his sleep, Jin opened his eyes to see the pile of naked bodies around him. These were the five Artoria who had finally accepted being with Jin and gave him a night visit yesterday.

Although he is a horny pervert, but he already had Saeko and the new addition of Medea and Scáthach to satisfy him, so he never took the last step with any of the other girls except flirting with them and going on dates. He is giving them all the time they need to be in a proper relationship, he is not in a hurry as he has all the time in the world, literally.

For Sakura, Jin still hasn't eaten her yet. She is 15 after all and even if he is a degenerate, he won't have sex with her until she is at the very least 16. Why? Because he feels wrong in his subconscious even if she was a few months younger than the age he specified.

He is immortal so age is worth a shit for him, but let's wait for another 100 years at least before he starts breaking this rule.

Well, he still did everything to her except intercourse, so he is not really abiding by his own rules completely.

On another note, Rider used her dream invasion ability on him before and showed him a wet dream with her as Sakura, but he reversed the effect of it on her and made her have a wet dream with him instead. She also felt it physically after waking up, so he literally mind fucked her.

As for Scáthach, she couldn't take it anymore and joined his fun with Saeko after the War ended by a week. He took note of some points with Scáthach. Firsts, she is a massive masochist, unlike Saeko who at most gets some spanks and being tied, Scáthach likes it borderline torture. Second, she has a cosplay fetish, she loves wearing various costumes, especially the belly dancer, bunny girl and main uniforms. Third, she loves anal the most.

[Images here.]

For Medea, he 'ate' her the next day after the war. She loves slow vanilla sex and loves using her avatars to join the fun by making a small orgy of herself.

For the five Artoria, he just ate them and noticed two things. First, the two mature Artoria are slight masochists as Saeko, while the 3 young Artoria, love slow passionate sex, especially Salter who pretty much looked like she was the heroine of a romance movie. Second, they all love being taken together.

For Illya, although Jin and her had some intimate moments, he always remembered her loli form when they were together, so his 'Yes Lolita, no touch!' brain always made it hard for him to cross the line.

For Sella and Leysritt, he didn't do anything to them at all except some flirting here and there.

Finally, Irisviel. His relationship with her is mostly at the level of close friends. She was not sure what to do after her revival as she lost her only purpose in life which was becoming a vessel for the Grail. He told her to take it slow and just spend time with her daughter since she was alone with no family for years.

After his monologue about his sexual life, the horny Primordial left the room to take a morning bath without waking the five Artoria up.

When he was relaxing in the bath, he heard Sai's voice.

[Master, incoming call from Mistress Ayako.]

"Oh, Ayako-chan, accept the call."

/Call start/

"Moshi Moshi, Jin-senpai?" (Ayako)

"Yo, Ayako-chan, good morning." (Jin)

"Senpai, are you free today?" (Ayako)

"I am. What's wrong, missed me already?" (Jin)

"U-Un. W-Well, can you accompany me to Shinto today?" (Ayako)

"Sure. Looking forward to enjoying our date Ayako-chan."(Jin)

"W-Well, I'll see you at the station at 10, ok?" (Ayako)

"No need. I'll come pick you up, I need to greet my in-laws again after all, hehe" (Jin)

"*whispers*O-Ok, I'll be waiting then." (Ayako)

"Goodbye then, see you later, Ayako-chan." (Jin)

"Goodbye, Jin-senpai." (Ayako)

/Call end/

Jin finished the call with a smile on his face. His adorable kouhai is as cute as ever even when they became a couple.

Back then when Jin was fighting Rider in the school, Ayako woke up halfway through the fight and saw Jin kicking Rider and Shinji's asses. She wanted to ask him about the super strength and all that stuff, but the school was closed for three days after the 'gas leakage' accident that knocked out all the students.

Soon after they returned, she asked him about what happened during the fight and if the explosion that killed Shinji and Shirou is connected to the weird stuff that happened.

He explained to her and gave her a rundown on the whole event and the supernatural side of the world and all that, and then he gave her the choice to keep this info to herself or just him erasing her memories to go back to her life as a normal high school student. She refused to remove her memories and just started to think about everything that happened so far.

They spent a month like normal where they go to the archery club and Jin flirting with her. After a while she knew that Sakura and Jin became together and finally snapped. She went to Jin and asked him on a date in front of the whole school. To which Jin replied positively.

You may ask, why would she even ask him on a date when she knew that he is dating Sakura. The answer is polygamy is legal and common, courtesy of a horny Primordial.

Back in HoTD's world after Saeko gave her ok to the idea of having a harem, Jin made it that every reality he stays in will have polygamy legal and commonly accepted by every single country and every single religion, so he can be ok with having multiple girls together when he goes outside without looking out of place or even when he finds an interesting girl that he wants to court. If polygamy is common, legal, and accepted the resistance of girls towards it will be way lower than normal world mindsets where it's not accepted.

Don't like it? Bite him.

____/Scene change\____

Right now, Jin was sleeping on his bed with cute kouhai hugging his arm tightly while being naked.

They went on their date normally. Shopping in the mall, eating, and playing in the arcade for most of the day. They even met Taiga Fujimura who was shopping after finally getting over the death of Shirou. She always considered him her little brother and his death hit her really hard, she was really depressed and just started to recover her cheerful personality after two months.

After Jin and Ayako had their fun, he took he to his mansion so they can finish what they started, and it ended with Ayako losing consciousness after her second time.

He then drifted into the land of dreams while hugging Ayako.

____/Scene change\____

It was a week later, the school year finally ended and Jin 'graduated' from school while appointing Ayako as the next captain of the archery club.

He has already told all of his lovers about him being a God and bla bla bla like when he told Saeko. Now all the girls except Irisviel, Sella and Leysritt have their own rings and the soul connection with Jin.

It was now the time for him to leave this world as he had his fill from it.

He told his girls about leaving the world with him or staying here, since he is having his omnipresence active, he won't really 'leave' this world but more like they will visit another 'him' in another world.

Sakura and Ayako decided to stay here till they finished their school, and since Sakura has been getting along really well with Rin during this time, so she will hate leaving her sister and leaving right now. She will try to tempt her later to join her Nii-sama's harem so she can be together with her. His perverted imouto is slowly transforming into a goudere without his knowledge.

Saeko said that she missed her father and will go back to her world to stay with him for a while and to meet Shizuka and Rika again.

Medusa decided to stay with Sakura like what he expected.

From the five Artoria, only his lovely maid said she wants to come, as the other four wanted to stay here until Sakura and Ayako finish their study.

Illya wanted to go with him since she has nothing to do here at all, and Irisviel decided to accompany her daughter as well. Sella and Leysritt of course decided to go with their mistress.

Scáthach decided to hole herself in the Instant Dungeon to fight since she has always longed for the feeling of fighting stronger people and the quick raise in her strength after she wins. She only comes out to cuddle Jin, go on dates and have sex. Other than that, she is grinding like no tomorrow.

[A/N: - It works like exp from The Gamer's dungeons but better.]

Medea also decided to do the same as Medea since she felt that except the normal humans here, she has the lowest amount of strength. Even if she knows that her Master doesn't need her strength, but she needs to become stronger to at the very least not bring him small fries to ruin his mood because she was weak.

After hearing their decisions, Jin then opened a portal as he walked inside to one of his favorite worlds as a degenerate, High School DxD!

He didn't take Illya and co. with him since he'll summon them after he arrives.

Walking out of the portal he was met by a strange scene of a handsome young man getting massaged by… Tohru from Dragon Maid? Dafuq? He scanned the world with his senses and found himself in an alternate DxD universe with gender bent Sirzechs and some other weird crossovers. He regained his senses when he heard the muttering of the projection of some old man outside the room muttering something like 'I wonder would she whip me today? Or tie me up? Would she let me ejaculate today?' before the projection disappeared.

Feeling disgusted and having his PTSD from Fate world triggered, he put a curse on the old man to intensify his weird fetishes as he teleported from this world to a random one after losing interest in DxD for the time being.

Appearing in a barren land Jin turned around as he felt something trying to bite him.

He moved away and looked back, there he saw a rampaging giant pitch-black spider that looks like a Tsuchigumo [A/N:- some spider-like youka in Japan], it doesn't have body hair and has a smooth and solid outer shell. The front part of its body has hair growing out and looked pretty soft. It was really huge; it was way bigger than a 4t truck.

Seeing the spider running towards him, Jin slashed it with his hand as it was bisected into two. But suddenly the two parts regenerated again as they fused, and the spider returned to normal.

Taking interest in this spider, Jin then started to use magic since he can feel that this world has magical energy.

He then created a fire spear as he threw it towards the spider, and it took three of its legs.


After falling to the ground, the spider screamed from pain as it spit a pitch-black thread towards Jin who easily evaded it. Jin watched with amusement as the spider legs regenerated as if nothing happened and started to approach him even faster.

When the compound eyes found Jin, it sprung on him at once! A jump! A spider jump, scary!! If someone has arachnophobia he would've literally died by now.

Jin easily evaded as he then created 10 lances from darkness magic and threw them towards the spider. They skewered the spider as they pierced its eight legs, its stomach and head and it was finally nailed to the ground screaming.

Finally, Jin used his Pokémon knowledge and used fire attacks against bug-type enemies.

> Jin uses inferno!

Huge amounts of rotating flames enveloped the spider as Jin waited patiently for his attack to finish. However, reality is often disappointing.

"Delicious~!!!!! Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful! So painful, so delicious, so pleasurable! This is the first time someone has shown me all this!!"

> It was not very effective.

"What the fuck?!" (Jin)

Jin couldn't respond as he was suddenly hugged by the two front legs of the spider who finished absorbing the magic attacks that Jin used.

"Fuck, let go you fucking pervert!"

"I will never let you go! I have decided to always, always be with youuuuu!"

Jin didn't do anything except blasting the spider away.

"Hyahaaaa~♫ "wa, wa wa wa, wa wa wa wa wa ihyaihyaihyaihyaihya…♫ Moooooooore~! ♡ Ha~ Ha~"

It didn't work as it started moaning again.

After restraining it with magical chains that it can't absorb, Jin was suddenly hit by realization of where he landed.

'This is Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchu?! Wait, so this is Black Spider of Calamity, later known as Mio?!'

Jin looked towards the squirming pervert spider who was saying something about it being full and feeling pleasured for the first time.

'She would make a great duo with Tio from Arifureta.'

Jin then got closer to her as he put his hand on her head and injected her with enough magic power to leave her full. He also ignored her moaning, he is not into spiders, unless she becomes huma….*cough*.

After 'filling' her up, he removed the chains around her and dodged the spider hug.

"So, what are you going to do now that you are full?"

Jin asked as he kept dodging the affectionate 'hugs'.

The Black Spider of Calamity stopped as it spoke.

"I will never let you go! I have decided to always be with you! This is my first time tasting something so delicious and my first time eating my fill, please make a pact with me and take me with you!"

Jin thought for a bit and then remembered something. If he left her alone, she would enter the same frenzy again after not eating his magic and many people will die. So, after thinking about it and reluctantly accepted because he is kindhearted Primordial and doesn't want other people to suffer, not because he will be getting a super-hot yandere spider waifu after the pact, not at all.

After using his lower head to make a life changing choice, he decided to accept the offer and formed the pact with the spider.

According to his powers and the rules of this world, she would've lost her personality and entered a pact lower than a 90-10 slave pact with him, but he used his powers to make it an 80-20 ruling pact.

The spider's body glowed red as it started shrinking until it revealed a truly glossy gloss black hair that was flowing. She had a bob haircut, and the color is jet black. Slightly lifted up long slit eyes. A white skin that could be mistaken for porcelain, brilliant lips. It's a beautiful girl that could be thought of as Japanese. She had a seductive and womanly figure was being shown without a single thread on her body.

After finishing her transformation, she started bowing while pressing three fingers on the floor.

[A/N: - A really formal way of presenting yourself. Mostly when you are greeting your fiancé.]

In a horribly awkward silence, the girl lifts her head up.

"Thanks for the meal, goshujin-sama. Thanks to you I have tasted the experience called full stomach for the first time since I was born."

With tears surfacing, she said these words in great joy.

"It's ok, just stand up and wear some clothes."

Jin said as he averted his eyes from the spring scene in front of him.

She then stood up and used her powers to make clothes for herself, she was now wearing a red headband knot in bloom and wears a luxurious black and red kimono in the style yukata, further the handle have white frills and had a strangely transparent black cloth that showed her figures body line.

She then took a deep breath and spoke again.

"So, tying all that I have said, that I am right now in human form and restraining in front of you is because of the great favor you have given me. I have, for the first time, felt a sensation different from starvation. In all of my life that is to come I will offer you both my heart and body to serve under you. I will serve you for a lifetime, my danna-sama!"

'Danna-sama?! Wasn't it goshujin-sama like 30 seconds ago?! Well, who am I to refuse? When life gives you lemon, make lemonade.'

"No need for formalities, I am not used to them, just call me Jin. By the way, it will be inconvenient if you don't have a name, so why don't I give you one?"

Jin didn't need to hear her reply, her shining eyes that can be mistaken for light bulbs.

"How about Mio? I think it will fit you very well, as for surname you can use mine. Oukami Mio."

[A/N: - Yeah, creative af, but it will be easier to remember for both me and you. Same will happen for most characters with no name like Yue from Arifureta will be named Yue not some other name and so on. This might change for repeated names though.

Also, search for Tsuki ga Michibiku Mio for images, I ran out of internet quota.]

"Yes! From this day, I am Oukami Mio! Thank you for this grace, danna-sama!"

Mio said with enthusiasm as she was extremely happy to receive a name and her Master even granted her his family name at that!

"Ok then, we are leaving."

Jin said this as he created a portal as he walked inside with his newly acquired companion.


Credits to Itachi_Hyoudou76's "Ultimate DxD" for the crossover in the DxD jump. BTW the curse will be a legit thing in his book after chapter 28.

I got finals starting from tomorrow, wish me luck, thank you.

3164 words ~

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