
Lazy's Journey.

It's the adventure of a protagonist that just wants to live freely and just sleep all day with no problems but in this world,that is something hard to do. Also I stole my cover from An artist called @atinydreamer from Pinterest so I can take it down if that person doesn't like it.

SomeSome_Dude · Action
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

19.Semi finals and Power

"So I'm facing Ryu huh,well whatever happens,happens" said Akihiko in a room.

"You seem quiter then usual" added Akihiko looking at Sasuke.


"Dude,you fantasizing about Sakura or something" Said Akihiko.

"I--no.....do you think I could beat him?" Said Sasuke looking down while sitting in the bed while Akihiko sat at the chair and putting his leg in the table.

"....." Akihiko looked Sasuke and sighed.

"Idk, he has only shown around 50% of his full power and I'll be honest,he is stronger than you judging by how strong he is and how much stronger he could get" said Akihiko as he was not one to lie unless it's necessary and lying that he'll surely win will not do anything.

"Heh, always as blunt as ever"

"My sister talked to me yesterday" said Sasuke as he smiled.


"She apologized even though she didn't need to"

"Soo,does that mean it's all good between you two?" Said Akihiko.

"I think.....I also got angry at my mom" added Sasuke.

".....haaaaah your family need to attend a group councelling or something" said Akihiko.

"Hahaha,if only dad was alive" said Sasuke sadly.


"Anyways, don't you dare lose tomorrow because I don't plan to" said Akihiko as he stood up.

"What's that I hear,the infamous Akihiko actually wants to win"

"Heh,who's gonna protect you and Sakura,when some big bad wolf tries to kill you two" laughed Akihiko.

"Anyways I'm gonna go sleep"

"You bastard i don't need your protection haha" smiled Sasuke as Akihiko left.

[The day of the Semi finals]

"Akihiko" said Ryu.

"Hmm,Ah yeah?" 

"Thank you" said Ryu surprising Akihiko.

"Huh what did I do"

"Back then you interrupted my quarrels with Mei yin and you interrupted us,if not for you she would've probably hated me till now because of my inability to understand and talk with someone" said Ryu.

"Ah I see ok your welcome" said Akihiko as he went towards the arena.

"But that doesn't mean I'll hold back against you,so you better give everything you got when we fight" said Ryu to the leaving Akihiko.

"Yeah yeah" 

"You got ignored" said a girl from behind him revealing to be Mei yin.

"I did not"

"Yes you did" giggled Mei.

"Anyway,do you think you can beat him"


[Cut to the arena]




Sasuke and Lowen entered the arena while Sasuke looked concentrated Lowen had a smile as he waved at the audience.

[Cut to the Kings and professors]

"It seems it just our students thats left,and this match will also decide if Terra academy will appear in the finals" said The professor.

"I'll say it again,the tournament has been amazing so I'm not mad that my fighters didn't appear in the semi finals" said Murak.

"What about you lord Omen" added Omen.

"Huh,oh yeah,yeah I as well lord Murak" replied Omen.

'what an embarrassing situation,i need to accept that person's proposal or my Kingdom will never be the strongest' thought Murak.


"It's an honor to beat the No.1 of Luminary" said Lowen.


The two didn't waste time going at each other with almost their full power more so Sasuke since his 2nd stage lightning is overpowered by Lowens 3rd stage Blue Flame.

Sasuke sent several lightning hounds which was destroyed by several fire balls,as Sasuke tried to slash his chest,Lowen dodged and fired a point black blue flame in his gut and following up with a side kick that sent him flying but before he reached the ground Sasuke suddenly disappeared and appeared above and sending a slash that dropped down a huge pillar of Deep blue lightning.

But Sasuke knew he wasn't down so he quickly attacked but quickly retreated when he sensed a huge amount of killer intent.

As the smoke subsided,we see an angry looking Lowen with destroyed outfit revealing only the battle suit which Lowen hid by hiding another outfit which was white with purple in some places and only his left arm having long sleeves.

(Search arena of valor Lowen bright since most of my character are based of that because I'm bad at coming up with outfits and names)

"You destroyed my beautiful outfit" said Lowen angrily.

[Cut to the kings]

"Oh my here comes that personality of his" said Oga as he put his hands to his forehead rubbing it.

"Hmm" reacted the other King and professors.

"You see despite him acting like a good person, he's far from that,not that he's a bad guy because he morals are actually good but his personality is that of a narcissistic bitch" said Oga making the others sweatdrop.

"If only Ming was here,he could've kept him in line as they were mostly equal in power but Ming decided to put himself as no.2 because he didn't want Lowen to keep asking him to fight but it kinda backfired on him since he never stops bragging" said oga.

[Back to the fight]

"Do you know how much that cost,I will fry you for destroying my beloved outfit" said Lowen as a huge pillar of blue flames erupted.

While this is going on some of his fans didn't know how to react clearly seeing that he's a bit of a narcissis while some still were a fan.

Except every student and people who knows Lowen since they knew how horrible he can get.

"SOME NO NAMED BASTARD DARED TO TOUCH MY BODY" Said Lowen as he appeared and began to ragdoll Sasuke around as he struggled to block much less dodge.

'damnit he's so much stronger than i thought he would be' thought Sasuke.

'i don't even want to lose to some narcissistic bastard but what can I do'.thought Sasuke.

'whatever happens,happens' thought Sasuke as he began attacking but he couldn't even hurt him as his flames acted as an Armor.

Sasuke slashed Lowen just for his sword to bounce back and eating a kick aimed at his chest and while he flew backwards Lowen appeared above him while he's still in the air and slamed his head to the ground making it crack.

"You should be happy that I let you live" said Lowen seeing that Sasuke didn't move.


"It's not over" said Sasuke as he wobbled to his feet.

"Oh still hasn't given up?"

"My friend for the first time in a long time said he's not planning to lose,why should I give up the chance of fighting a serious version of him after a long time,who knows he might get back to his old ways after this so no im gonna give up until i beat the crap out of your narcissistic ass" said Sasuke as he powered up higher than his limits.

[At the Audience]

"My brother rarely curses and the way he said he'd beat the crap out of that guy" said Yuuki who was sitting with Sakura having recently talked to her while behind them Saki and Alex were sitting being lovey dovey with each other while people near them glared at them.

" *Sigh* Aki seems to have influenced Sasuke without him knowing" said Sakura.

"I hope he win's this somehow,brother has always wanted to fight Akihiko in his full power but Aki would always refuse since he stopped fighting" said Yuuki.

"Mmm" agreed Sakura.

[Back to the fight]

We see Sasuke Actually pushing back Lowen a little and he relentlessly slashed away at Lowen who dodged or blocked with his Fire shield.

"BACK OFF, YOU'LL RUIN MY FACE" Said Lowen as he used his fire to make the area around him to explode.

This made Sasuke slide back and as he looked upwards he saw a huge blue flame blast towards him and before it reached him, time seems to have stopped and as he looked around he suddenly saw all white.

"You are supposed to be my grandson and yet you are struggling against the spawn of Amaterasu?" Said a man from behind him and as Sasuke looked he saw a brown haired man with beard dress in blue kimono and two katana's strapped to his waist.


"I'm the son of a God?"

"What makes you think that I'm a God"

"Huh but you came when I was struggling,i thought I just awakened my God energy"

"Don't ever think of me as a God,my name is Miyamoto Musashi and I hate God's" said Musashi shocking Sasuke as he knew who this Musashi is but he didn't know that his surname was Miyamoto.

"You're the one that fought and killed Poseidon,i thought Poseidon also killed you so If you're not a God,how are you still Alive since humans can't reincarnate" said Sasuke.

"Poseidon did not kill me,Zeus did" said Musashi.

"What!!but the books we've learned said-"

"Those books are fabricated,Zeus was scared of me so he struck me while I was weak from fighting Poseidon" said Musashi angrily.

"Now now, Don't you scream at my son's best friend" said a man from behind Sasuke.

This made Musashi shocked and as he looked at the Blonde haired man in front of him.

"Uncle Alex?" Said Sasuke shocked at Akihiko's father appearing out of nowhere as well.

"Who are you" said Musashi as he looked at the person in front of him.

"That's none of your business,now why don't you do what you're trying to do instead of getting angry at him huh?" Said Alex as he smiled at Musashi while he glared at him.

[Back to the fight]

As soon as the huge blue fireball was about to hit him a surge of mana shot out in the sky even managing to break through the water barrier which shocked Doria but quickly used more of her power to respair it.



"What is that huge power" said Lowen.

Seeing the never ending burst of mana,Lowen dashed at Sasuke and was about to punch him but another shockwave occured as he was sent sliding back.

As he looked at Sasuke,he saw that his eyes were glowing blue with mana that seems to be leaking out like liquid.

"Some damn powerups isn't gonna stop me" shouted Lowen as he fired another fire ball but Sasuke intercepted his fireball with his own Deep blue lightning which turned black just before it collided.

'damnit his lightning has evolved' thought Lowen.

"That won't change anything" shouted Lowen as he rushed at Sasuke and began attacking him but he dodged easily and as Lowen suddenly appeared behind him for a punch aimed at Sasuke's head,Lowen felt something above him and as he looked Sasuke was there and he wasn't fast enough to doge the slash that not only slashed him but he was struck by a pillar of black lightning as well.

As Lowen was struck by that lightning pillar, unlike last time he wasn't strong enough to shrug it off as he was covered in bruises while his battle suit which protects the wearer from fatal injuries to a certain extent was completely destroyed with some parts laying near him.

As Lowen slowly stood up bleeding from his nose and even ears and mouth Sasuke said,

"Give up,your protective suit is completely broken and you have internal injuries"

"I'm not gonna lose to some no na--" but before he could finish his words Sasuke sent another Lightning pillar which was instantly flicked away by Alex who appeared in front of him.

"Enough, you'll kill him and Mr announcer annouce the winner" said Alex.




If anyone's even reading this.