
Lazily Yours.

#R18 #MatureContents #NORAPE #strongfemalelead Reader discretion is advised. ................. Sloth noun -reluctance to work or make an effort; laziness. A lazy and casual life. That was the only thing that Lyca Huang wanted after transmigrating into the body of a rich young miss. Tired of schemes and killing, the lazy elite assassin vowed to enjoy her second life and live a life of luxury while lazing around and bossing over her servants. With her doting mother and loving father, Lyca thought that she could easily achieve this goal. Oh boy was she wrong... so wrong. Who would have thought that her prominent grandfather would introduce her as the heiress to his security empire? How could her lazy ass manage a conglomerate? She wanted to protest! She must decline the offer in front of the whole Huang Family! However, at the time of the announcement she was so busy eating her freshly peeled grapes and could not find the time to just open her mouth to speak. Second, she was too lazy to argue or create a strain of conversation with anyone else at the party. In the end, Lyca nodded at her grandfather’s words as she continued eating. Sometimes… food was more important than pointless arguments, ah. Moreover an heiress sounded really interesting. That only meant... more food and servants, right? ………………………. “Oi, Shen Qui, do you like me?” she leaned towards him, showing a little bit of her chest that was covered by her thin robe. She smiled and batted her eyelids. “No,” he answered, his face stern. “That will never happen.” “Good!” The smile on her face disappeared as she nodded, satisfied at the lack of emotion in his face. “Then… marry me.” ………………………… "You stayed in your room for three days," he stated. "So?" "Without going out." "Hm," she nodded. "You just slept and ate all day." "And?" "Well… that's not very healthy, is it?" His lips curved into a wry smile. "No. Not healthy." "I don't want to become a widower at twenty-five." Lyca's eyebrow lifted. "Are you cursing me?" She fought the urge to laugh. What widower? This man's honesty is sometimes infuriating. "I am tired," she said. "From doing nothing?" She nodded. "I am saving energy." "To do nothing?" She looked at him and didn't miss the concern in his eyes. "To do you." She uttered and immediately laughed when she saw his face reddened. ......................................... One lazy heiress. One hardworking illegitimate soldier. Two opposite worlds. Two different goals. And one marriage due to her laziness. ...... Lazily Yours Volume 1: COMPLETED VOLUME 2 - Aden Shen's Story (Lyca's son) - HIS SAVAGE LOVE STARTS AT PAGE 495 - can be read separately. Killing her son in front of her wasn’t enough to satisfy their savagery. So they cut off her limbs and laughed as she bled to death. In the end, the life of the prodigy Gabrielle Sutton ended with her eyes full of unwillingness and thirst for vengeance. Who would have thought that the end she had expected never arrived? Instead of falling into the abyss of death, she woke up ten years before her demise. Would she be able to save herself this time? Book 2 of Seven Deadly Sins Series Sin of Sloth: Lazily Yours

TheBlips · Urban
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634 Chs

Protected and Coveted

Slight r18? Or maybe r17? lol


Lyca leaned her back against the rough bark of a tree just a few meters away from the mansion. Her face had turned so hot, her breathing labored. She felt herself succumb to the effects of the drug.

Lyca can easily dispel this drug. She has ways to put it out of her system. But she wouldn't. Nope. She won't do that.

She struggled to stand and gritted her teeth. The trees in front of her seemed to dance, the shadows that littered the concrete pathway looked like humans with really long hands and legs. Biting her lips, she looked at the huge shadow of the person approaching her.


Relief washed through her. 

"What the hell is wrong? What happened?"

Lyca didn't notice the small cut on Shen Qui's lower lip as she smiled at his handsome face. She leaned her body towards him. "Bring me to my room."

"What— "

"Shhh." Lyca held a finger against his lower lip. "Room." She continued smiling as Shen Qui lifted her up. Wrapping her arms around his neck, Lyca whispered. "Someone drugged me."

He stiffened at her words, but he didn't stop walking. He couldn't. The thought of him not arriving on time immediately made him feel guilty. He was late. He could have saved her.

"Only you can help me now." She added before she slowly ran her fingers into his soft hair. To her, his timing was just perfect. Shen Qui's expression turned rigid as he strode towards the room and put Lyca on her bed. 

"You have something that could remove the drug, right?" Worry laced his tone. "Am I right?"

"Right." She stared at his serious face before pulling her towards the bed to join her. Ignoring his question, Lyca continued. "Where have you been?" Shen Qui landed softly on top of her.

"We should take the drugs out of…"

"Shhh." She used a finger to trace his lips. "You can do it for me." Her voice had turned breathy.

Shen Qui frowned. Worry flashed in his eyes before he realized something. Lyca could actually use her internal energy to prevent the effects of the drug. Just like how he could lessen the pain in his chest. He stared at her dilated pupils and gulped as the realization hit him. She did it for him.

"You like me but too scared to touch me. Tell me… Qui'er… you think I'm not pretty enough?" she pouted.

Seeing her like this only made him sigh. He then removed a dark blue velvet box from his pocket. "It's my mothers." He opened the box and revealed a beautiful emerald ring. "It's a Shen Family's heirloom." He didn't wait for her to answer as he removed the ring from the box and put it on her ring finger. Surprisingly, the ring fit perfectly. 

Lyca just stared at the ring in a daze. It was as if she had forgotten what she wanted at this moment. "Where have you been?" Her eyes met his chocolate orbs before moving to his lips. "My father?" That wasn't a question. Slowly he nodded and smiled.

"He asked for a small sparring session."

Lyca nodded. Since Shen Qui was still alive then she would assume he got their permission before submitting the form. His thoughtfulness made her smile. She held her hand in the air and gave the ring a nod of approval. It wasn't a huge diamond, but she actually loved it. She liked how simple it was. She smiled and dragged her eyes back to his. 

"Thank you." It was as if all the drugs in her system left her head as she looked at his eyes behind his long lashes. She immediately noticed him leaning closer, then closer— so close her vision blurred. 

"I am going to kiss you," he whispered.

"Please do." 

Lyca felt all the air left her lungs when his lips touched hers. Softly at first, gentle and tender. Her mouth moved lightly as she responded, caressing his lips.

"You are now my wife."

 Her eyebrow lifted at his words. Was it possible that Shen Qui stopped what they were doing the other day because they weren't married yet? Or was it because he still needed to ask for her parent's permission first? However, Lyca had no time to think about this now.

Shen Qui's kisses had turned rough, showing all the pent up emotions and arousal he had been suppressing around her. Lyca had been such a tease. Too beautiful and enticing for him. Yet, he managed to suppress his desire for days now. He had been aching to touch her, craving for her body to become his.

She wound her free hands around his neck, anchoring his lips into hers. However, Shen Qui pulled back just enough to hook his arm under her knees and wrapped the other behind her. Confusion immediately laced Lyca's gaze when Shen Qui suddenly stood with her on his arms and walked towards her bathroom.

Before she could say anything, Shen Qui already turned the shower on and let the warm water drenched both of them. She gasped, surprised at his actions. It must have been the drugs. Even in front of temptation, he wanted to… 

Her thoughts scattered when she saw the intense hunger in his eyes as he pulled her closer to him. She gulped at the depths in his eyes that was enough to steal her breath away. For a few seconds, the two just stood under the rain shower, letting the water glide into their bodies. Then his lips came down to hers, hard. Claiming her mouth into a passionate kiss. His tongue thrust inside, searching, exploring as his hand tugged the wet dress. 

She could have told him to use the zipper, but she liked it when he ripped her dress. He had done it once, and Lyca wouldn't mind letting him do it again. The sound of the ripping sound immediately sent shivers of pleasure in her spine, desire tugged her stomach. She could feel the tenderness and intensity of his kisses. Somehow, it made her feel protected and coveted.

And she wanted more.


Next update will be later at 12 noon GMT+8. I have been thinking about the number of chapters per day since I am about to lock the novel and I thought, it would be good to make it 3 chapters per day. Let's see. 

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