
Lazarus: A Summoned Myth

In a similar dimension to ours, a different side of history took place. An evil king changed the tides of war forever. His concealed mage organization was working on ways to summon ancient myths throughout history. After it "succeeded" many spirits, good and bad poured out throughout the world. Lazarus was one of those ancient myths that were summoned. He was a legendary hero, who helped the many people affected by war, regain their possessions. Many feared him as he was a lethal assassin. Everything changed when the spirits realized that they were summoned with a cursed magical power. As the spirit's abilities awakened the world turned to chaos. Some decided to join an allegiance some wanted nothing but revenge. *** This is my first Novel! I hope you enjoy it! Please give me any criticism you might have, I am looking to evolve my writing experience through this novel!

wolos · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 16: The Overseers

"Hey, what's this red laser?" said Lazarus as he tried avoiding it.

"Oh, they just use that to identify you!" said Luna.

***Within the Overseers office.....***

"Oh it's that ditsy girl, Luna." an Overseer said in a disgusted tone.

"Put on an act. That Leon guy is there too. I've heard of him, something raised his suspicion." said another Overseer preparing his robe.

"Oh for crying out loud, I can't be dealing with this right now!" said the Overseer as he stomped his feet.

"Just relax, we can't let this plan go to waste, it's too good!" said the other Overseer as he ran toward the door.

***At the Overseer's door.***

"Hello! Is anyone in there?" Luna said as she knocked on the door.

They heard someone running to the door, when the door opened it was a tall man with a face mask and a robe. Behind him stood another man, again with a face mask and a robe. The building had a daunting vibe to it. And Lazarus felt it.

Luna remembered the last time she came to the Overseer's office, they didn't wear a facemask. They simply wore a robe and a straw hat. She also noticed that the inside of the building changed, desks were moved, and the carpet was torn off.

"Heyyy, you guys don't normally wear facemasks!" said Luna.

"Oh, yes, there was a change in dress code since the last time you were here. I am the Overseer, Skan. Welcome in." he said as he stood aside for them to enter.

Leon stood near the entrance, also feeling a disturbing presence from them.

"I'm assuming you guys already know who we are from the body scan? Hahaha." Leon said to break the silence.

"YES OF COURSE WE DO! *Ahem* Sorry about that, it's a condition. Yes, we already know who you are from the great technology that we were able to attain from the head of the Association himself. What can I do for you today?" said Skan as he organized papers on his desk.

Leon and Lazarus looked at each other, they both felt the same way about the whole situation. They felt as if something was wrong, and made sure to not let their guard down.

"I came here to ask a couple of questions." said Leon.

Skan set aside his papers and looked at Leon sternly.

"Go ahead." he said as he bit his tongue.

"Have you or any of the other Overseers, seen anything odd happen recently?" Leon said as he took a seat.

"Well, I did see some odd behaviors within the Association, not only that but the Overseers on the third floor. They seem like totally different people." Skan said as he pulled his glasses up.

Leon relaxed his arms on Skan's desk.

"Can you go into detail about these 'odd behaviors' you've seen?" Leon said.

Skan again stopped organizing papers and looked up and stared deeply into Leon's eyes. Lazarus tensed up as he believed that Skan was lying.

"I've seen some people that I don't recognize somehow get into the position of Overseer, and fellow peers of mine 'resigning' from their positions. If you want to investigate further I recommend going to the third floor's Overseer office." Skan was visibly getting annoyed.

"Have you seen any suspicious activity on this floor?" Leon said, stroking his beard.

"Yes, the enforcers have been acting strange. They've been taking in 'people of interest' but they never return. Are there any other questions?" Skan wanted them to be gone as quickly as possible.

"Hmmm, I want to know more about what the enforcers are doing." The suspicious activities of the enforcers piqued Leon's curiosity.

"I also wanted to know more about it but I don't have the power to stand up to them, I know how powerful you are Leon. Why don't you come with me to the enforcer's office? I need a bodyguard." Skan said with a big grin on his face.

"Hmmm, I wouldn't mind. But Luna and Lazarus I want you to stay here." Leon wanted them to stay to monitor the suspicious feeling he had about the Overseers.

"Are you sure?" Lazarus wanted to come with Leon as he felt like this plan was bad news.

"Yes, yes. No worries, stay here and speak with the other Overseer." Leon said as he winked at Lazarus.

Leon followed Skan out of the office as he led him to the Enforcer's office. Leon had a plan, he wanted to keep gathering new information until the day of the parade. He didn't want to waste a single moment.

Lazarus took a look around the office and noticed a detailed drawing of what appeared to be the Demon King Pluto. He picked it up and went to the second Overseer to ask about why this is here.

"Hey, what is this drawing of?" Lazarus said as he handed it to the second Overseer.

"Hmm, I suggest not snooping around next time, but that is a drawing of one of the most powerful demons that exist." The second Overseer clearly didn't want to talk but entertained him anyway.

"Could it be the Demon King Pluto?" Lazarus was feeling even more suspicious than before.

The second Overseer turned around and started to fiddle with a pencil.

"And how do you know about the King?"

"I wouldn't refer to him as a king at all. He's a grimy demon." Lazarus said with his arms crossed. He wanted to start a fight but remained calm.

The second Overseer seemed to take offense to Lazarus' words. His true self wanted to unleash but he also kept calm. He knew that their plans would be ruined if he unleashed.

the second Overseer put down his pencil and opened up a book.

"Tell me this then, if he's such a 'grimy demon' then how come he's taking over Earth as we speak."

"You seem to know a lot about Pluto." Lazarus said with a smirk.

"I've been studying him for a long time now. He is far from just a demon." the Second Overseer said.

Lazarus felt as if he was about to be in a dangerous situation, he wasn't afraid of the Overseer himself he was afraid of the unknown plan behind their words.

"Studying?" he said.

The second Overseer then started to stuff papers into the desk drawer, seemingly trying to hide something from them.

"Yes, we don't just Oversee the second floor, we are the Associations's bookkeepers, we study myths and creatures for them." he said.

"Why do I have the feeling that you're lying?" Lazarus couldn't hold his thought anymore.

The second Overseer quickly turned to him and yelled,

"Who do you think you are, assuming?"

Lazarus took a step back and didn't say anything further, but the second Overseer kept creeping toward him.

"You come barging in asking US questions and you dare to call us suspicious? If anything we should be the ones questioning you!" he said as he menacingly walked toward Lazarus.

"Take it easy, it seems like I struck a cord." said Lazarus.

The second Overseer tripped over a pencil on the floor and his mask fell down, revealing his mouth. He attempted to cover it up but it was too late Lazarus already took a glimpse and grabbed Luna as he backed up toward the door.

"Y-You get out of here now, I'm done with the questions." the second Overseer said as he got himself together.

Lazarus grabbed Luna's arm and bolted out of the Overseer's office. He knew something was up and wanted to quickly tell Leon. He also felt as if Leon could be in danger.

"What was that about, I felt creeped out." Luna said as she held onto Lazarus.

Lazarus kept running around the second floor of the Soul Realm trying to find the Enforcers office.

"I don't know, but we need to get Leon as soon as possible, who knows what their plan is!" said Lazarus.

At this point, it seemed as if the world was crumbling onto them, not even can they feel safe in the Soul Realm, a place where there was supposed to be tranquility amongst souls. Lazarus knew that there was something brewing underneath the surface. Even the Gods couldn't save them from this situation.

"What's happening I don't understand?" Luna said still being dragged by Lazarus.

"Luna, there's obviously something being hidden from us. What was the deal with his mouth? Did you see it? His teeth were sticking out it looked all crazy." Lazarus said as he was running up and down the entire city.

"I think the Enforcers office is this way!" Luna pointed toward the right and Lazarus followed.

Lazarus stumbled upon a brick building, it had metal bars protecting the windows, a stairway heading up toward the entrance, and pillars outside of it depicting demon myths. It also had a sign on the door that said "Closed!".

"Is that the building? The one with the weird pillars?" Lazarus said as he tried to catch his breath.

"Yes, that's the one! Hurry!" said Luna.

They both ran up the stairs, stumbling, and barged through the metal door. To their surprise, the lights were off, and seemed as if nobody was there.

"What is going on here?" Lazarus walked through a dark, menacing hallway, trying to find anybody.

"Hello?" Luna said.

"Leon, where are you?!" shouted Lazarus.

They heard footsteps approaching them from in front of them but couldn't see who it was, all they can make out was a figure.

"Lazarus, Luna, I didn't invite you in. I suggest leaving, and as for Leon, he will serve his punishment here. If you continue further I promise I will make your life a living hell." said the figure.

Thank you for reading!

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