
Lazarus: A Summoned Myth

In a similar dimension to ours, a different side of history took place. An evil king changed the tides of war forever. His concealed mage organization was working on ways to summon ancient myths throughout history. After it "succeeded" many spirits, good and bad poured out throughout the world. Lazarus was one of those ancient myths that were summoned. He was a legendary hero, who helped the many people affected by war, regain their possessions. Many feared him as he was a lethal assassin. Everything changed when the spirits realized that they were summoned with a cursed magical power. As the spirit's abilities awakened the world turned to chaos. Some decided to join an allegiance some wanted nothing but revenge. *** This is my first Novel! I hope you enjoy it! Please give me any criticism you might have, I am looking to evolve my writing experience through this novel!

wolos · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 11: Sent by The Soul Realm

"Oh, my, glowing eyes how scary!" Irus said sarcastically.

Irus slowly skipped toward Lazarus.

"I wouldn't recommend coming any closer!" said Lazarus.

"Why? Are you gonna hurt me? Please don't!" Irus said sarcastically.

Lazarus grinned and shook his head in disgust.

"You make me laugh, you clown." said Lazarus.

"You keep referring me to a clown? You damn brat." said Irus.

Irus ran toward Lazarus with his balloon dagger, all Lazarus did was put his hands together and opened his eyes wide. Irus then suddenly stopped his motion.

"Wha.. what is happening to me?" said Irus.

Lazarus smiled as he started slowly walking toward Irus.

"Is it fun?" said Lazarus.

Irus was still stuck and couldn't move.

"W-w-What did you do to me!?" said Irus.

Lazarus started touching him while he couldn't move.

"I just talked to the Gods." said Lazarus.

"H-huh? Okay? I don't care! What did you do to me!" Irus shouted.

"They just told me that they'd love to have your soul." said Lazarus.

Lazarus blinked and a ray of light shone on Irus. A cloud summoned over Irus and a winged woman came down from it, passing through the ray of light. The winged woman grabbed Irus from the neck.

"Wh-who the hell is this? What did you do to me you brat!" shouted Irus in fear.

The woman lifted him by the neck up towards the cloud while they were on their way up Irus screamed

"Y-you, g-get off of me! What is happen-"

When they reached the puffy white cloud above them they suddenly vanished, there was no trace of them. They simply disappeared within the cloud.

"Phew." said Lazarus.

"What a performance!" said Leon as he clapped.

"Leon, I think I spoke to the Gods." said Lazarus.

"Well I did see an angelic-looking person, so I figured!" chuckled Leon.

"When I closed my eyes, I heard someone speak to me." said Lazarus.

"Well go on, what did they say?" said Leon.

"This woman, she told me that I'm blessed. She granted me an ability. It's hard to remember what she exactly said it feels like a dream." said Lazarus.

Lazarus then placed his hand on his eye.

"When I opened my eyes, it felt like I just woke up from the best rest I've ever had. A bolt of energy hit my body and my eyes felt weird." said Lazarus.

"It was from the soul realm, no doubt about it." said Leon.

"What do you mean?" said Lazarus.

"The soul realm has overseers of this world, when they deem someone worthy they will give them something called a Blessing. A Blessing is usually some sort of ability, or motivation to keep going. In this case, they granted you a powerful ability." said Leon.

"W-wow, I feel grateful. And this new ability.... I believe it allows me to stop someone's movement?" said Lazarus.

"From what I've seen this Blessing allows you to force someone to stop their movement, and if the overseers from the Soul Realm deem the enemy a worthy soul they will take them." said Leon.

"This Blessing is just what I needed, it's almost like meeting you turned my life around." said Lazarus.

"Don't thank me, I just exposed you to the training, you did the rest!" said Leon.

"I owe you one day." said Lazarus.

"Well, today's not the day, we need to talk to the Mayor." said Leon.

Suddenly on the loudspeakers throughout the city, an announcement was said

"Good Afternoon citizens of Corbus, this is an important announcement so please listen closely. Today we were informed that the current King, Alexander unleashed a new project that brought demons upon this world. We were informed that they could possibly be lurking throughout the city. From now on, Corbus will be on lockdown. Please stay in your homes or apartments and don't leave if it isn't necessary. We will keep you informed as we have a better understanding. Thank you."

"Seems like we're too late, he was already informed." said Leon.

"Well saves us time." said Lazarus.

"As long as they are informed, we should leave. There's no reason to waste time." said Leon.

"Hey guys!" said Alpine from a distance.

Alpine started walking toward them.

"What's wrong Alpine?" said Leon.

"Ah.. ah.." Alpine was panting from running.

"I wanted to tell you guys I am grateful for your warning." said Alpine.

"It's no problem." Leon said.

"We've just sent officers to take a look at Grim City and it's all just rubble." said Alpine.

"Yeah... we were there when it happened, these demons are soulless. They murdered the whole city." said Lazarus.

"That's why you need to make sure that everyone takes shelter, nobody should be out here roaming the streets. Don't make yourself a target." said Leon.

"It's easier said than done! What happens if they invade?" said Alpine.

"We will be actively patrolling Yanni, and if not us, there is an allegiance out there, they're all hero myths fighting back against the demons." said Lazarus.

"So there's more of you guys?" said Alpine.

"Absolutely we are all scattered throughout Yanni. We have to get going now. Good luck." said Lazarus.

"Thank you guys again." said Alpine

Lazarus and Leon both smiled and walked off toward the exit of Corbus. Lazarus exited Corbus with a new ability, an ability that was sent from the Soul Realm itself. Lazarus started to wonder why he was the chosen one.

"Hey Leon, who are the overseers of the Soul Realm?" said Lazarus.

"Nobody exactly knows... they are mysterious figures. One day you might even be called back to the Soul Realm, to join the association." said Leon.

"The association?" said Lazarus.

"Yep! The Soul Realm association, no normal soul gets to participate within it, only heroes like yourself. Maybe then you can see an overseer." said Leon.

Lazarus smiled as he knew that the Soul Realm was blessing him, he knew that no matter what there were people by his side. The loneliness eased off of him as he learned more and more about himself.

"Where are we off to?" said Lazarus.

"We're heading to Etris." said Leon.

"How do you know your way around so well?" said Lazarus.

"Hahahaha, when I was young all I would do is travel Yanni. I wanted to experience as much as I can. Of course, I loved my village and protected it, but as a monk, I saught out every city, town, or village in Yanni." said Leon.

"You're amazing, I strive to be like you teach'." said Lazarus.

Leon smiled, and they continued walking to the next town Etris.

"What is Etris like?" said Lazarus.

"Etris is a town that worked under King Alexander, they contain a secret organization that not many people know about. We will have to operate swiftly in this town, maybe even taking on the organization itself." said Leon.

"You want to take on a whole organization?" said Lazarus.

"It shouldn't be that bad, after all we went head first into the castle." Leon chuckled.

Meanwhile at the Great Castle of Yanni....

"He's not responding to me. Can you please check on him princess Lia?" said a mage.

"I guess I can try." said Princess Lia.

She knocked on the door rapidly. But still no answer.

"We should barge in, what if its an emergency?" said a mage.

"He won't like that, even if it's an emergency." Princess Lia said.

"Well whatever, I'll take the blame I'm barging in." said a mage.

The mage kicked the door open in one good kick. As the door creaked open it revealed King Alexander's dead body on the ground. There was dried blood throughout the entire room.

"What in the world!" screamed a mage.

Princess Lia gasped.

"The King is dead!" the mage screamed.

Princess Lia ran to his body, and though she hated King Alexander as well, she was thinking about what this meant for her status.

"What... happens now?" Princess Lia said nervously.

"Usually Prince Philip would be the next king but he was exiled. The royalty can't be passed to anybody! It's for the taking!" said a mage.

A voice from behind them

"Yes, it is for the taking."

Lia and the mage both turned to see who the voice was.

"I think that Pluto would be a great king, don't you think?" said Pluto.

They looked up at him as he towered over the two, though, the mage though that he was some kind of joke.

"And who are you? Some lowly demon myth? How about you go destroy another village you animal. You are no royalty." said the mage.

"You have some mouth on you." said Pluto as he grabbed the mage by the neck and held him high up in the air.

"You don't control me, and from now on, all of you will refer to me as king! I want an official ceremony by tomorrow night! Take this as a warning, you humans won't even scratch me!" said Pluto as he threw him to the ground causing the mage to crash into the floor below him.

"And as for you Princess Lia, you will remain here. Now get out of here." said Pluto.

Princess Lia ran as fast as she can out of the room.

Pluto grabbed King Alexander's dead body and ate it. The Demon King Pluto has no boundaries, he fears nobody. The new King of Yanni would be announced by the next night.

Back to Leon and Lazarus.....

"Hey Leon, did feel that just now? I'm having the chills walking through here." said Lazarus.

"Yes, stop moving for a moment. I feel someone's pressure." said Leon.