
Lazaro's smile

LAZ or Lazaro's Smile was born as a surreal project in order to grant a dying wish. The first fully embedded game, an RTS or Real Time Strategy game, where one could literally command his troops through a magnificent world. But with certain features: First, you start by selecting an animal. Second: every decision or act can transform your entire faction. And third but most important, there are two types of players, players and reincarnated players. Since Lazaro was created so that when you are about to die you can decide whether to send all your knowledge, memories and personality in a new virtual body, being part of the immortal war.

Verith · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Chapter 62. Bilmut

Bilmut's point of view

 "The chains sucked, months locked up in this claustrophobic prison, it was funny how it all happened, that itchy bastard, sick bastard."

 Pounding as hard as my ape bones can against the floor. "No tears of regret come out anymore, the screams of my subjects, the cries of them being taken away, women, old women and girls."

 "The pleas to release them had long since ceased, replaced with whispers of mercy to the death.

 I feel so helpless, all I did was trust the wrong person and everything I cared about.....

 Damn scum, not even my death is of any use, with every suicide all I get is to return to my stone, which is guarded by those stinging bastards, they don't even take me seriously.


 They only wait for me to die of hunger or thirst, with those mocking smiles they lock me up again, walking me in front of my captive limbs, amusing themselves with their desperation.

 This damned scum never has enough, their tortures or defilement is more and more frequent and worse, the count of the prisoners have been steadily declining, the messages of their deaths never cease to reach me.

 Ah... I want so much to die again..."

 My body no longer responds to me properly, the effort to release my frustration was sapping what little strength I have left, in a little while I will die again, but not the expected death no, just a repetition of the suffering.

 [A contract of Oathbearer has been initiated, this type of contract cannot be removed by normal means.]

 [He is offered to join as a vassal for eternity by the Abyss faction.]

 [In case of acceptance the conditions of "Slave", "Helpless", "Extreme Weakness", "Mental Corruption", "The Sinner" will be removed]

 [In case of acceptance you will be returned to your pre-decay race and new evolutionary decisions will be formed for you].

 [In case of acceptance you will be granted the conditions of "Eternal Vassal", "Liberated", "Sworn to:????]

 -What the hell?

 Who's here, show yourself?"- Although my voice echoes through the dark room, I see no movement, nothing at all.

 Damn, this has to be a joke of fate.

 What the hell is the Abyss faction, how can they even offer vassalage in this condition. No, there has to be a way they have made contact with me.

 The sharp pain in my stomach and weakness assaulted me again, dropping to the damp floor littered with my waste.

 Fine, fine, fine, fine, hahaha, fine, whoever you are, take my everything, I have nothing to lose, so use me however you want - Nothing can be worse than this, besides losing all debuffs and returning to my previous race of dune apes.

I accept - Smiling as I tear my lips apart biting them with what little strength I have left, there is no regret even if I sell my soul to hell itself.

 [The oath with the Guardians of the Abyss has been signed, your soul has been sealed in the Abyss under the guard of one of its guards].

 [The following choices are conferred upon you from the compatible guardians.]

A) Care for all B) Power C) Vengeance D) Knowledge of Magic E) Killing.

 " What a strange choice, I don't understand anything, neither who are the guardians, nor what effects the choice will have.... It's been a long time since I felt the sensation of curiosity, it seems that at last I'm not completely lost. I notice that my body loses all its extra weight, the damn conditions given by Marcus' itchy pig, for all this time of imprisonment, all have dissipated, my mind is free again".

 -Hahahahaha- My laughter echoes through the cell with impunity, light, I see light at the end of the tunnel.....

 "While most of these options seem worthy of my deepest desires to smash the damn weevil and all its progeny, I can't help but think of all my boys and girls, their screams, their tears, their desire to die for my incompetence, I owe them, my desire cannot be blinded by my situation, by my anger, no, this must not be the legacy of my people "

 I choose to take care of everyone -

 [Your faction has been sworn in with the guardian: Gea].

 [You must adapt your faction to the individuality of Gaea].

 [What will be your tribute to your lord].

A) Power B)Prosperity C) Knowledge D) Information E) Sanctity.

 "Another choice, very interesting. I have no idea what this so-called Lord needs, but I know I lack everything presented to me as an option.

Power, ha, if I had it I wouldn't be here trapped and rotting. Knowledge and information, another double ha, I lack all of it, I don't even know who he's subjecting me to and sorry, I have no religion either, so he can only offer me as labor, I only have B as an option."

 -I choose Prosperity-

 [You are granted traits commensurate with your tribute].

 [Your race must be adapted in a major bias].

 [Your body cannot resist race changes, the same goes for some members of your faction, all affected will be sent to your Life Stone and reborn for free].

 Hahahaha, so be it, let's see how we evolve, come on death, take me fast, I can not help but want to get away from this infectious cell and see the face of those itchy- itchy-.

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