
Lazaro's smile

LAZ or Lazaro's Smile was born as a surreal project in order to grant a dying wish. The first fully embedded game, an RTS or Real Time Strategy game, where one could literally command his troops through a magnificent world. But with certain features: First, you start by selecting an animal. Second: every decision or act can transform your entire faction. And third but most important, there are two types of players, players and reincarnated players. Since Lazaro was created so that when you are about to die you can decide whether to send all your knowledge, memories and personality in a new virtual body, being part of the immortal war.

Verith · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Chapter 60. The Queen's Battle

 With our roar, we crossed our units and crashed into the wave of enemies, groups of lizard men, more like an aquatic variant but of 3 meters, was breaking the line using its monstrous body and its sharp claws, which could tear the body of my subjects as if nothing.

 My trident struck the shoulder of the nearest one, he looked at me and screamed in fury, my trident had only managed to deepen a simple notch, a flesh wound.

 With his agro on me this being charged as if nothing, thrusting using his huge muscular body, like an enraged bull, charging without looking.

 His charge was swift, colliding with his allies and enemies, but given my mobility he was unable to reach me, although I am a queen, first and foremost, I am a warrior who has raised this kingdom from its foundations.

 Just as this being passed by my side, I swept my trident towards its heels, with another shout the creature stumbled and after that several soldiers used their weapons and a dozen wounds were chewed on its back, even so this monstrosity managed to reap a life just before I got to give it the last blow.

 This poor soldier was grabbed and gutted in one bite.

 She was still screaming, but in the end nothing, I couldn't help but stare at her for a second, this lamia was doomed to certain death.

 Such was war and she would not be the only one to suffer its consequences.

 Looking to the left I could see Leva along with Gong and several members of his clan, they were the closest thing to an elite unit in this group, they were all fighting and shielding each other, but meanwhile, the front line was visibly falling.

 Several soldiers were being continuously pierced, cut or crushed, even devoured.

 The tide was inexhaustible and we could not hold on, like soft rock against the swell.

 Without wasting any more time I launched myself against several enemies, in this case it was another group that broke the defensive line.

 Although we still held it, the monstrous units did not stop their frenzy, giving openings in our formations, like doors of a dam, leaving several enemies free way to enter and destroy us from inside.

 These enemies were not monstrous beings, soldiers in the form of anthropomorphic canines, their weapons were curved blades, like crescent moons attached to their fists, with which they quickly struck and slashed, much more flexible than swords but with much less range, but this group of canines were lethally synchronized.

 Under their teamwork and an enviable agility they were getting rid of several soldiers as if nothing and I could not allow that.

 Under a shout I lunged towards them.

 I attempted a thrust with my weapon, but it was dodged without much difficulty, while one of them dodged, another quickly attacked my left flank.

 I had to make a quick leap and tried to sweep with the trident, the result was that my weapon was stopped by their blades, after this a third canine tried an attack from behind.

 Without any hesitation I ducked and his blade only cut a little hair, the first one returned to the fight after dodging my first lunge, he went to cut me horizontally just as I ducked, I was able to stop him and push him back, but I was cornered at this point.

 The next moment the three canines were looking at me without making a move, waiting for a second of weakness while I aimed the trident at them.

 It was then that a fourth can entered into combat and lunged towards me, at that moment I did not hesitate and went straight towards it, if I went backwards they would besiege me from behind and if I went forward, the result would be the same, but I would have a chance to get one off my back and so it was.

 The canine seemed surprised by my daring movement and was pierced in the belly, but then his companions arrived and I could not avoid getting several cuts on my arms and torso, my armor covered my vital points, but as a woman brought to dexterity, I exposed areas to ensure its light weight and better mobility, especially in the belly and the intersections of the arms, the same for the legs.

 His cuts were not extremely deep, but his pain made carrying the trident dozens of times more difficult.

 When I managed to separate the trident from the victim, he was still breathing but could not get up due to the pain, he only had a slow death left.

 I quickly jumped to the side where no canine was near and approached some soldiers.

 They noticed me and the dogs and quickly pointed their guns and shouted in a small charge, the shouts were not necessary at the level of combat, but indispensable to face the imminent death.

 Under the attacks of the pair of soldiers, the canines were not as mobile and could not get into such an overwhelming advantage as before.

 That being the case, I was able to catch one just as it stopped the gun of one of the soldiers, just as they did to me, I punished their action, but in my case I ended up with my gun going through its throat.

 Using your two arms to stop a weapon in a multi-target combat was really a long shot.

 The other two looked at each other and seeing their dead comrade they went on a suicide attack, even being stabbed by our weapons they got close enough to kill the pair of soldiers.

 They had no fear of death and that was strange.

 To do such an act there were only several possibilities, their master was well loved or they were gamblers, but now was not the time to ask these questions, the battle continued and it was then that a spear pierced my shoulder, a sort of rat man, very short, was able to escape my sight and came to wound me.

 Just as this being's attack succeeded an arrow pierced his eye and killed him, I could see out of the corner of my eye Luneth with his bow, when we finish I will have to reward him well.

 Because of this wound I could no longer use my left shoulder, having lost almost all the strength to hold my weapon with this arm, rather rendering it useless.

 I couldn't help but grunt and begin to retreat, right now I am useless. I wish my race focused more on combat.

 Before long I could see Leva running towards me, she had several arrows stuck in her armor, even blood was coming out of some of them.

 -My queen, you have to retreat, you can't fight like this and if you die it will be a hard blow to our morale, for now withdraw with Mr. Hel - Although the pain was deep and I knew he was right, I could not help but look at him with a bad face, I want to keep fighting to defend my home, but my charge did not allow me to do so.

He grabbed my other shoulder and helped me back, the battle had only been going on for a few minutes, but I could already see our own falling, our ranks being destroyed one by one and my beloved subjects, friends and servants losing their lives.

 We need help or we will not be able to reciprocate their suffering or defend our home, we lack strength, we lack power?

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