
Lazaro's smile

LAZ or Lazaro's Smile was born as a surreal project in order to grant a dying wish. The first fully embedded game, an RTS or Real Time Strategy game, where one could literally command his troops through a magnificent world. But with certain features: First, you start by selecting an animal. Second: every decision or act can transform your entire faction. And third but most important, there are two types of players, players and reincarnated players. Since Lazaro was created so that when you are about to die you can decide whether to send all your knowledge, memories and personality in a new virtual body, being part of the immortal war.

Verith · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Chapter 48. The war begins

 Marcus left the room, amid sobs and curses.

 It fits him well, that nasty feathered bug.

 Although many wanted to kill him on the spot, both Gwen and I decided not to, the reason was simple, as an immortal, he would simply return to life where his stone is, this way he would immediately return to his city and could prepare the attack right away, but now he would have to swim and walk, at least until he reached the location he has in the forest and from there accelerate the preparations for the war, bring all the units, logistics, everything.

 We would only get a few hours, a day at most, but war can be decided by minutes, so it was valuable time.

 I could see Gwen getting a little nervous, irritated, enraged. Just to think of all the time she had to put up with the bird so that in the end, she would betray him, who wouldn't wish his death.

 - All my generals, today we will have an emergency meeting, the rest of the charges, prepare everything for the war, the battle will begin in a few days, I want the civilians ready, start stockpiling weapons, I want every soldier, guard and scout ready, every weapon sharpened and every armor repaired, no mistakes are allowed, for the lives of our friends and neighbors are at stake - With strong words, Gwen gave the relevant orders, as if shaking a beehive, everyone present began to get up from their seats and began to run from one side to another, today no one was going to sleep.

 She looked at me and I had to nod.

 - Good, I will give my support in any way I can - She nodded and gave a sincere, thank you.

 - Well, we'll have to move too - My men nodded and prostrated themselves.

 - Lint, in your case I have something to ask you, I want you to watch the door, we may need it in this battle - Lint understood immediately, although I know he does not like the idea of standing still in the middle of a battle, he would not disobey an order.

 - When you return, I will grant you anything in my power - He nodded and opened the portal to the abyss, before the astonished gaze of those present, he disappeared into the black mist and the terrible pressure.

 - Saun, you said there were slaves, right? - To which he nodded.

 - Yes my lord, they seemed to be monkeys with an affinity to the earth, they used them as tools to deforest, in addition to a deep mistreatment - Inside I was smiling and Irina seemed to understand my idea.

 - Relax my lord, I will go along with Saun, we will see to it that they are on our side in the next battle, the price of freedom is really tempting - I nodded, I loved this about my companions, they understood my thoughts and in many cases they were even deeper than mine, it was really good that they were so capable.

 - Balthazar, you will be able to learn from the runes, but you will have to wait to finish the next battle, in this war magic will not be used, we do not have any good ability against several targets, but I want that in case of losing, you prepare a good area of portals, to be able to extract the civilians - He nodded, although the very unfortunate was trembling with emotion, as he likes magic and learn this one.

 - Gea, you will continue as before, I want you to use your healing aura on the men so that they are as well prepared as possible before the battle - She nodded.

 - Gal, Pele, Velona and Lilith, help in the patrols, I don't want anything to escape us, the whole area from the forest to the sea, has to be guarded, up to the last centimeter.

 - Charon, in your case you will stay with me and help Balthasar to choose the best way for the civilians - I will not fail, my lord.

 Nodding, I started walking towards the war room, the others shot off for the sake of completing the imposed tasks, I just hope I have enough time to complete everything, above all, have that ace, if it arrives in time, I could be safer.

 She has already gone from the hatchling state has young adult, that over feeding of demon class beasts gave her a big boost in experience, making her grow quickly and reach her third stratum of growth and above all, becoming a demon class creature, but that also brings me something worried, having a demon class familiar is really powerful, but I have not obtained any kind of reward, I mean someone already has a creature of this classification, that is the power of an army of ten thousand, approximately.

 And that can end up being really terrible.

 I followed the path before and arrived at the war room, there were the generals arguing loudly.

 When they saw me they fell silent, at least for a moment before continuing with their bellowing.

 - We have to secure the gates, if we leave half the army inside and try quick battles, we will be able to defend ourselves and Marcus' men will not be able to attack us - that was the crab's thought.

 - Impossible, if they are able to outwit our forces or don't take the bait, they will pounce on the city, if they get to besiege it, we will lose - Leva was right.

 - So what, we go out and give our all in a battle, but if we lose it's over, or if they manage to redirect their army, we will also have lost - This was the moment that General Bull, refuted. 

 Gwen was silent but a vein in her forehead showed how furious and focused she was.

 At that moment, Luneth, who was ineffectively trying to stop the discussion and calm the atmosphere, seemed to reach a moment of enlightenment, looked at me and what I feared, she said.

 - Mr. Hel, what do you think? - Of course, they suddenly fell silent and looked at me with inquisitive eyes, damn it, this priestess kept getting me into trouble.

 - Mr. Hel, don't be afraid to speak your mind - Sure enough, Gwen also joined the party.

 Since I couldn't do anything else, I started thinking and came to a conclusion, we had to trick them and we would also have to use something really scary, although that's my specialty apparently.

 I cleared my voice and said.